Theology Chapter 3

  1. Freedom and Responsibility
    •Because we are made in ____ we have the power to ___ and ___.

    •We can search for ___.

    •We are the ____ of our own actions.
    We have the ability to ___.
    • God's image
    • think
    • choose
    • truth
    • masters
    • love
  2. Freedom and Responsibility

    • ____ makes us responsible for our ___ and ____.
    •How we use our freedom determines if we will ___ in ___or if we will ___.

    •____: denies that humans are free to choose.
    •Our faith does NOT agree with ____.
    • Freedom
    • choices
    • actions
    • grow
    • holiness
    • sin
    • determinism x2
  3. Kinds of freedom:
    ____ and _____

    ___: Freedom from factors outside of ourselves that threaten or destroy our power to make choices
    ___: Freedom from internal factors that limit our choices.
    • external
    • internal
    • external
    • internal
  4. Human freedom:
    Is not ___
    Is ____
    • absolute
    • limited
  5. Unlimited freedom is ____.
    ____ is: unbridled, excessive, undisciplined freedom that abuses true liberty
    License x2
  6. Abuses against Freedom:
    Abuse of Freedom = ___
  7. What are the limits of freedom?
    • Physical
    • Intellectual
    • Emotional
    • Experiential
    • Psychological
    • Social
  8. Limits of freedom:
    ___- Can limit our responsibility for some actions
  9. What are the impediments
    • Ignorance
    • Inadvertance
    • Duress
    • Inordinate Attachment
    • Fear
    • Habit
  10. Limits of Freedom:

    •___ practices such as ___ and ___ help us to gain freedom.

    •___: saying “no” to some wants in order to say “yes” to a greater want. Delaying ___ for a greater reward
    • spiritual
    • prayer
    • self denial
    • self denial
    • gratification
  11. _____
    With freedom comes ____

    •We are ____ for our actions.
    •We own our actions. (____)
    •We are responsible for the ____.
    • Responsibility
    • responsibility
    • accountable
    • imputable
    • consequences
  12. Emotions and Morality
    -Emotions are morally ____
    -___ need to be directed toward good
    -Use your ___ to direct your emotions
    -This makes one __
    • neutral
    • emotions
    • will
    • free
  13. What are emotions?
    Emotions, often called feelings, include experiences such as love, hate, anger, trust, joy, panic, fear, and grief.
  14. Emotions are related to, but different from, ___.
    Emotions are specific ___ to a particular event that are usually of fairly short ___.
    • mood
    • reactions
    • duration
  15. ____ is a more general feeling such as
    ______, ____, ____, ___, or ___ that lasts for a longer time.
    • Mood
    • happiness
    • sadness
    • frustration
    • contentment
    • anxiety
Card Set
Theology Chapter 3
Law as a Guide to Freedom