OB: Chap 13

  1. How is pregnancy calculated?
    Pregnancy is figured from the 1st day of the last menstrual period
  2. What is Nageles rule?
    a method of determining the estimated date of birth; after obtaining the 1st day of LMP, subtract 3 months and add 7 days
  3. How long is pregnancy?
    Approximately 40 weeks (38-42 is considered term)
  4. What is the nurses role in helping clients choose care providers?
    encourage clients to investigate care providers credentials, basic & special education & training, fee schedule and availability to new clients
  5. What does a birth plan do?
    • identify available options
    • communication tool for parents & providers
    • Specify options couples want to avoid
  6. Class conent for 1st trimester
    • Early gestational changes
    • self-care during pregnancy
    • fetal development, environmental dangers for the fetus
    • sexuality in pregnancy
    • birth settings & types of care providers
    • nutrition
    • rest & excercise suggestions
    • psychological changes during pregnancy
  7. Class content for 2nd & 3rd trimester (book)
    • preparation for birth process
    • postpartum self- care
    • birth choices (episiotomy, meds, fetal monitoring, enema)
    • relaxation techniques
    • infant stimulation
  8. Childbirth education empowers women to make informed choices in health care, to assume responsibility for their health & to trust their inner wisdom
  9. Goal: Birth is normal, natural & healthy
  10. Goal: The experience of birth profoundly affects women & their families
  11. Goal: Womens inner wisdom guides them through birth
  12. Goal: Women have the right to give birth free from routine medical interventions
  13. Technique: disassociation relaxation
  14. Technique: Controlled muscular relaxation
  15. Technique: breathing pattern
  16. Class Content: nutrition
    Lamaze & Bradley
  17. Class Content: Gestational Changes
  18. Class Content: breathing techniques
  19. Class Content: Labor & Birth techniques for easing pain
  20. Class Content: Positioning during labor
  21. To have the best, safest & most reqarding birth experience possible
  22. Goal: Natural childbirth
  23. Goal: active participation of husband as coach
  24. Goal: Breastfeeding beginning at birth
  25. Goal: Excellent Nutrition
  26. Technique: Working in harmony with your body using controlled breathing & deep abdominopelvic breathing
  27. Technique: Promoting general body relaxation
  28. Class content: Coachs role
  29. Class Content: Introduction to stages of labor
  30. Class Content: Birth Planning
  31. Class Conent: Variations & complications of labor
  32. Class Content: Postpartum preparation
  33. Class Content: Advanced 1st & 2nd Stage techniques
  34. Class Content: Preparation for your new family
  35. Body Conditioning Exercises
    • Pelvic Tilt
    • Pelvic Rock
    • Keagel Excercises
  36. Progressive relaxation
    Women leanrs how to tense and then relax one muscle group at a time
  37. Dissassociation Relaxation
    • used in lamaze & bradley
    • pattern of active relaxation in which the women learns to tighten one area of the body & then relax other areas simultaneously
  38. Effleurage
    • A light storking movement over the abdomen in a circle
    • it is used before the transitional phase of labor for mild to moderate pain
  39. What are other pain management techniques?
    • guided imagery
    • aromatherapy
    • meditation
    • music
    • warm water show or whirlpool
    • deep massage
  40. When should breathing techniques be taught?
    during the final trimester becausethe mothers attention is focused on the birth experience
  41. What are the 6 goals of breathing techniques?
    • provide adequate oxygenation of mother & baby
    • increase physical & mental relaxation
    • decrease pain & anxiety
    • provide a means of focusing attention
    • control inadequate ventilation patterns r/t pain & stress
    • provide sense of control
  42. How can the nurse support the clients with their common feelings of early pregnancy?
    • provide reassurance
    • encourage verbalization of feelings and fears
    • provide accruate information
    • identify sources of support
    • provide education
  43. What are the common symptoms that occur in the first trimester?
    • amenorrhea
    • urinary frequency
    • breast engorgement
    • nausea & vomiting
    • food aversions
    • Skin pigmentation changes
    • weight gain or weight loss
    • fatigue
    • nose bleeds
    • nasal congestion
  44. Why can external environmental threats lead to birth defects during the first trimester?
    The first trimester has a lot of rapid development. By 8 weeks all body organs are formed. Birth defects, anomalies, and abortions can occur very easily during this time due to the rapid devlopment
  45. How can you tell true labor from braxton hicks contractions?
    • True labor is marked by:
    • regular contractions
    • intervals between contractions shorten
    • contractions increase in duration or intensity
    • intensity increases with walking
    • interventions do not decrease or stop contractions
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OB: Chap 13
Chapter 13 from the 8th Ed. of Olds Maternal-newborn Nursing & womens health across the lifespan