Anat exam 1

  1. injury due to ankle inversion
    Anterior Talofibular
  2. Not involved in dorsiflexion of the foot
    Tibialis posterior
  3. Injured due to an excess eversion sprain
    Deltoid Lig
  4. primary blood supply to the head of the femur.
    Profunda Femoral artery
  5. affected by the paralysis of the deep peroneal nerve.
    Dorsiflexion of the foot
  6. innervated by the obturator nerve
    Chief adductors of the thigh
  7. The foot will be plantar flexed and inverted if
  8. common peroneal nerve is severed
  9. innervates the anterior compartment of the leg
    Deep peroneal nerve
  10. causes eversion of the foot
    Peroneus brevis
  11. Injury to the tibial nerve would cause
    inability to flex the toes
  12. Thrombus to the profundus femoris would not affect blood flow to the muscles that
  13. Hip flexion would not be affected by damage to
    the sacral plexis
  14. Radial Nerve injury would cause pt to be unable to
  15. extend the hand @ the wrist
  16. A fracture at the mid shift of the humerus would cause
    muscle weakness
  17. Damage to the long thoracic nerve would cause
    winging of the scapula
  18. Fracture of the supracondylar area of the humerus would compress the
  19. brachial artery
  20. Fractures of the surgical neck of the humerus would
    weaken the deltoid
  21. Radial deviation of hand and wrist when attempting to flex wrist and altered sensation in skin at hypothenar eminence could be from fracture of
    the medial epicondyle of the humerus
  22. “Clawing” of the 5th digit is caused by
    weakened lumbrical muscles
  23. Pain and paresthesia in the right hand w/ altered sensation on palmar aspects of index and middle fingers could lead to
  24. atrophy of the thenar eminence
  25. Front and back halves cut by
    longitudinal plane
  26. medial border of femoral triangle is
  27. lateral border of the adduction longus
  28. T/F Femoral N is not in the femoral sheath
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Anat exam 1
test review