Bio chaps34-38

  1. What are the Biotic Factors?
    • 1.Food Requirments (nutrients)
    • 2.Redators
    • 3.Camouflage
    • 4.Competition for room and for food
  2. Rain shadow
    air currents off the Pacific that hit one side of a mountain...the other side is dryer
  3. Factors that influence climate
    rain shadows,ocean current,latitude,altitude
  4. How climate is determined
    Amount of sunlight, appropreate tempature, water availabitlity
  5. Marine
    Salt Water
  6. Freshwater
    no salt
  7. Ecology
    is the study of the interactions of organisms with their enviroment
  8. biosphere
    includes ass living organisms on earth
  9. Ecosystems
    study the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors in a given area
  10. Communities
    consist of the interactions of all species in an ecosystem
  11. population
    organisms involves a group of members of the same species occupying a particular area
  12. Biotic
    factors include all living organisms
  13. Abiotic
    factors are the non-living partsof an ecosystems
  14. Biome
    is a major division of the ecological communities of earth generally characterized by distinctive vegetation
  15. Weather
    is the short term fluctuations of temperature, humidity, wind, and percipitation
  16. Climate
    concerns weather patterns that prevail from year to year
  17. Three major types of population distribution
    • clumped
    • uniform
    • random
  18. clumped
    social groups (stick together)
  19. uniform
    solitaire animals
  20. Random
    trees in rainforest
  21. Survivorships
    • stable species Survival
    • constant species survival
    • unstable species survival
  22. density independent factors
    wildfires,earthquakes,and floods
  23. density dependent factors
    disease, predators,competition for food
  24. coevolution
    two closlyrelated speices interact in such ways that evolution change over time by natural selection
  25. habitat
    what it eats, what eats it, the ecolgical that it is round and the abiotic factors where it is found
  26. competitive exclusion
    no two species can inhabit the same ecological niche at the same time one species will survive and prosper; the other will become extinct
  27. resource partitioning
    species with the same needs can live in the same place/species limiting their ecological niche
  28. keystone species
    species that changes its habitat t invole more species in the habitat
  29. symbiosis
    parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, amensalism
  30. the law of energy movement
    energy moves through an ecosystem in a continous one-way flow:therefore there must be a constant replacement from an outside source
  31. the law of nutrient movement
    nutrirnts constantly cycle and recycle through an ecosytem
  32. succession
    periods of a gradual change as more more complex ecosytems develop
  33. primary
    no loiotic #'s at all
  34. secondary
    pioneer species opportunistic
  35. climax communites
    can live for 100's of years if not disturbed
  36. biolgical magnification
    toxins become more consin traitedas they move up the trophic level
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Bio chaps34-38