
  1. What is a molecule preeminent in lipid metabolism?
  2. What are Triacyl glycerols (TAG)?
    They are digested in the lumen of the small intestine to form fatty acid and monoacyl glycerol.
  3. What do Enterocytes combine to from chlymicrons (large, low-density lipoproteins)?
    TAGs, cholesterol, phospholipids and proteins
  4. What are the body's primary lipid storage depot?
  5. How many ATP are formed from stearic acid?
  6. What is an excess of ketone bodies called?
  7. What is fatty acid synthase?
    The enzyme responsible for synthesis
  8. What is the end product of fatty acid synthesis?
    Palmitate with 16 carbons
  9. What are the 6 steps of fatty acid synthesis?
    • Priming
    • Malonyl Transfer
    • Condensation
    • First Reduction
    • Dehydration
    • Second Reduction
  10. What are the 2 sites for chain lengthening?
    • Endoplamic Reticulum - malonyl-CoA
    • Mitochondria - acetyl- CoA
  11. What is the key enzyme for cholesterol synthesis?
    HMG-CoA reductase
  12. What is the precursor to all steroid hormones?
  13. What are low and high density lipoproteins?
    • Low- deposit cholesterol in arteries
    • High - good cholesterol
  14. What is the essential feature of photosynthesis?
    Absorption of light by specialized pigment molecules.
  15. What harvests light or protect against ROS?
  16. What is the inner space of chloroplasts called?
  17. What is the third membrane of the chloroplast called?
  18. What happens in Photosystem I?
    Donation of energized electrons to electron carries in thylakoid membrane
  19. What happens in photosystem II?
    Oxidize water and donate electrons to electron carriers that reduce photosystem I
  20. What is Quantum Theory?
    Molecules absorb energy only in specific amounts called quanta
  21. What is it called when a molecule's excited state emits a photon of a longer wavelength than that of the photon absorbed?
  22. In what is energy transferred to a neighboring molecule?
    resonance energy transfer
  23. What happens radiationless decay?
    The excited molecule returns to the ground state by releasing heat
  24. What is photophosphorylation?
    Conversion of light energy into redox energy by chloroplast
  25. What is the Calvin Cycle?
    The process in which CO2 is incorporated into carbohydrates in the stroma
  26. What is the compensation point?
    rates of CO2 fixation and release are equal
  27. What is rubisco?
    The key regulatory enzyme for CO2 fixation
  28. Why is Nitrogen is very important?
    Its found in major organic molecules that make essential biomolecules
  29. What is transamination?
    The process of converting alpha amino acid to alpha keto acid
  30. What are alkaloids?
    Basic nitrogen containing chemicals found in plants
  31. What is a nucleoside?
    compound in which DNA/RNA base forms a glycosidic link to sugar molecule
  32. What is a nucleotide?
    The repeating unit of DNA or RNA polymer
  33. What is heme?
    one of the most complex molecules found in mammalian cells
Card Set
Quiz 3