
  1. _____________ is the absence of disease and the presence of optimal functioning?
  2. What model was the curative approach where illness was seen as pathological and something of which the health care provider worked to rid, heal or cure the patient of?
    The medical model
  3. The medical model is a paternalistic, ____-way channel of communication between the powerfully dominant and more knowledgeable health care provider and the submissive and uneducated pt or family.
  4. The growth of diverse cultures or increased cultural diversity
  5. The belief during past centuries that the healthcare provided was "in everyone's best interest and by far superior to all"
  6. During the ____ _____ the nurse assesses for signs of illness, diagnoses alterations in health, determines interventions to restore health, conceptualizes a targeted health outcome moving away from illness, and evaluates the tx plan for nurse-determined modifications.
    Nursing process
  7. ____________ is changing from a linear beginning to end process to a more circular or spiral process
    Health-wellness continuum
  8. The nurse-patient relationship is now a ___ process formed to motivate the pt or family toward promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health; health potential; prevention of illness; and self-care.
  9. Nursing ____ is the art of nursing, low-tech, high touch artistry of caring that strengthens pt's confidence in his/her ability to manage the healing process, make change, or master the threatening health event.
    Nursing aesthetics
  10. ______ transpersonal care has evolved from the simple nursing basics of providing treatment-driven, high-technology-centered care. It is an opportunity for the family-child nurse to utilize the nursing process in a new way.
    Engaging transpersonal care
  11. The ____ ____ was developed as a framework of systemic problem solving and actions to be used by nurses in identifying, preventing, or treating the individual health needs of pts.
    Nursing process
  12. Hospitals and third-party payers responded to increasing costs in a # of ways that included: managed care systems and the development of alternative settings for health care delivery such as _____.
    Acute care hospital stays. These are now being tx in ambulatory settings and the community-based health care service sector is almost limitless.
  13. Placing family relationships, their coping mechanisms, values, priorities, and perceptions at the center of the pt's health care needs is the essence of ___-_____ care.
    Family-centered care. It also requires sensitivity to the beliefs, values and customs of each family member and those of their supporting culture or community. The role of the family-centered nurse is to facilitate and assist the family in making informed choices toward the outcome the pt and family desires.
  14. Cultural ____ is learning, recognizing, and comprehending that these cultural factors are what shape a family's perception of their health and health-related events.
    Cultural sensitivity
  15. Cultural _____ is when the nurse must be open and receptive to gaining awareness and respect of these cultural influences.
    Cultural competence
  16. What is the focus of these low-tech, high touch, noninvasive, non intrusive and nontraditional interventions is to support the family and child's whole mind, body, energy, environment, and spiritual healing? Ex: Guided imagery, aroma therapy, meditation, and acupuncture.
    CAM (complementary and alternative health care/medicine)
  17. ______-based practice is built on the premise that interventions need to be questioned, examined and confirmed or refuted in their ability to support healthy outcomes. Ex include: ANA, NANN, AWHONN, NAPNAP.
    Evidence-based practice.
  18. Professional nursing roles include:
    • *Teacher-by helping them gain knowledge and skills about the health risk affecting them, and of behaviors that can assist in accomplishing the health outcome they desire.
    • *Collaborator- vital role where two way dialog and sharing of information between the pt and nurse of both personal and health related problems and solutions.
    • *Provider of care- by using the NANDA International Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), the nurse is able to evaluate more clearly associations between interventions and outcomes.
  19. ____ transcends language, customs, and cultural is universal. It provides trust, a sense of empowerment, and communication.
  20. _____ ______'s model of nursing encouraged a focus on the spiritual, physical/environmental, emotional, mental, and social needs of the pt and is known as a holistic view of the pt. First to focus on pt instead of illness.
    Florence Nightingale
  21. ____ _____ contends that caring as a nurse demands that attention be given not only to the body but also to the soul and spiritual dimensions of the pt and family. If your 'I' and 'Me' are in harmony you are in a state of health, if they are in conflict you have disease, and harmony is the cure. Where the 'I' is the ideal self and the 'Me' is the current self that is living the experience.
    Jean Watson
  22. ____ _____ also believes that caring is the core value of nursing. "Caring is essential for curing, but curing is not essential for caring." She was the first to see caring and culture as embedded with each other; you cannot have one without the other.
    Madeleine Leininger
  23. _____ addresses the meaning of life, including the present as being experienced, the past, and the future. It entailed learning about a pt's and one's own perceived weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and mortality and where the power lies to transcend or accept them. It is separate from religion.
  24. ____ ____ is the precise, disciplined thinking that promotes accuracy and depth of data collection and seeks to clearly identify the problems, risks, and issues at hand. The purpose is to always make the best clinical judgment possible.
    Critical thinking
  25. Two goals for Healthy People 2010:
    • *To increase the quality and years of a healthy life
    • *To eliminate health disparities within america's population
  26. ____ prevention is the most desirable level that encompasses health promotion as well as activities specifically meant to prevent disease from occurring. Ex: teaching children and workers proper hand hygiene to prevent illness.
  27. ____ prevention refers to early identification and prompt tx of a health problem before it has an opportunity to spread or become more serious. Ex: screening and isolating children who develop signs and symptoms of infection to prevent the spreading.
  28. ____ prevention is intended to restore health to the highest functioning state possible. Ex: administering fluids and antibiotics, encouraging rest.
  29. ___ ____ babies are 2x more likely to have low birth weight and 21/2 x more likely to die during the first year of life than European babies.
    African American
  30. ____ is 3x higher in American Indian and Alaska native babies than in European American babies.
    SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
  31. _____ disease is the leading cause of death in the US, but it is declining due to healthy lifestyles and cholesterol lowering meds.
  32. _____ is the statistical analysis of the distribution and determinants of disease in populations over time.
  33. Mortality refers to...
  34. Morbidity refers to...
  35. With an aging population comes more _____ illnesses
  36. Some ex of disparity in healthcare include:
    The extra burden carried by certain racial, ethnic, gender, and age groups for different health problems.
  37. ____ rates of infant mortality in the past century allowed health care prof to move forward beyond infant survival and focus on prevention and early intervention with children's health.
  38. ___ ___ supplements help prevent birth defects such as neural tube defects (spina bifida).
    Folic acid
  39. ____ are substances that adversely affect normal cellular development in the embryo/fetus. Ex: Alcohol, tobacco.
  40. ____ ____ are the 3rd leading cause of death in children 1-4 yo and 15-19 yo
    Homicidal assualts
  41. ____ exposure is an example where early intervention and teaching can have a positive impact on a child's health.
  42. ____ is the most common reason for children missing school and also the #1 reason for pediatric emergency room visits.
  43. The top three leading causes of death in women:
    • 1. Heart disease
    • 2. Cancer
    • 3. Cerebral vascular disease
  44. National statistics reveal that over the past 20 years, there has been ___ decline in the number of pregnancy-associated deaths.
  45. ____ targets pregnant women, infants, and children age 5 or younger, who are nutritionally at risk and provides supplemental nutritious foods and nutrition counseling and education.
    Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program
  46. The Newborn and Mothers Health Protection Act was passed to ensure
    That mothers and their newborn babies can remain in the hospital for at least 48 hrs after a vaginal birth and 96 hrs following a C-section.
  47. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) permits
    American workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year from their jobs for recovery from serious illness or to provide care for a sick family member.
  48. The "gray gap" refers to
    seniors who do not use Internet technology
  49. The three types of abuse for children:
    • 1.Physical
    • 2.Neglect
    • 3.Sexual violence
  50. _____ refers to the ability for specialists to receive information and make dx about a pt. Ex: digital photos being sent via internet or phone.
Card Set
ch. 1-3, 20-22