Kinesiology Test 4

  1. Functions of the (anterior or posterior) vertebrae include: weight bearing, shock absorpion, allow motions of the spinal column and trunk in all cardinal planes, and protection of anterior aspect of spinal cord.
  2. Functions of the (anterior or posterior) portion of the vertebrae include the following: guides and limits rotation, and elongated processes increase leverage of muscles that attach to spinal column.
  3. ___ cervical vertebrae
    ___ thoracic vertebrae
    ___ lumbar vertebrae
    ___ sacrum (fused)
    ___ coccyx (fused)
    • 7
    • 12
    • 5
    • 5
    • 3-5
  4. _____ _____: forms circle around the spinal cord, forms intervertebral foramen for exiting spinal nerves.
    _______: attach the arch to vertebral body: between the body and the transverse process.
    _______: posterior portion of arch, between the transverse process and spinous process.
    • vertebral arch
    • pedicles
    • laminae
  5. Intervertebral discs are between each pair of vertebral bodies except ___ and ___/
    C1 and C2
  6. ______ _______ ______: broad, dense, strong ligament that attaches to the anterior vertebral bodies and the annulus fibrosis from C2 to the sacrum.
    Anterior Longitudinal Ligament
  7. _______ ________ _______: continuous band of tissue that extends along posterior aspect of vertebral bodies withing vertebral canal from C1 to the sacrum.
    Posterior longitudinal ligaments
  8. If facets align with sagittal plane, then primary motions are flexion and extension, which occurs mostly in the ____ spine.
  9. If the facets align with the frontal plane, then primary motion is lateral flexion, which occurs mostly in the _____ spine.
  10. The quadratus lumborum elicits lateral flexion of the trunk on the (same or opposite) and hip hike.
  11. ______ ______: acts like a girdle to flattent the abdominal wall and stabilize the lower spine.
    Transverse Abdominus
  12. _____ ____: unilateral contraction causes trunk rotation to the opposite side and bending to the same side.
    bilateral contraction stabilizes trunk to allow hip motion.
    External obliques
  13. _______ _______: unilateral contraction causes lateral flexion and rotation to the same side. Bilateral contraction causes flexion of the trunk.
    Internal obliques
  14. What bones compose the acetabulum?
    ilium, ischium, and pubis
  15. _________: part of the pelvis where the ilium, ischium, and pubis intersect; socket of the hip joint into which the head of the femur sits.
  16. Which three ligaments in the hip work together to limit extension and hyperextension?
    iliofemoral, ischiofemoral, and pubofemoral ligament
  17. What three factors make the hip joint stable?
    • bony configuration
    • strong capsule
    • reinforcing ligaments
  18. Describe the open-pack postion of the hip joint:
    moderate flexion, mid-range lateral rotation, slight abduction
  19. Describe the closed pack position of the hip joint:
    • end range extension
    • medial rotation
    • slight abduction
  20. Anterior pelvic tilt causes hip ____ and lumbar ____.
    • flexion
    • extension
  21. Posterior pelvic tilt causes hip ____ and lumbar ____.
    • extension
    • flexion
  22. What are the joints of the knee?
    • tibiofemoral
    • patellofemoral
  23. The tibiofemoral joint has how many degrees of freedom?
    • 2
    • flexion/extension
    • distraction
  24. Describe the open and close pack postions of the tibiofemoral joint.
    • Open= 25 degrees or greater of flexion
    • Closed= full extension
  25. Describe the screw home mechanism of the tibiofemoral joint:
    the femur rotates medially
  26. The medial collateraql ligament stabilizes against (valgus or varus) forces and medial-lateral rotations.
  27. The lateral collateral ligament limits (valgus or varus) motions.
  28. What are the two functions of the patellofemoral joint?
    • increase angle of application adn moment arm of quadriceps tendon
    • protect quadriceps tendon during flexion
  29. Increased Q angle of the quadriceps muscle causes increased (medial or lateral) pull on the patella?
  30. The patella glides (proximally or distally) on femur during flexion, and recoils (proximally or distally) during extension.
    • distally (close pack postion)
    • proximally (open pack postion)
  31. Name the four muscles of the quadriceps group:
    rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius
  32. For the rectus femoris, what postion would cause passive insufficiency?
    active insufficiency?
    • hip extension, knee flexion
    • hip flexion, knee extension
  33. What position would result in passive insufficiency of hamstrings?
    active insufficiency?
    • hip flextion, knee extension
    • hip extension, knee flexion
  34. ______: provides final IR of femur (or ER of tibia) as knee reaches full extension.
  35. _____ _____: insertion fo the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus.
    pes anserinus
  36. how many degrees of freedom does the talocrural joint have?
    1 (dorsiflexion, plantarflexion)
  37. The lateral ligaments of the ankle prevent what?
  38. What do the medial ligaments of the ankle prevent? Are they (stronger or weaker) than the lateral ligaments?
    • eversion
    • stronger
  39. Descibe the open and closed pack postion of the talocrural joint?
    • closed pack- dorsiflexion
    • open pack- plantarflexion
  40. The subtalar joint has how many degrees of freedom? In what planes and axises?
    • 1
    • pronation/suppination: frontal/ap
  41. Describe the open and closed pack postion of the subtalar joint?
    • open-pack postion: pronation
    • closed-pack postion: suppination
  42. pronation is dominated by (concentric or eccentric) contraction?
    suppination is dominated by (concentric or eccentric contraction?
    • eccentric= pronation
    • concentric= suppination
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Kinesiology Test 4
Kinesiology Test 4