Ch. 22 Pharmacology

  1. adverse reaction
    body's reaction to a drug in an unexpected way tha tmay endanger a patietn's health and safety
  2. bacteriostatic
    stopping or controlling the growth of bacteria
  3. chemotherapy
    treatment of diseases by using drugs that have a specific deadly effect on disease- causing microorgansims
  4. controlled substances
    drugs that have potential for abuse
  5. controlled substance act
    federal law concerned with the manufacture, distribution, and dispensing of controlled substances
  6. cumulation
    drug level begins to accumulate in the body with repeated doses because he drug is not completely excreted from the body before another dose is administered
  7. drug effect
    describes the change that takes place in the body as a result of the drug action
  8. first-dose effect
    undesired effect of a medication that occurs within 30-90 minutes after administration of the first dose
  9. idiosyncrasy
    unusual, inappropriate response to a drug or to the unusal effective dose of a drug
  10. intradermal medication
    medication inserted just beneath the epidermis, using a syringe and needle
  11. maintenance dose
    dose of a medication that will keep the concentration of the medication in the bloodstream at the desired level
  12. package insert
    information leaflet placed inside the container or package of prescription drugs
  13. parenternal medication
    any route of administration not involving the gastrointestinal tract,
  14. pharmacodynamics
    study of how drugs interact in the human body
  15. potency
  16. potentiation
    effect that occurs when two drugs administered together produce a more powerful response than the sum of their individual effects
  17. standards
    rules that have been estabilished to control the strength, quality, and purity of medications prepared by various manufacturers
  18. systemic effect
    generalized response to a drug by the body. the grug has widespread influence on the body because it is absorbed into the bloodstream
  19. therapeutic dose
    dose of a medication taht achieves the desired effect
  20. anesthetic
    partially or completely numbs or eliminates sensitivity with or without loss of consciousness
  21. antiarrhythmic
    corrects cardiac arrhythmias
  22. antiemetic
    prevents or relieves nausea and vomiting
  23. anti-infective
    stops or ocntrols the growth of infection-causing microorganisms
  24. antineoplastic
    prevents the development, growth, or reproduction of cancerous cells
  25. antitussive
    relieves cough due to various casuses
  26. a.c.
    before meals
  27. ad lib
    as desired
  28. b.i.d.
    twice daily
  29. C
  30. c (line over it)
  31. caps
    capsule, capsules
  32. DEA
    drug enforcement administration
  33. elix
  34. F
  35. FDCA
    food, drug, and cosmetic act
  36. g
  37. gr, Gr
  38. gt., gtt
    drop, drops
  39. h, hr
  40. h.s.
    hour of sleep (bedtime)
  41. ID
  42. IM
  43. ISMP
    institute for Safe Medication Practices
  44. mEq
  45. n.p.o, NPO
    nothing by mouth
  46. p (line over it)
  47. p.c. or pc
    after meals
  48. p.o, po, or PO
    by mouth
  49. prn
    as needed
  50. q
  51. qid
    four times a day
  52. qs
    quantitiy sufficient
  53. s (line over it)
  54. sig
    write on label (let it be labeled)
  55. SL
  56. sos
    if necessary
  57. supp
  58. tid
    three times a day
  59. ung, oint
  60. USP/NF
    united states pharmacopeia/national formulary
  61. VO
    verbal order
  62. x
    times, multiplied by
Card Set
Ch. 22 Pharmacology
CLC HIT 111 Medical terminology