SAT List A11.txt

  1. authoritarian
    (n) [€ thor € tar e €n] a person who supports the principle of subjection to au­thority instead of individual freedom. The rebel colonel claimed he took over the government in the name of democracy, but we knew he intended to establish an authoritarian regime.
  2. clandestine
    (adj) [klan des t€n] secret. Diplomats are fond of clandestine meetings, away from the prying eyes of reporters.
  3. debilitate
    (v) [di bil € tat] weaken. The cruel jailer starved his prisoners in order to debilitate them to the point they would be too weak to resist his questioning.
  4. disperse
    (v) [dis purs] to send off in different directions. It took several days of steady winds to disperse the cloud of smoke which remained after the Los Angeles fires.
  5. esoteric
    (adj) [es € ter ik] understood by only a select few. The works of James Joyce are considered too esoteric to use in a high school class, but Ms. Leadingham knows his students will be able to understand and enjoy his writing.
  6. fortuitous
    (adj) [for too € t€s] happening by chance. Wally’s fortuitous meeting with Mr. Berman in the restaurant helped to bring about an agreement between the union and the management.
  7. hauteur
    (n) [ho tur] arrogance, haughtiness in bearing and attitude. Arrogant to the end, Charles I showed the same hauteur on his execution day that had alienated his supporters.
  8. heterogeneous (adj) [het er € je ne es] consisting of or involving parts that are unlike. Dis­similar. The heterogeneous character of New York’s boroughs makes it possible, for example, to dine at seven different ethnic restaurants within walking distance of each other.
  9. implicit
    (adj) [im plis it] understood, if not directly stated; inherent although not expressed. Suspicion was implicit in the tone of questioning Mother used when she thought we were misbehaving.
  10. impugn (v) [im pyoon] to oppose or attack as false; criticize; refute. The defense attorney tried without success to impugn the testimony of the expert witness so the jury would doubt his evidence.
  11. incipient
    (adj) [in sip e ant] in an early stage. In an attempt to ward off the incipient rebel­lion, the government ordered a ten per cent increase in the wages of all workers.
  12. occult
    (adj) [€ kult] dealing with the supernatural; mysterious; secret. As a student of the occult Claire regarded many ordinary occurrences as mysterious messages from the unknown.
  13. perceptive
    (adj) [per sep tiv] discerning; observant; sensitive. Aunt Harriet was perceptive to her niece’s anxiety, and reassured her that her mother would be returning soon.
  14. savory
    (adj) [sa ver e] pleasing to the taste or smell; pleasant; morally attractive. Julia Child can concoct a most savory dish out of the simplest ingredients.
  15. temerity
    (n) [te mer € te] rashness; foolish or reckless boldness. Only Albert had the temerity to challenge the bully while the rest of us cringed in terror.
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SAT List A11.txt
SAT List A-11 November