ch 33 Radiography

  1. Refers to the tissues that invest and support the teeth, such as the gingiva and alveolar bone
  2. the normal anatomic landmarks of alveolar bone (3)
    • lamina dura
    • alveolar crest
    • periodontal ligament space
  3. appearance of healthy lamina dura
    dense radiopaque line
  4. appearance of healthy periodontal ligament space
    thin radiolucent line between the root of the tooth and lamina dura
  5. appearance of healthy alveolar crest
    located 1.5-2 mm apical to the CEJs of adjacent teeth
  6. means "around a tooth"
  7. refers to a group of diseases that affects the tissues around the teeth
    periodontal disease
  8. Range of periodontal disease
    superficial inflammation of the gingiva to teh destruction of the supporting bone and periodontal ligament
  9. how should gingival tissues appear with perio?
    • swollen
    • red
    • bleeding
    • soft tissue pockets
  10. which exams are necessary to detect periodontal disease
    clinical and radiographic
  11. clincal exams evaluate...
    radiographs evaluate..
    • soft tissue
    • bone
  12. clinical exam performed by?
    dentist and dh
  13. a thorough clinical assessment must include
    periodontal probing
  14. dental radiographs indicate what about periodontal disease? (3)
    • pattern,
    • distribution
    • severity
  15. film of choice for the evalutaion of periodontal disease
    periapical radiograph
  16. which technique is prefered for perio
  17. why is paralleling prefered?
    hight of crestal bone is accurately recorded in relation to the tooth
  18. which areas are particularly difficult to evalute for perio disease in a radiograph?
    buccal and lingaul
  19. area between roots of multirooted teeth?
    furcation area
  20. What does a radiograph allow you to view about bone loss?
    amount of bone remaining, not amount lost
  21. Bone loss can be described in terms of (3)
    • pattern
    • distribution
    • severity
  22. the pattern of bone loss viewed on a radiograph can be dexreibed as? (2)
    • horizontal
    • veritical
  23. bone loss occures in a plane parallel to the CEJs of adjacent teeth
    horizontal bone loss
  24. bone loss does not occur in a plane parallel to the CEJs of adjacent teeth
    verical bone loss
  25. vertical bone loss is alos known as?
    angular bone loss
  26. distribution of bone loss seen on a dental radiograph can be described as? (2)
    • localized
    • generalized
  27. occures in isolated areas, with less than 30% of sites involved
  28. bone loss occues evenly thoughout the dnetal arches with more than 30% of sites involved
  29. severity of bone loss can be viewed on a dental radiograph as (3)
    • slight
    • moderate
    • severe
  30. severity of bone loss is measured by the?
    lincical attachment loss (CAL)
  31. measurement of CAL
    CEJ to base of suclus or pocket
  32. what must be considered when determining the CAL (2)
    • gingival overgrowth
    • recession
  33. How many mm for slight, moderate, or severe
    • slight:1-2 mm
    • moderate:3-4 mm
    • severe: 5mm or greater
  34. used to provide a framework to study clinical findings and treatment of disease
    classfication of Periodontal disease
  35. Perio disease can be classified by the ADA as?
    • Case Type I (gingivitis)
    • case type II (mild or slight periodontitis)
    • case type III (moderate periodontitis)
    • case type IV (advanced or severe periodontitis)
  36. Describe ASA type I
    Bone loss?
    crestal lamina dura?
    clinically: bleeding?
    • no bone loss (alveolar crest is 1-2 mm apical to the CEJ)
    • crestal lamina dura is present
    • bleeding may or may not be present
  37. Describe ASA type II
    Bone loss?
    crestal lamina dura?
    clinically: bleeding?
    • bone loss. alveolar bone level approx 3-4 mm
    • lamina dura unclear and fuzzy
    • horizontal bone loss seen
    • bleeding may occur on porbing
    • pocket depths resulting from attachment loss may be present
    • localized areas of recession
  38. Describe ASA type III
    Bone loss?
    crestal lamina dura?
    clinically: bleeding?
    • horizontal or vertical bone loss may be present
    • may be localized or generalized
    • alveolar bone level is about 4-6mm
    • apical to the CEJs of adjacent teeth
    • Clinically, pocketing and attachement loss is evident up to 6mm
    • recession, furcation involvement areas and slight mobility may also be present
  39. Describe ASA type IV
    Bone loss?
    crestal lamina dura?
    clinically: bleeding?
    • may be horizontal or vertical
    • alveolar bone level is 6 mm or greater from teh CEJ
    • furcation involvement is readily viewed on poterior radiographs
    • pocket depts adn attachement loss are grater than 6mm
    • furcation involvment and mobility are more severe
  40. 3 risk factors for perio
    • meds
    • tobacco
    • diabetes
  41. important in the management and treatment of perio disease
    • id
    • detection
    • elimination
  42. dental radiographs play a major role in the detection of local irritants such as? (2)
    • calculus
    • defective restorations
  43. stonelike concretion that forms on the crowns ad roots of teeth due to the calcification of bacterial plaque
  44. act as potential food traps and lead to the accumulation of food debris and bacterial deposites
    defective restorations
  45. radiographs allow the dental professional to identify restorations with (5)
    • poor contour
    • open or loose contacts
    • uneven marginal ridges
    • overhangs
    • inadequate margins
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ch 33 Radiography