What is Rhinnorrhea?
Perfused, nasal drainage (runny nose)
Complications of a cold'?
Secondary complications--sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia
What is coryza?
cold like symptoms?
What influenza virus is most common?
What is the incubation period
What does it cause for the respiratory epithelium?
Influenza A virus
18-72 hrs
What are some manifestations of influenza?
Diagnostic tests?
same as common cold plus nassopharyngeal inflammation
chest x ray, wbc
Treatment for influenza?
Amantadine, symtril, rimanadina (flumadine)
sinusitis, otitismedia, tracheobronchitis
What is a complication of a URI or influenza?
What is the most causative agents?
streptococci, staphylococci, haemophilus influenzae
Manifestations of sinusitis
- pain
- dental infections can work way up
- headache, fever, malaise
Treatment for sinusitis
- antibiotics for at least 2 weeks
- decongestants
- mucolytic agents (break mucous bonds)
- analgesics
- periorbital abcess
- can lead to brain absess
- can lead to hearing loss and sepsis
upper pharynx tonsils=
side tonsils=
pharyngeal tonsils or adenoids
palantine tonsils
bact has high fever and sudden onset
viral has low fever and slow onset
Pharyngitis and tonsilitis
What tests for phary. and tonsil.?
strep tests
can lead to heart and kidney issues
Strep treatment?
Incision and Drainage
What to do for a tonsillectomy?
- Keep pt on side
- when awake, semi fowlers
- make sure kids don't clear throat
- no milk
- nothing red
7-10 days scab comes off and may bleed again
Complications of phar and tonisl?
glomerulonephritis (7-10 days after infection)
rheumatic fever (3-5 weeks after infection)
Acute rhinitis?
chronic rhinitis?
caused by virus--early fall and spring-- contagious 2-3 days after exposure
result of repeated infections or prolonged effects of allergy
dustmites, trees, dander, weeds, etc
What is the main cause of Epilottitis?
H. influenza
day or two of sore throat, may have dyspnea, sudden inspiratory stridor with sudden fever
Laryngitis treatment
need even temps. steam helps.
Treatment of Diptheria?
strict isolation, antioxidants, antibiotics
Treatment for Pertussis?
Treatment for Nasal trauma or surgery
reduction of fracture, rhinoplasty
Complications of nasal trauma or surgery
hematom, septal deviation, tear in dora(??) CSF leak
If dripping clear, see if + for glucose. if it is, then its CSF
What is some post op care for a deviated septum?
nasal tampon, fowlers, analgesics, mouth care
will lose smell for a week or so
SMR for deviated septum=
sub mucosal reduction
Manifestations of Nasal Polyps?
rhinnorrhea, loss of smell, "nasal voice"
laser. have nasal tampon.
What is the etiology for laryngeal obstruction?
edema, foreign body, head of neck trauma, aspiration, laryngospasm
coughing and choking, dyspnea, stridor
Remove obstruction
Manifestations of laryngeal trauma?
crepitus, voice change, inspiratory stridor, hemoptysis
Risk factors of obstructive sleep apnea?
age, obesity, large neck circum., alcohol, CNS depressents
Secondary effects of obstructive sleep apnea?
Day time sleepiness, impaired intellect, memory loss, personality changes, heart disease
Some of the above plus headache and loud snoring
EEG (electroencephalogram)
Laryngeal begign tumors etiology?
Risk factors of melignant tumors?
people who shout, smoke, and have hoarse voices
people who smoke, consue alc, poor nutrition, HPV, expose to asbestos
Manifestations of larygeal tumors? (three things)
Glottic-- changes in voice and hoarsness
Supraglottic-- painful swallowing, sore throat, feel lump in throat
Subglottic-- airway obstruction
Treatment for malignant tumors
- radiation therapy (early cancer)
- chemotherapy (combination with r. therapy)
- surgery
- partial laryngectomy-- voice preserved (half of larynx removed)
- total laryngectory-- speech is lost (larynx, epiglottis, thyroid cart., hyoid bon, and several tracheal rings removed)
- radical neck dissection-- if cervial lymp nodes are done
Nursing care for tumor surgery
suction and trache care, communications are huge, soft food is best