MGT 205 Ch. 11/13

  1. Motivation
    Psychological forces that determine the direction of a person's behavior in an organization, a person's level of effort, and a person's level of persistence.
  2. Motivation Equation
    Employees are motivated to give their high performance inputs (time, effort, skills, ect.) because they obtain the outcomes they desire (pay, job security, responsibility, improving the lives of others, ect.)
  3. Intrinsically motivated behavior
    Behavior that is performed for its own sake; the source of motivation is actually performing the behavior, and motivation comes from doing the work itself.
  4. Extrinsically motivated behavior
    Behavior that is performed to acquire material, social rewards, to to avoid punishment; the sources of motivation is the consequences of the behavior, not hte behavior itself.
  5. Prosocially motivated behavior
    Behavior that is performed to benefit or help others.
  6. Expectancy Theory
    Motivation will be high when workers believe that high levels of effort will lead to high performance, high performance will lead to the attainment of desired outcomes. Formulated by V. Vroom-1960s
  7. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    An arrangement of five basic needs with motivate behavior. Maslow proposes that the lowest level of unmet needs is the prime motivator and that only one level of needs is motivational at a time on the way up the five levels. Greatest amount of inputs at the self-actualization level.
  8. Equity Theory
    Focuses on people's perceptions of the fairness (or lack of fairness) of their work outcomes in proportion to their work inputs.
  9. Goal Setting Theory of Motivation
    Focuses on identifying the types of goals that are most effective in producing high levels of performance and motivation. Goals must be specific and difficult, but not impossible to attain.
  10. Merit Pay Plan
    A compensation plan that bases pay on individual, group and/or organizational performance.
  11. Employee Stock Options
    A financial instrument that entitles the bearer to buy shares of an organization's stock at a certain price during a certain period of time or under certain conditions.
Card Set
MGT 205 Ch. 11/13
Management, Chapter 13 Motivation and Performance, Chapter 11 Organizational Control and Change