Rx Exam - Antibiotics

  1. Macrolide with less potential for drug interactions?
  2. Macrolide with the highest bioavailability?
    Biaxin (clarithromycin)
  3. Ketek (telithromycin) adverse reaction?
    Blurred vision - visual disturbances
  4. The most lipophilic tetracycline?
    • minocycline
    • ADR: lightheadedness, dizziness or vertigo (CNS)
  5. Solodyn ER
    Minocycline ER tab 45, 65, 90, 115, 135mg
  6. Tetracycline used for SIADH?
    • Demeclocycline (declocycline).
    • Dose: 900-1200mg PO/day
    • Its action decreases anti-diuretic hormone action in the kidney
  7. tetracycline that does not need renal adjustment?
  8. Macrolide with enhanced tissue penetration?
  9. Quinolone that is hepatically metabolized:
    • Avelox (moxifloxacin)
    • No need for renal adjustment
  10. Lamisil
    • Terbinafine
    • PO tab: 250mg
  11. Nizoral
    • Ketoconazol
    • 200mg
    • Take with Coca Cola to acidify gastric contents
  12. Sporanox
    • Itraconazole
    • 100mg
    • Solution should be taken without food
  13. Soporanox (itraconazole) black box warning?
    Negative inotropic effect. Not to be used with cardiac dysfunction or CHF
  14. Diflucan
    • Fluconazole
    • 50, 100, 150, 200mg
    • Crosses BBB
    • PO 150mg for vaginal candidiasis
  15. Vfend
  16. Grifulvin
    • Griseofulvin V, Gris PEG
    • Tx of ringworm
    • Photosensitivity
  17. Nystatin
  18. Retrovir
    • Zidovudine
    • NRTI " Nuke"
  19. Epivir
    • lamivudine or 3TC
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  20. Ziagen
    • abacavir
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  21. Emtriva
    • Emtricitabine or FTC
    • Fluorinated analog of 3TC
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  22. Videx
    • Didanosine or ddI
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  23. Zerit
    • Stavudine or d4T
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  24. Combivir
    • lamivudine + zidovudine
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  25. Trizivir
    • lamivudine + zidovudine + abacavir
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  26. Truvada
    • Emtriva + Viread
    • (embricitabine + tenofovir)
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  27. Epzicom
    • Epivir + Ziagen
    • (lamivudine + abacavir)
  28. Viread
    • Tenofovir
    • NRTI " Nukes"
  29. Sustiva
    • Efavirenz
    • NNRTIs "Non-nukes"
  30. Intelence
    • Etravirine
    • NNRTIs "Non-nukes"
    • Reserved for resistants
  31. Viramune
    • Nevirapine
    • NNRTIs "Non-nukes"
  32. Atripla
    Sustiva + Emtriva + Viread
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Rx Exam - Antibiotics