Vocab 5-6

  1. Basis
    Greek; pedestal, foot, base
  2. Bassus
    Latin; low
  3. bas-relief
    n. Sculpture whose ornament or figures are somewhat raised above the background. (also known as "low-relief")
  4. debase
    tr. v. To lower in quality, value, or dignity; to degrade
  5. Clivus
    Latin; slope
  6. declivity
    n. A downward slope; the slope of a hill
  7. proclivity
    n. A natural inclination or tendency; inner impulse or direction
  8. Levis
    Latin; light (in weight)
  9. leaven
    n. A substance like yeast or a small amount of fermented dough that causes dough to rise or expand

    n. A lightening or enlivening influence

    tr. v. To provide a lightening influence.

    n. A lightening or enlivening influence
  10. legerdemain
    n. Sleight of hand; magic tricks

    n. Any trickery or deception
  11. leverage
    n. The action of a lever that raises or lifts

    n. Power to influence; a position of strength
  12. levitate
    tr. and intr. v. To rise or float, or cause to rise, seemingly despite gravity
  13. levity
    n. Lightness in speech or behavior, especially unbecoming jocularity; frivolity
  14. Gravis
    Latin; heavy
  15. Pendo, Pendere, Pependi, Pensum
    Latin; to cause to hang down, to weigh
  16. Pondero, Ponderare, Ponderavi, Ponderatum
    Latin; to weigh
  17. penchant
    n. A strong inclination or liking; fondness
  18. ponderous
    adj. Extremely heavy; massive

    adj. Unwieldly or awkward

    adj. Dull or tedious
  19. imponderable
    adj. Unable to be assessed or measured precisely
  20. preponderant
    adj. Superior in number, force, power, or importance
  21. Introduced from South America only in the sixteenth
    century, the potato has become the preponderant food source for much of Europe, the Americas, and Africa.
  22. Scala
    Latin; steps, stairs, ladder, sca
  23. Scando, Scandere, Scandi, Scansum
    Latin;to climb
  24. echelon
    • n. A step-like formation of troops, ships, or aircraft
    • n. A level of command or authority
  25. transcendent
    adj. Going beyond the limits of ordinary experience.
  26. transcendental
    asserting a supernatural or mystical element in experience
  27. Cubo, Cubare, Cubui, Cubitum
    Latin; to lie down
  28. Incumbo, Incumbere, Incubui, Incubitum
    Latin; to recline
  29. incumbent
    • n. A person who holds an office or position
    • adj. Already holding an office or poistion
    • adj. Required as a duty or obligation (often used with 'on')
  30. recumbent
    adj. Reclining; lying down
  31. succumb
    • intr. v. To yield; to give in or give up, especially to a powerful force or desire (often used with 'to')
    • intr. v. To die
  32. Hupo
    Greek; under, beneath
  33. hypochondria
    n. A psychological disorder characterized by the illusory conviction that one is ill or in pain, or likely to become so.
  34. hypothesis
    • n. A theory or explanation that leads to further investigation for proof or disproof
    • n. An assupmtion on which a conclusion or decision is based.
  35. Kata
    Greek; down
  36. cataclysm
    • n. A disaster or catastrophe on such a large scale that
    • biological, environmental, or cultural elements are permanently altered
    • or irreparable lost to the earth.
  37. catapult
    • n. An ancient mechanical device for hurling missiles
    • n. A modern mechanism for launching aircraft from the deck of a ship.
    • intr. and tr. v. To hurl or launch suddenly (as if from a slongshot); to spring up
  38. Sub
    Latin; under
  39. subjective
    • adj. Concentrating on the self in the expression of feelings and perceptions
    • adj. Relating to personal opinions and thought processed rather than factual information or universal experience
  40. sublimate
    • tr. and intr. v. To turn aside an instinctual, perhaps
    • primitive, impulse in favor of a more socially or culturally acceptable activity
  41. sublime
    exalted; awe-inspiring
  42. suborn
    • tr. v. to induce a person in secret to commit a misdeed or a crime.
    • tr. v. To induce someone to give false testimony
  43. subterfuge
    n. An artifice, device, or evasion to hide or avoid something, or to escape an outcome
  44. Veritas
    Latin; truth
  45. verisimilitude
    n. A thing or quality that appears true or real
  46. verity
    • n. The condition or quality of being true or accurate
    • n. A belief, principle, or statement expressing some basic human truth; a scientific truth
  47. aver
    tr. v. To affirm; to deliver or attest to positively or dogmatically
  48. veracity
    capacity for telling the truth
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Vocab 5-6
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