Focused notes on neuro.txt

  1. Arousal or awakening
    Reticular Activating System (RAS)
  2. Chayne-Stokes breathing
    Cortical damage
  3. Decorticate posturing
    Cortical damage above midbrain
  4. Decerebrate posturing
    Damage at or below midbrain
  5. ICP due to problem with the arachnoid villi
    Communicating hydrocephalus
  6. ICP due to problem with the aqueduct of Sylvius
    Non-communicating hydrocephalus
  7. Hydrocephalus a/w genetic or neural tube defect
    Non-communicating hydrocephalus
  8. Mental & growth retardation a/w what type of hydrocephalus?
    Non-communicating hydrocephalus
  9. Apathy, inattentiveness, indifference a/w which type of hydrocephalus?
    Normal pressure hydrocephalus
  10. Alzheimer disease what type of hydrocephalus?
    Normal pressure hydrocephalus
  11. Dysarthia, dysphagia, masked facies, micrographia, depression, dementia, and bradyphrenia (M’s of)
    Parkinson’s disease
  12. Bradykinesia (def?)
    Poverty of associated and voluntary movements
  13. Bradyphrenia (def?)
    Poverty of thought and executive function
  14. Brief apnea, loc < 5min, BP (M’s of)
    Cortical contusion (coup/contracoup)
  15. Vomiting, seizure, hemiparesis are M’s of what type of hematoma?
    Epidural hematoma
  16. Restless, agitated, slow cognition, pupil dilation, and altered respirations are M’s of what type of hematoma?
    Acute or Subacute Subdural hema.
  17. Recurrent or continual headaches, and progressive dimentia are M’s of what type of hematoma?
    Chronic Subdural hematoma
  18. Confusion, contralateral hemiplegia, and coma are M’s of what type of hematoma?
    Intracerebral hematoma
  19. No loc, and pre & post event amnesia (M’s of)
  20. Loss of reflexes, loc < 6hrs, nausea, fatigue, and mood changes are M’s of what?
    Classic cerebral concussion
  21. Spastic paralysis, impairment of basic body functions, learning and judgment deficits (M’s of)
    Diffuse Axon injury (DAI)
  22. Flaccid with absence of sensation, and poor thermoregulation of lower extremities (M’s of)
    Thoracic or lumbar spinal shock
  23. Spastic movements, and reflex evacuations 3 weeks after spinal trauma (M’s of)
    Signals end of spinal shock
  24. Radiating leg pain; exacerbated by coughing, and straight leg raising (M’s of)
    Luminosacral (sciatic) disk herniation
  25. Contralateral hemiplegia & sensory impairment, and aphasia (M’s of)
    Ischemic stroke – carotid circulation
  26. Neglect syndrome, change in consciousness, impaired cognition (M’s of)
    Ischemic stroke – carotid circulationand – right brain damage
  27. Motor and sensory deficits including nausea, ataxia, diplopsia; M’s dictated by area involved (M’s of)
    Ischemic stroke – basilar or vertebral arteries
  28. Headache, photophobia, stiff neck, and are most often found in the basal ganglia or thalamus (M’s of)
    Hemorrhagic stroke
  29. A/w communicating hydrocefalus, and most common in Circle of Willis (C’s of)
    Cerebral aneurysm
  30. Sudden throbbing headache, stiff neck, visual & motor deficits, and loc (M’s of)
    Subarachnoid hemorrhage – rupture
  31. Headache and seizures not a/w trauma (M’s of)
    Astrocytoma (most common glioma)
  32. Photophobia, fever, chills, bacteria & protein in CSF, low CSF glucose (M’s of)
  33. Kernig’s sign and Brudzinski’s sign a/w what?
  34. Enlarged lymph nodes, flu-like symptoms, altered mental status (M’s of)
  35. CNS disorder a/w West Nile Virus and MMR?
  36. Low-grade fever, neck pain/rigidity, visual acuity & field, ocular palsy, dementia (M’s of)
    Brain abscess
  37. CNS disorder a/w ear, jaw, nasal, or oral infection; or dirty needles?
    Brain abscess
  38. Demyelination of the CNS (def)
    Multiple Sclerosis
  39. Demyelination of the peripheral nerves (def)
    Guillain Barre Syndrome
  40. Post-procedure or infection nerve disorder?
    Guillain Barre Syndrome
  41. Progressive paralysis, peaks in 10-14 days (C’s of)
    Guillain Barre Syndrome
  42. B or T-cell mediated nerve disorder paralysis?
    Guillain Barre Syndrome
  43. IgG mediated disorder muscle weakness that improves with rest?
    Myasthenia Gravis
  44. Diplopia, ptosis, ocular palsy (M’s of)
    Myasthenia Gravis – cn 3, 4, & 6
  45. Dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia (M’s of)
    Myasthenia Gravis – cn 9 – 12
  46. Acute paresis or paralysis of cn 7?
    Bell’s palsy
  47. Unilateral facial weakness and/or droop, and trouble blinking (M’s of)
    Bell’s palsy
  48. Non-progressive brain damage that is present at or shortly after birth?
    Cerebral palsy
  49. Fetal hypoxia, hypoglycemia, trauma, infection, or exposure to toxins can cause ___
    Cerebral palsy
  50. Jerky, uncontrolled, movements; difficulty with purposeful and fine movements
    Dyskinetic Cerebral palsy
  51. Encephalopathic damage to a fetus or young child’s basal ganglia (def)
    Dyskinetic Cerebral palsy
  52. Low muscle note at birth, stiff trunk in late infancy, and gait disturbances (M’s of)
    Ataxic Cerebral palsy
Card Set
Focused notes on neuro.txt
M's and C's