Responsible for the perception of pain =
Parietal lobes
Facilitates emotion and expression related to pain =
Limbic system
Pain gate closers in the body =
A-alpha & A-beta
Pain gate openers =
A-delta & C
Age-related hearing loss (medical term)
Age-related vision loss (medical term)
Damage to cn 9 =
loss of sensitivity to bitter
Damage to cn 7 =
loss of sensitivity to sweet, sour, salt
Perversion of taste =
Loss or impairment on taste =
aguesia or hypoguesia
Reduced attentiveness to environment and a soft speaking voice (M’s of)
Conductive hearing loss
Noise, aging, ototoxicity, and diabetes mellitus → what kind of hearing loss?
Sensorineural hearing loss
A young, Native American male with down syndrome is prone to what auditory disorder?
Otitis Media
A cloudy, red, bulging, tympanic membrane (M’s of)
Otitis Media
Loss of central vision (M’s of)
Macular degeneration
Eyelid edema and tenderness, enlarged preauricular lymph nodes (M’s of)
Hyperacute Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Red, swollen conjunctiva; and lid edema (M’s of)
Hyperacute Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Corneal ulceration and possible blindness (M’s of)
H. B. Conjunctivitis – Gonoconnal
Yellow-green drainage and sticky eyelids (M’s of)
Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Irritated eyes with morning eyelash crusting (M’s of)
Chronic Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Manifestation &/or Characteristic
Disorder or Body part
Bloodshot eyes (hyperemia), watery eyes, andminimal exudates
Viral Conjunctivitis – Adenovirus
Irritated eyes, mucous discharge, and mild photophobia
Viral Conjunctivitis – Herpes
Bilateral tearing, itching, and redness
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Irritation, photophobia, tearing, and can lead to ulcerations and scarring (M’s of)
Inflammation of the cornea that may lead to diminished vision?
Eyes are misaligned, one can’t focus with the other =
Genetic or injury related disorder in the eye focusing control center?
Uncontrolled or sporadic movement of the eyes =
Disorder resulting in an abnormal blind spot?
Decreased transparency of lens r/t diabetes mellitus or taking corticosteroids =
Blurred vision, decreased vision for near and far, improved by pupil dilation (M’s of)
Severe eye pain, pupil dilation, nausea and vomiting (M’s of)
Acute Glaucoma (close angle)
What eye disorder can cause blindness in 2-3 days if not treated?
Acute Glaucoma (closed angle)
Gradual onset of tunnel vision, persistent eye pain, and loss of color vision (M’s of)
Chronic Glaucoma