Part 1 (2-15 & 20-34)

  1. Dignity:
    refers to ensuraning that listeners feel worthy, honored, or respected as indivuals.
  2. Integrity:
    signals the speaker incorruptibility- that he or she will advoid compromising the truth for the sake of personal expediency
  3. Trustworthiness:
    a combination of honesty and dependability
  4. Respect:
    is demonstrated by addressing audience members as unique human beings and refraining from any form of personal attack
  5. Responsibility:
    being accountable for what you say
  6. Fairness:
    seing all sides of an issue and acknowledgeing the information listeners need in order to make informed decisions
  7. Hate speech:
    any offensive communication, verbal or nonverbal,that is directed against people racial, ethnic, or religious, gender or other characteristic
  8. Plagiarism:
    passing off of another persons information as one's own
  9. Wholesale plagiarism:
    cut and paste info thats not yours
  10. Patchwrite plagiarism:
    copying material into your speech from a source, and then changing and rearranging words and senternce structure.
  11. Paraphrase:
    restatement of someone else's ideas, opinions, or theories in the speakers own word.
  12. Direct quotations:
    are statments made verbatim- or word for word by some one else
  13. Common knowledge:
    information that is likely know by many people
  14. Copyright:
    is a legal protection afforded the original creators of literary and artistic works.
  15. Public domain:
    any one may produce it
Card Set
Part 1 (2-15 & 20-34)
Observe Ethical Ground Rules Avoid Plagiarism