refers to ensuraning that listeners feel worthy, honored, or respected as indivuals.
signals the speaker incorruptibility- that he or she will advoid compromising the truth for the sake of personal expediency
a combination of honesty and dependability
is demonstrated by addressing audience members as unique human beings and refraining from any form of personal attack
being accountable for what you say
seing all sides of an issue and acknowledgeing the information listeners need in order to make informed decisions
Hate speech:
any offensive communication, verbal or nonverbal,that is directed against people racial, ethnic, or religious, gender or other characteristic
passing off of another persons information as one's own
Wholesale plagiarism:
cut and paste info thats not yours
Patchwrite plagiarism:
copying material into your speech from a source, and then changing and rearranging words and senternce structure.
restatement of someone else's ideas, opinions, or theories in the speakers own word.
Direct quotations:
are statments made verbatim- or word for word by some one else
Common knowledge:
information that is likely know by many people
is a legal protection afforded the original creators of literary and artistic works.
Public domain:
any one may produce it