NUR 102

  1. Angiography
    Method of injecting a dye into an artery and obtaining and x-rayof blood vessels, tumors, and lesions
  2. Arteriography
    Radiography of an artery or arterial system after injection of a contrast medium into the blood stream
  3. Bronchoscopy
    Inspection of the interior of the tracheo-bronchial tree through a bronchoscope
  4. Cardiac catheterization
    Introduction of a catheter into the heart chambers to confirm a diagnosis or to evaluate the extent of a disease process
  5. Colposcopy
    Gynecologic examination that uses the colposcope to examine the walls of the vagina and the cervix
  6. Complete Blood Count(CBC)
    Includes type and number of RBCs, WBCs, platelets, and hemoglobin
  7. Computed Tomography Scan(CT scan)
    • Through use of a computer, cathode ray tubes emit radiation at different depths to show density of tissues and organs, including malfromations, tumors, and so on.
    • AKA: Computed axil tomography scan( CAT scan)
  8. Conization
    Coring or removal of the mucous lining of the cervical canal and its gland by means of cutting with a high frequency current; preformed when a pap smear indicates abnormal cells
  9. Cytology
    The study of the structure, function, and pathology of cells
  10. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
    Examination of the bilirary system done through a flexible endoscope and instillation of contrast medium into the apulla of Vater of the pancreas
  11. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy(EGD)
    Endsocopic examination of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
  12. Fluoroscopy
    Examination by means of fluoroscope using x-rays displayed on a fluorescent screen
  13. Glucometer
    Small machine used to measure glucose content of capillary blood
  14. Hematology
    The study of blood and its components
  15. Histology
    Branch of anatomy dealing with the structure, composition, and function of tissues
  16. Intravenous pyelography(IVP)
    Injection of dye into a vein to show urine flow through the renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder on x-ray
  17. KUB X-ray
    X-ray of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder
  18. Lumbar Puncture
    • Insertion of a hallow needle into the subarachnoid space between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae to withdraw samples of cerebrospinal fluid for analysis and to measure the pressure
    • AKA: Spinal Puncture or Spinal tap
  19. Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI)
    Noninvasive method, based on magnetic feilds of visualizing soft tissue without the use of contrast medium or ionizing radiation
  20. Papanicolaou(Pap) smear
    A lab test to determine cancer, especially cervical, vaginal, or uterine cancer
  21. Paracentesis
    A needle puncture in the abdomen to remove ascites fluid, preform a lavage, or initiate peritoneal dialysis
  22. Proctosigmoidoscopy
    Examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon with a sigmoidoscope
  23. Radiography
    The making of film recors of internal structures of the body by exposure of film sensitized by x-rays
  24. Radioimmunoassay(RIA)
    Use of radionuclides following principles of immunology to measure materials present in blood in minute amounts
  25. Radionuclides
    Radioactive substances that disintegrate with the emission of electromagnetic radiation
  26. Radiopharmaceutical
    A radioactive pharmaceuticals substance used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
  27. Sequential multiple assay(SMA)
    A series of assay test for a variety of chemical substances preformed one after another on one blood or serum sample by and chemical analyzer
  28. Thoracentesis
    Insertion of a needle through the chest wall to the plueral space to drain fluid or air or to instill medication
  29. Treadmill Stress Test
    A test that measures heart rate and blood pressure response to clinically controlled active exercise on a treadmill
  30. Ultrasonography
    A technique in which deep structures of the body are visualized by recording the reflections
  31. Culture
    The growing of microorganisms in or on a medium disigned for their growth
  32. Normal Ranges
    Ex of CBC
  33. WBC
  34. RBC
  35. Hgb(Hemoglobin)
  36. HCT
  37. MCV
  38. MCH
    26.0-34.0 pg/cell
  39. RDW
  40. PLT
  41. Neutrophil
  42. Lymphocyte
  43. Monocyte
  44. Eosinophil
  45. Basophil
  46. RBC morphology
  47. Anemias
    Low red blood cell count
  48. Test for clotting time
    • Prothrombin Time(PT)
    • Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time(APTT)
    • PT widely used to adjust anticoagulant drugs such a coumadine and reported used INR
    • APTT is used to adjust heparin
  49. Blood Chemistry Test
    • Provide info on electrolyte embalance, ability of body to metabolize nutrients, the function of organs, and presence of accumulation of toxic substances
    • NPO for 8-12h
  50. Venipuncture
    Puncture of the vein with a needle
  51. Liver Fx Test
    • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
    • Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
  52. Kidney Fx Test
    • Blood, urea, nitrogen
    • Creatinine Levels
  53. Heart Fx test
    • Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
    • Creatine levels (CK)
    • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
  54. Panel
    A group of lab test
  55. Urinalysis
    • Provides valuable info about fx of the kidneys
    • Can be classified as:
    • 1)Single, catheterized, or random specimens
    • 2) Midstream specimen
    • 3)Timed, long-period specimens
  56. 24h Urine Specimen
    • Pt must empty bladder at beginning of test and it thrown away
    • From then on until 24 hours have passed all urine must be collected and kept on ice
    • If any is thrown away test must start all over
    • Pt should force voiding if there is no feeling of need at end of test
  57. Biopsy
    Surgical excision of a small amount of tissue
  58. Aspiration
    Withdrawal of fluid or cells
  59. Transducer
    Wand emitting the sound waves in an ultrasound
  60. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
    Consists of lines and waves that represent the electrical activity during the cardiac cycle
  61. Hematoma
    Collection of clotted blood
  62. Endoscope
    Insturment used to view inside a body cavity
  63. Gastroscopy
    The visual inspection of the upper digestive tract and the stomach to obtain specimens of gastric contents and preform a biopsy on the stomach tissues
  64. Polyps
    Growths protruding from a mucous membrane
  65. Colonoscopy
    • The inspection of the entire large intestine for polyps, areas of inflammation, and malignant lesions
    • Any iron medication, asprin, and most anti-inflammatory drugs must be withheld for 3 days
  66. Cytoscopy
    The visual inpection of the interior of the bladder for the collection of biopsy specimens collection of urine separately from each ureter and treatment of various conditions
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NUR 102
Diagnostic test and Specimen Collection