Describe elements of a successful
sport event business plan.
List persons responsible for planning and managing the sport event and their relative experience
Find people who will vouch for their experience
Briefly describe event
Identify what you have to sell and all of your rights
Determine how you're going to protect those rights against ambush marketing
Briefly describe the demographics of the participants and spectators and the estimated economic impact they will generate
Describe marketing, sales, advertising, PR, hospitality and promotions plans
Explain how you will amortize this capital investment and repay the loan
Describe Risk management procedures
Name your accountant and CFO and describe record keeping
List the qualities of a successful
sponsorship proposal.
Satisfies prospects wants and needs
Differentiates your event from other marketing opportunities
Details the benefits, rather than the features, of your event
Pushes the prospects "hot-buttons"
Identifies cross-promotions
States precisely what you are selling, the specific cost of entry, and the expected return on investment
Calls for action and closes
Is a strong business document that could be three pages or less
Includes support material
What elements of a sponsorship
plan will convince a funder to fund an event?
Know your event
Determine what your event has to offer
Offer other benefits that you are confident that you can deliver and afford
Project participant and audience size and demographics that are a good fit with the sponsor
List what would be included in
describing audience demographics.
List ways in which an organizer
would find a sponsor.
- Primary research
- Walking or driving through area where event will take place
- Going to events similar to yours
- Secondary ResearchYellow Pages
- Local Newspaper
- Other Publications
Give up ways in which an organizer
should follow up with a potential sponsor.
Voicemail after 10 to 14 days.
Send an article that would be of interest to your client with a note attached
When contact is made, ask to make a presentation in person
Extend invites for corporate sponsors to attend your event
List ways in which an organizer
should service an agreement with a sponsor.
Wine and dine
Involve them in continuing decisions related to your event
- Maximize Sponsorship
- Sales, Advertising, Promotions, Merchandising, Hospitality, and PR
- Provide guidelines and direction
Prevent ambush marketing
List items that should be taken
into account in pricing a sponsorship.
- Evaluate the value of each of the benefits identified
- Including the amount of media
- Is there more value in one product category than another
Intangible and cause-related images
List components of a contract
between an organizer and sponsor.
The Parties
Category Description and Exclusivity
Performance Responsibilities
Date, Time
Financial Responsibilities
Terms of Payment
Risk Management
Trademark/Logo License
Expiration Date
Date of Execution
List ways in which the organizer
can control costs in staging the event and managing the sponsorship.
Borrow and Barter
List the advantages of using an
outside agency to secure sponsors for an event.
Corporate Contacts
List the disadvantages of using an
outside agency to secure sponsors for an event.
Potential Conflicts
Loss of Control
Conflict on roles and responsibilities
Event Organizer also gets a sponsor
Less incentive
Describe ways in which an
organizer can differentiate the levels of sponsorships for an event.
Title vs. Presenting etc.
One sponsor per product category
Higher level that the sponsor is, the higher the price and the higher the benefits
Title--Presenting--Supporting/Associate--Official Suppliers--Individual Donors