dental hygiene

  1. what are some intraoral assessment findings with patients with diabetes?
    • + cheilosis
    • + xerostomia
    • + glossodynia
    • + enlarged salivary glands\
    • + increased glucose in saliva
    • + fungal infections
    • + dental caries
    • +periodontal disease

  2. List pt's that need to receive antibiotics before dental treatment?
    • +heart surgery within past 6mnths ( replaced artery, prosthetic valves, hemograft valves)
    • + previous bacterial endocarditis
    • + first 2yrs after prosthetic joint replacement
    • +history of rheumatic fever
    • +congenital heart defect
  3. Pseudomembranous candidiasis
    • + a.k.a thrush, creamy white patches (cottage cheese/curled milk)
    • + soft white plaque on oral tissues when wiped underlying
    • + mucosa is red. bleeding
    • +metalic taste can result (burning sensation may result)
    • + can be scrapped off
  4. Describe Candidiasis
    • + a.k.a maniliasis/ thrush
    • + occurs from overgrowth of yeastlike fungus
    • + most common oral infection
    • + overgrowth of candida albicans can result from: antibiotic therapy, cancer/chemo, corticosteroid therapy, dentures, diabetes, HIV infected, infancy, xerostomia
  5. what is aphthous ulceration?
    side of mouth/lips have burning sensation, small blisters yellow to gray surrounded by a red margin
  6. What is hyperplastic candidiasis?
    white patches, cannot be removed, HIV infected patients
  7. Well controlled diabetes HbA IC levels less than? ____percent and poorly controlled diabetes HbA ic levels greater than _____?
    9% and 9%
  8. Atrophic Candidiasis?
    • a.k.a denture stomatitis
    • - presents as smooth, red patches on the tongue, palate, mucosa,
    • - petechiae-like, feels like burn palate
    • - most common on the palate and maxilla/alveolar ridge/asymptomatic
  9. Erythematous candidiasis?
    • - often painful mucosa is present
    • - may be localized to one are or generalized
    • - usually missed as white patches
  10. Angular cheilitis
    • - redness cracks, fissures at the corner of the mouth
    • - moderately painful, fissured and eroded
    • - treatment: topical/systemic antifungal drugs
    • - frequently accompanys intraoral candidiasis
  11. what are some signs and symptoms with patients with asthma?
    • - periodic wheezing
    • - dyspnea(difficulty in breathing, coughing, and chest tightness
    • = acute asthmatic attic
    • - nasal flaring
    • - increase pulse rate
    • - rise in blood pressure
  12. Some contraindications for patients with asthma?
    • - aspirin *very important*
    • - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • - barbiturate/ narcotics\
    • - erythromycin
    • - ciprofloxacin
    • - airpower abrasive system
  13. What are the steps for a patient having an asthmatic attic?
    • 1. stop procedure
    • 2. make client comfortable
    • 3. administer clients medication (inhaler)
    • 4. administer oxygen
    • 5. call 911
  14. some contraindications for using an ultrasonic scaler?
    • - immunosuppressed
    • - uncontrolled diabetes
    • - chronic pulmonary disease
    • - dysphagia (swallowing difficulties)
    • - children
  15. Phemphigus Vulgaris list some details about this autoimmunne disease
    • - severe progressive disease that effects the skin/mucous memebranes
    • - intra epithelial blister formation
    • - most cases in the oral micusa
    • - shallow ulcers to fragile vesicles or bullae
    • - no cure disease treatment are corticosteroids which could lead to complications for prolong use of drug
  16. Cerebral Palsy
    • - most common neurologic impairment in childhood
    • - chronic disorder caused by damage to mainly motor areas/affecting the ability to control posture and movement
    • - factors occuring before birth or first few years of life are : traumatic brain injury, child abuse/neglet, infections like meningitis
    • - patients are spastic/spasticity in the muscles leading to stiffness, resistance to movement and
  17. Treatment for patients with cerebral palsy?
    • -physical/occupational therapy
    • - speech/language therapy
    • - biofeedback, orthopedic devices, medications

    For DH treatment can use IV sedation in general anasthetic
  18. Acute Perio abscess
    • - localized accumulation of pus in perio pocket
    • - lateral aspect of tooth
    • - edematous, red, shiny
    • - dome-like appearance
    • -throbbing pain, localized swelling
    • -deep red blue tissue, sensitivity, tooth mobility, cervical lymphadenopathy
    • - systemic systems (fever, malaise)
  19. Chronic Perio Abscess
    • - overgrowth of perio pocket
    • - ass with sinus tract
    • - permits vegukar drainage\
    • - painless, dull pain
    • - seeping pus, intraoral cavity
    • - scaling requires local anasthetic
  20. What is chorhexidine used for and what are its benefit factors?
    • -before during and after periodontal debridment
    • - decrease severity of mucositis in clients receiving chemotherapy
    • - effective in implant plaque retention
    • - #1 antiplaqe and antigingivitis agent
    • - reduce plaque 55%, gingivitis 45%
    • - mode of action of chlro. is to bind the hydroxyapatite and glycoprotein to prevent pellicle formation
    • - active for 8-12hrs in the mouth
    • - stains teeth, tongue, tooth colored restorations, bitter taste, soft tissue ulcerations, loss of taste
    • - use twice a day for 30secs
    • - irrigation below gums
  21. Periapical Abscess
    • - non-vital
    • - sharp pain
    • - sinus tract
    • - localized swelling
    • - localized redness
    • - history of infection
    • - round radiolucent apex
    • - tooth caries present
  22. Periodontal Abscess
    • - vital
    • - constant pain
    • - less severe
    • - localized
    • - no tooth caries
    • - lateral readiolucency
  23. common periodontal microogranisms:
    gram + bacteria and gram - Bacteria
    • Gram + Bacteria
    • - lacultative cocci
    • - streptococcus sanguis
    • - anaerobic cocci
    • - peptostreptoccus micros
    • - eubacterium lentum

    • Gram - Bacteria
    • - eikenella corrideris
    • - actinobacillus
    • - porphyromonas gingivitis
    • - provetella intermedici
    • - bacteroides forsythus
    • - fusobacterium nucleatum
  24. Health----- Disease in perio disease
    Health- gram positive, aerobic, non-motile, saccharolytic

    Disease- gram negative, anaerobic, motile, assacharolytic
  25. Specific Bacteria Associated with Periodontal Disease
    actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans= Aggressive perio

    Porphymonas gingivalis= Chronic Perio

    Bacteroides forsythus= Chronic perio
  26. Hyperthyroidism
    • - graves/ plummers disease
    • - toxic goiter
    • - excessive production heat, neuromuscular, sensitivity to pain, protruding eyes
    • - accelerated tooth eruptions
    • - rapidly progressing perio disease
    • - ( no dental tx for patients with visible goiter)
  27. Hypothyroidism
    • - Cretinism or myxedema
    • - mental/physcial retardation
    • - puffy face/ edematous tongue
    • - delayed tooth eruption
    • - bad malloclusion
    • - increased perio disease
    • - pooly shaped teeth

    (partial or complete absence of the thyroid gland at birth)
  28. Tuberculosis
    • -HIV patients are highly susceptile to TB
    • - mycobacterium tuberculosos/ serious disease
    • - tuberculosis us an Aids defining illness
    • - inhalation of fresh droplets containing tubercle bacilli
    • - may infect lymph nodes
    • - incubation period 10 weeks
    • symptoms: low grade fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, slight cough, night sweats, weakness, pesistant cough
    • - enlarged nodes
    • - oral ulcers may appear on soft/hard palate
    • tx: chemo, isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide medication
  29. What are oral effects of Radiation
    • - xerostomia/ salivary gland dysfuntion
    • - alteration of taste
    • - mucositis/ stomatitis+ infection
    • - trismus/ tmj disfunction
    • -caries (with first yr of radiation tx)
  30. Which barrier might be declined with special needs patients?
    attittude of the DH
  31. What are the advantages of sharp/ dull instruments?
    increase tactile sensitivity, decrease lateral pressure, decrease burnished calculus
  32. how does desensitizing toothpaste work?
    It relieves sensitivity, stimulates the deposition of substances in the dentin
  33. What causes build up of cementum?
    occlusal trauma
  34. How does the patient change their hygiene behaviour?
    perceive need for change
  35. Patient has gingivitis, no attachment loss, radiolucent areas around the cervical third of the tooth what is this?
  36. which patients are contraindicated to using the ultrasonic scaler?
    • - uncontrolled diabetes
    • - emphysema
    • - gag reflex
  37. What condition is associated with the aging process?
    - small pulp chambers
  38. Client has overhangs, generalized bone loss, pooly control hypertension what initial tx should the DH propose?
    Refer to the physcian - poorly controled hypertension
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dental hygiene
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