Final Exam

  1. most used water soluable vitamin
    Vitamin C
  2. absorbed in the stomach, while everything else is absorbed in the small intestine
  3. water is absorbed in the
    large intestine
  4. anabolic reactions are a ___ ____ for metabolism and storage of nutrients
    build up
  5. catabolic is a ____ ____ for metabolism and storage of nutrients
    break down
  6. function: major energy source after it is broken down in to glucose
  7. Deficiency: cells cannot function without glucose as an energy source
  8. function: formation of cells, enzymes, antibodies; fluid balance; reserve energy supply
  9. deficiency: stunted growth, susceptability to infection; edema
  10. function: structucre of cell walls; transport of fat-soluable vitamins; reserve energy supply
  11. deficiency: of fat soluable vitamins; poor skin turgor
  12. function: necessary for metabolism; use of all other nutrients
  13. deficiency: dehydration; increased temperature; ineffective body function
  14. function: necessary for varied functions of cell growth and enzyme production
  15. function:necessary for cell growth and maintenance
  16. grapefruit juice should be avoided because it has this effect on medications
    reduced absorbtion
  17. clients who are NPO and receive only standard IV fluids for more then ____ to ____ days are at nutritional risk
  18. these medications affect taste
  19. increase peristalsis by irritating the sensory nerve endings in the mucous membrane lining of the large intestine
    stimulant cathartics
  20. these types of cathartics include cascara, dulcolax and ex-lax
    stimulant cathartics
  21. increase the size of stool by either increaasing the amount of indigestible cellulose or by increasing the amount of water absorbed
    bulk forming cathartics
  22. these types of catharitcs include, metamucil, citrucel, and fibercon
    bulk forming cathartics
  23. these salts either cause interference with water reabsorbtion or if they are hypertonic they will draw water into the large intestine
    saline cathartics
  24. these types of cathartics include milk of magnesia, magnesium citrate, go lytely, and lactulose
    saline cathartics
  25. oils are not digested so they delay emptying time of the stomach and should not be given with meals
    emollient or lubricant cathartics
  26. this type of cathertic includes mineral oil
    emollient or lubricant cathartics
  27. they act as wetting agents of the fecal contents which permit water and fatty materials to penetrate and produce a more moist bulky mass
    stool softners
  28. these types of cathartics include docusate calcium, colace and peri-colace
    stool softners
  29. duodenum and jejunum is seperated by the
    pyloric sphencter
  30. end of small intestine and begining of large intestine
    ileocecal valve
  31. constipation is a _____ not a disease
  32. results from unrelieved constipation; continuous oozing of liquid stool occurs
  33. associated with disorders affecting digestion, absorbtion, and secretion in the GI tract
  34. performed in a medical emergency when health care workers anticipate closure of the colostomy; temp large stoma in the transverse colon
    loop colostomy
  35. colostomy that consists of one stoma formed from the proximal end of the bowel with the distal portion on the GI tract either removed or sewen shut
    end colostomy
  36. the bowel is surgically severed and the two ends are brought out onto the abdomen
    double barrell colostomy
  37. tap water is
  38. these solutions infused into the bowel exert osmotic pressure that pulls fluids out of interstitial spaces
    hypertonic solutions
  39. you can add this to tap water or saline to create the effect of intestinal irritation to stimulate peristalsis
  40. binds with ammonia and keeps it in the stool
  41. raised BUN but a normal creatinine is a sign of
  42. raised BUN and creatinine is a sign of
    kidney damage
  43. stopping urine from leaving the body
  44. decreased blood flow to and thru the kidneys
  45. decreased kidney function can cause
  46. second to diabetes and hypertension, irreversable damage to the tissue
    end stage renal disease
  47. increase in nitrogenous wastes in the blood, marked fluid, and electrolyte abnormalities, nausea, vomiting, headache, coma and convulsions
    uremic syndrome
  48. this type of analgesic is nephrotoxic
  49. decrease output of urine
  50. no urine produced
  51. an accumulation of urine due to the inability of the bladder to empty; pressure grows and grows causing incontin.
    urinary retention
  52. flank pain may occur when this organ is infected or inflammed
  53. this rises above the symphysis pubis when it is distended
  54. a client with normal renal function needs this much fluid daily
  55. the bladder is innervated by the
    parasympathetic nervous system
  56. a deficit in the normal function of sensory reception and perception is a
    sensory deficit
  57. inadequate quality or quanity of stimulation
    sensory deprivation
  58. reception of multiple sensory stimuli
    sensory overload
  59. stimlation of receptor such as light, touch, or sound
  60. integration and terpretation of stimuli
  61. only the most important stimuli will elicit a reaction
  62. wrote the attachment theory that describes the experience of mourning. attachment and instinctive behaviour leads to the development of affectional bonds btwn kids and their primary care giver
  63. He proposes four tasks of mourning and suggests that mourning persons actively engage in behaviours to help themselves and respond to outside interventions
  64. involves the internal sense of individuality, wholeness, and consistency of a person over time and in different situations
  65. the way in which individuals perceive their ability to carry out significant roles
    role performance
  66. individuals overall feeling of self-worth or the emotional appraisal of self-concept
    self esteem
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Final Exam