Structure: Polymer
a long-chain molecule (macromolecule)
Structure: Fiber
unit of matter having an extremely small diameter and a length at least 100 times the diameter.
Structure: Yarn
a continuous strand of textiles fibers, and filaments.
Structure: Fabric
a thin sheet that is formed by interlaced, interlooped or knotted yarns, or by distributed fibers that are held together mechanically or chemically.
Property: Physical
thermal, moisture, specific gravity
Property: Chemical
resistance to acid, alkali, oxidizing
Property: Mechanical
stress-strain, resilience, flexibility
Property: Miscellaneous
UV, biological, toxic
What are the most important atoms in fiber-forming materials?
Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), and Sulphur (S)
a very large molecule commonly created by some form of polymerization.
individula units in polymer
carbon atoms covalently bonded to each other or oxygen or nitrogen.
Attached groups: Hydrogen
Attached groups: Methyl
(-CH3) hydrophobic
Attached groups: Hydroxyl
(-OH) hydrophilic
Carbohydrate (R)
compound of C and H
Polymerization: addition (chain-growth)
direct coupling two identical monomers, unstable bonds (double bond)