Zoology Lecture 24

  1. What types of feeding are seen in nematodes
    • Deposit feeders
    • Detritivites
    • Microscavangers
    • Carnivors
  2. What type of nematodes would be carnivores
    Free living nematodes
  3. Where would the physical changes associated with differnet feeding patterns
    The diversity of foregut architecture
  4. Behind the buccal cavity what is the esohpagus subdivded into?
    Distinct muscular and glandular regions
  5. Figure 16.9 shwoing differnt patterns of mouth regions specifically in hookworms, some with teeth others witha covering of sorts
  6. What does the high body pressure cause the feeding aspects of the boyd plan of nematodes to change as
    The high internal pressure of nematodes requires that the mouth region be sepeared from the body by means of muscular aspects or sphyncters of the esophagus
  7. Figure 16.5 showing how food needs to travel down a very muscular esophogaus which totaly shuts out the environment from the body cavity
  8. Do nematodes have special organs for circulation or gas exchange?
    Nematodes have no speical organs for gas exchange or circulation
  9. What is it then that accomplishes circulation and gas exchange in nematodes
    movement of coleomic fluid accomplishes this
  10. What happnes to many nematodes in anerobic conditions?
    They shift to teir anaerobic metabolic pathway
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Zoology Lecture 24
Zoology Lecture 24