Final 3

  1. Where in the alimentary canal does propulsion occur?
    propulsion occurs throughout the alimentary canal
  2. Differentiate the abdominal cavity from the peritoneal cavity. Which digestive system organs are located in the abdominal cavity but ar not intraperitoneal?
    The abdominal cavity is the region ventral body cavity extending from the diaphragm to the pelvis. The peritoneal cavity is the space between the parietal & visceral serous membranes: the parietal peritoneum & visceral peritoneum. The pancreas, duoduem, ascending colon, descending colon, & rectum are secondarily retroeritoneal
  3. Injury to the spleen or liver can cause extensive internal bleeding. Where would blood collect from such a injury?
    Blood from a hemorrhagin spleen or liver would collect in the peritoneal cavity.
  4. Mesenteries that connect to the liver organ. For each, state whether it is a dorsal mesentery or a ventral mesentery
    The mesenteries to the liver are the falciform ligament & the lesser omentum, both ventral mesenteries
  5. Mesenteries that connect to stomach organ. For each, state whether it is a dorsal mesentery or a ventral mesentery
    The mesenteries attached to the stomach are the greater omentum, a dorsal mesentery & the lesser omentum
  6. Mesenteries that connect to the sigmoid colon organ. For each, state whether it is a dorsal mesentery or a ventral mesentery
    The mesentery to the sigmoid colon is the sigmoid mesocolon, a dorsal mesentery
  7. Name the three sublayers of the mucosa. Which sublayer form th instrinsic glands that produce digestive secretions?
    From the lumen outward, the sublayers of the mucosa are the epithelium, lamina propria & muscularis
  8. Name the tissue layer of the alimentary canal that is responsible for peristalsis & sgmentation.
    Peristalsis & segmentation result from contractions of the smooth muscle of the muscularis externa
  9. Answer: The cells of smooth muscle are elongated with tapering ends, contain a single centrally located nucleus & are nonstriated
    Answer: The cells of smooth muscle are elongated with tapering ends, contain a single centrally located nucleus & are nonstriated
  10. Answer: Smooth muscles is innervated by the ANS & contracts in response to hormones, stretching, & nerve stimulation. Itis extremely fatigue resistant
    Answer: Smooth muscles is innervated by the ANS & contracts in response to hormones, stretching, & nerve stimulation. Itis extremely fatigue resistant
  11. Answer: Skeletal muscle is composed of multinucleated, striated, cylindrically shaped cells. Skeletal muscle is innervated by somatic motor neurons & is less fatigue resistant than smooth muscle
    Answer: Skeletal muscle is composed of multinucleated, striated, cylindrically shaped cells. Skeletal muscle is innervated by somatic motor neurons & is less fatigue resistant than smooth muscle
  12. What type of epithelium forms the mucosa lining the oral caviy & pharynx?
    Straified squamous epithelium composes the mucosa of the oral cavity, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx
  13. Name the three extrinsic salivary glands. What nutrient macromolecule do the enzyms in saliva act on?
    The three salivary glands are the parotid, the submandibular, & the sublingual. Their secretions initiate the digestion of carbohydrates
  14. How does the epithelial lining change from the esphagus to the stomach? What is unique about the muscularis externa in the stomach?
    The mucosal epithelium changes from statified squamous in the eophagus to simple columnar in the stomach. the musculars externa in the stomach has an additional deep layer, the oblique later.
  15. Describe the location of the stomach n reference to the abdomial reions defined in Figure 23.4
    The stomach is located in the left hypocondriac, epigastic & umbilical regions of the abdomen
  16. What do chief cells produce?
    Chief cells produce pepsinogen
  17. What do parietal cells produce?
    Parietal cells produce HCI
  18. What do the surface cells that line the stomach produce?
    the surface epithelia secrete bicarvonte-buffered mucus
  19. What is the typical life span for an intestinal epithelial cell?
    Intestinal epithelial cells live for 3-6 days
  20. How are the cells of the epithelium replaced?
    These cell are replaced by cells from the rapidly dividing undifferentiated epithelial cells that line the intestinal glands
  21. Name all the parts of the large intestine, beginning with the ileum
    the portions of the large intestine are the cecum, ascending colon, rectum & canal
  22. Name the structures within the villus that receive absorbed nutrients. Which types of nutrients are absorbed into each structure?
    The end products of carbohydrate and protein digestion are absorbed into the capillar network within the villus; absorbed fats are absorbed into the lacteal
  23. Which cells in the pancreas produce & secrte disgestive ezymes? Where do these secretions empty into the alimentary canal?
    The acinar cells of the pancreas produce & secrete digestive enzymes. These secretions empty into the duodenum
  24. Why is it so important to wash your hands after using the restroom?
    Many diseases are passed through fecal contamination of food & water. Washing your hands after using the resroom is an effective means to prevent the spead of infection
Card Set
Final 3