plant biology

  1. What is an angiosperm?
    seed in a vessel or coverd seed
  2. what does angiosperm mean?
    a seed borne in a vessel
  3. Why do scientists classify plants and other organisms?
    so they can tell each other which organism they are studing
  4. How do scientists classify plants?
    by function of taxonomy
  5. what is order of Classification?
    • Kingdom
    • division
    • class
    • order
    • family
    • genus
    • species or specific epithet
  6. There are only two divisions of angiosperms ?
    • magnoliopsida(dicots)
    • liliopsidsa (monocots)
  7. In terms of the nmber of cotyledons, what are they?
    • Moncots =has one seed leave
    • and dicots=two seed leaves
  8. what is a calyx?
    all the sepals together
  9. what is a corolla?
    all the petals together
  10. what is the stamen?
    male parts: filaments and anther
  11. what is the pistil?
    female parts: stigma, style, and ovary (sos)
  12. what did a seed start out as?
  13. How can you tell if a flower had a compound or simple pistil?
    • compound is a group of fused pistils
    • simple is a pistil that consists of only one carpel
  14. what is an inflorescence?
    a flower cluster
  15. what is an annual?
    completes cycle in one year
  16. what is a biennials?
    completes life cycle after second year
  17. what is a perrenials?
    lives longer than three years and flowers throughout its life cycle
  18. what is mitosis?
    growth and repair
  19. what is meiosis?
    production of gametes
  20. all angiosperms are heterosporouus what are the two ypes of sexual spores?
    • microspores = male
    • megaspores = female
  21. male gametophyte=?
    germinated pollen grain
  22. femal gametophyte=?
    embryo sac enclosed
  23. what is a gametophyte generations?
    the first cell is normally a spore and the last cell is normally a gamete.
  24. what is a sporophyte generations?
    the first cell is normally a zygote and the second is a sporocyte
  25. fertilization results in a?
    union of a sperm and an egg (zygote)
  26. how is asexual and sexual reproductions different?
    • asexual = involves only mitosis
    • sexual = involves meosis
  27. what is rule number 1 of the lifecycle?
    the first cell of any gametophyte generation is normally a spore and the second is a gamete
  28. what is rule 2 of the lifecycle?
    any cell of a gametophyte genreation is usually haploid (1N)
  29. what is rule 3 of lifecycle?
    the 1st cell of any sprophyte generation is normally a zygote and the last is a sporocyte
  30. what is rule 4 of lifecycle?
    any cell of a sporophyte is diploid (2N)
  31. what is rule 5 of the l c?
    the change from a sporophyte to a gametophyte generation occurs as a result of meiosis
  32. what is rule 6 of l c?
    the change from a gametophyte to a sporophyte generation occurs as a result of ferilization
  33. what is pollination?
    transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma
  34. what is the vessel or covered seed?
    the carpel
  35. what is special about the polar nuclei?
    the two nuclei that migrate toward the center
Card Set
plant biology
test review