
  1. Seven Characteristics of Life
    • 1. Cells and organization
    • 2.Energy use and metabolism
    • 3.Responce to environment changes
    • 4.Regulation and Homeostasis
    • 5.Growth and development
    • 6.Reproduction
    • 7.Biological evolution
  2. Levels of Organization
    • 1.Biosphere
    • 2.Ecosystem
    • 3.Community
    • 4.Population
    • 5.Organism
    • 6.Organs
    • 7.Tissues
    • 8.Cells
    • 9.Molecules & macromolecules
    • 10.Atoms
  3. Taxonomy

    The grouping of species based on common ancestry
  4. 3 Domains
    • Bacteria- unicellular prokaryote

    • Archaea- unicellular prokaryote

    • Eucarya- unicellular to multicellular eukaryotes

  5. 4 Kingdoms
    • Protista
    • Fungi
    • Plantae
    • Animalia
  6. Genome

    The complete genetic makeup of an organism
  7. Genomics

    Techniques used to analyze DNA sequences in genomes
  8. Proteomics
    Techniques used to analyze the proteome of a single species and the comparison of proteomes of different species
  9. Proteomes

    • The complete complement of proteins that a cell or organism can make
    • The genome carries the information to make its proteome
  10. Science

    The observation, identification, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena
  11. Hypothesis

    • Proposed explanation for a natural phenomenon
    • Educated guess based on previous observations or experimental studies
    • A hypothesis is never really proven
  12. Theory

    • Broad explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is substantiated by a large body of evidence
    • Allows us to make many predictions
    • Also can never be proved true
    • Example:The theory that DNA is the genetic material
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Cell Biology Chapter 1