final 2

  1. Which of the following is NOT a funciton of the repsiratory system?
    transport air to & from the cells & tissues throughout the body
  2. Which of the following is a function of the respiratory system?
    • provide an area for gas exchange between air & circulating blood
    • condition gases before they reach the exchange surfaces of the lungs
    • defend respiratory system & other tissues agaist inhaled bacteria
  3. Which of the following is not a type of capliiary?
  4. All of the following are direct branches of the celiac trunk?
    • splenic artery
    • left gastric artery
    • inferior vena cavity
  5. All of the following are direct branches of the celiac trunk EXCEPT the?
    right gastric artery
  6. Which type of vessel has a large number of smooth muscle cell layers in its tunica media as well as elastic tissue confined to an internal elastic lamina & external elastic lamina?
    muscular artery
  7. Which statement is true about veins?
    the largest tunica in a vein is the tunica externa
  8. Circle the correct pathway that blood flows through the upper limb arteries:
    subclavian-->axillary-->brachial-->radial & ulnar
  9. Which of the following veins typically does not drain directly into the inferior vena cava?
    hepatic portal
  10. After birth, the umbilical vein becomes the?
    round ligament of the liver
  11. Vasa vasorum are found in the tunica _____ of a large blood vessel?
  12. From the innermost outward, what three laters are found in the walls of both arteries & veins?
    unica intima, tunica media, tunica externa
  13. Which tunic contains circulary arranged laters of smooth muscle cells?
    tunica media
  14. The areolar connective tissue of the _____ helps aanchor the blood vessel to other structures?
    tunica externa
  15. Blood leaving the heart enters large, extremely resilient vessel called?
    elastic arteries
  16. A blood vessel with thin walls, a relatively WIDE lumen, numerous one-way valves, & a diameter greater than 100 micrometers is?
    a vein
  17. Which vessels have thin walls & small diameters that facilitate rapid diffusion of gases & nutrients between blood & body tissues?
  18. Valves in veins serve to?
    prevent backflow of blood in the absence of high blood pressure
  19. Capillaries do not function independently, but rather form interconnected networks called?
    capillary beds
  20. A ring of smooth muscle, the precapillary sphincter, encircles the entrance to each ________?
    true capillary
  21. Which of the following selections is paired correctly?
    • continuous capillaries; complete lining of endothelial cells
    • fenestrated capillaries; holes within each endothelial cell
    • sinusoids; found in bone marrow, the spleen & the liver
  22. Which of the following selections is paired INCORRECTLY?
    continuous capillaries; found in intestinal villi & the kidneys
  23. Gaps in their walls & relatively large lumens, along with basement membranes that are either discontinuous or absent, allow _____ to transport materials as large as proteins or blood cells in & out of the blood very quickly
  24. The word root fenestra most nearly means?
  25. At rest, about 60% of the body's blood is normally held by the?
  26. Compared with those of the system circulation, arteries of the pulmonary circulation?
    • have lower blood pressure
    • have less elastic tissue & wider lumens
    • carry blood that contains less oxygen
  27. What are the three main arterial branches that emerge from the aortic arch?
    • brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery
    • left subclavian artery
  28. The internal carotid arteries do not?
    Deliver blood to structures of the neck, pharynx, mandible & face
  29. Which three arteries branch from the celiac trunk to supply digestive organs?
    left gastric, splenic & common hepatic
  30. Which pair correctly matches an artery with the organ or regionit serves?
    obturator, medial thigh
  31. Veins that drain the head,neck & upper limbs ultimately merge to form the?
    superior vena cava
  32. Which vein collects most of the blood from the lowe limbs, pelvis, perineum & abdominal strutures?
    inferior vena cava
  33. The vens of the gastrointestinal tract all merge into some part of the
  34. The vens of the gastrointestinal tract all merge into some part of the _______?
    hepatic portal system
  35. Which artery projects from the aortic arch, extending several branches that supply the thoracic wall before changing names inferior to the diaphragm?
    descending thoacic aorta
  36. In fetus, most of the blood is shunted from the right to the left atrium through the?
    foramen ovale
  37. Fetal blood is shunted from the pulmonary trunk to the aorta through which of the followin?
    ductus arteriosus
  38. The word root, varix, as used in ''varicose,'' appropriately translates as?
    dilated vein
  39. Which stuctures are found only in arteries?
    internal & external elastic laminae
  40. In terms of both composition & relative position, the ______ of the heartis most similar to the _______ of vessels walls?
    endocardium; tunica intima
  41. Compared with larger arteries, smaller arteries tend to have less _______ in their walls & more ______.
    elastic tissue; smooth muscle
  42. Which type of true capillaries aer enveloped, in certain locations, by the perivascular feet of asrocytes?
    continuous capillaries
  43. The cyclical contracting & relaxing of _______ tat alters blood flow through capillary beds about 5-10 times per minute is called ______?
    precapillary sphincters; vasomotion
  44. Although both are performed by smooth muscle, _______ raises blood pressure while _______ primarily affects nutrients delievery?
    vasconstriction; vasomotion
  45. Because, at rest, they hold about ______ of the body's raises blood pressur while _______ primarily affects nutrients delivery?
    60%; veins
  46. Which structure are called the "functional units" of the cadiovascular system?
  47. At any given moment, which cardiovascular components contain the most blood?
    the systemic veins & venules
  48. The ______ are to the walls of large blood vessel as te coronary vessels ar to the myocardium?
    vasa vasorum
  49. Which of the following carry oxygenated blood only? (1)systemic arteries (2)sysemic veins (3)pulmonary arteries (4)pulmonary veins
    • systemic arteries
    • pulmonary veins
  50. The aorta & its primary branches are all _______ arteries, as is the pulmonary trunk?
  51. Upon leaving the capillares supplied by celiac & the superior & inferior mesenteric arteries, blood flows into the?
    hepatic portal system
  52. Arrange the names given to successive portion of the vessel that continue from the braciocephalic trunk to supply the right upper limb: (1)radial artery (2)axillary artry (3)branch artery (4) subclavian artery
    • subclavian artery
    • axillary artery
    • brachial artery
    • radial artery
  53. In the fetus, oxygenated blood returning from the placenta is shunted away from the liver by the?
    ductus venosus
  54. At birth, the ______ replaces the hole in the interatrial septum that has the same name as a hole in the sphenoid bon of the skull?
    fossa ovalis
  55. The ductus arteriosus closes at birth, leaving a fibrous remnant, the ligamentum?
  56. Nasal cavty?
    air enters by passing to the external nose
  57. Conchae?
    air filter
  58. Epiglottis?
    closes trachea when swallowing
  59. Vocal folds?
    vibrates to create speech
  60. Tracheal cartilage?
    supports trachea
  61. Bronchial tree?
    brings air into lungs
  62. Lungs?
    gas exchange
  63. Pulmonary veins (red)?
    bring oxygen rich blood to heart
  64. Pulmonary arteries (blue)?
    bring oxygen low blood to lungs
  65. Diaphragm?
    raises during inspiration
  66. Kidney?
    urine production
  67. Mayor + minor calyx?
    collects urine from renal pyramids
  68. Renal pelvis?
    collects urine to pass to ureter
  69. Ureter?
    sends urine to bldder from kidney
  70. Urinary bladder?
    stores urine
  71. Urethra?
    exit for urineout of the body
  72. Clitoris?
    swells during sexual stimulation
  73. Vagina?
    passage way for birth
  74. Gervix?
    keeps uterus closed during pregnancy
  75. Uterine tube?
    site for fertilization
  76. Fimbriae?
    causes current to move egg
  77. Ovary?
    produce estrogen
  78. Testis?
  79. Epididymus?
    sperm mature
  80. Testis?
  81. Vas Deferens?
    passage way for sperm
  82. Seminal vesicle?
    contains most semen
  83. Prostate?
    secrets 1/3 of semen
  84. Bolbourethral gland?
  85. Name the structures which contains the vocal cords?
  86. Name the three divisons of the pharynx?
    Nasopharynx, oropharynx, lartngopharynx
  87. What makes up the respiratory membrane?
    The wall of teh alveolus & the wall of the capillary
  88. Name & state the function of the two types of cell which make up an alveolus?
    • Type I-exchange
    • Type II-secrete sufactant
  89. What are the air-exchange chambers of the lung called?
  90. What is the action of the diaphragm called when it contracts & a person inspires?
    Superiorinferior expansion
  91. Name the substance which prevents alveoli from collapsing during exhalation?
  92. What cavity are the lungs located in?
  93. Name the structure which prevents the trachea from collapsing & keep te airway open despite pressure chnges durin breathing?
    Cartilage C-rings
  94. Name the laryngeal cartilage which is caled te "guardian of the airways."
Card Set
final 2