private meeting of party leaders. used in early america but considered undemocratic bcuz people didnt have a say
nominating conventions
official public meetings of a party to choose candidates- popular after caucuses were disliked. Thought to be more democratic than caucuses but were not democratic because of BOSSES
powereful party leaders who controlled conventions and caused public to use a different method
primary elections
replaced nominating conventions
direct primary
party members select people to run in general election
Closed primary
only members vote for party candidate. Democrat for democrat, republican for republican. common in most states
open primary
all voters can vote but only for 1 partys primary. can be used to ensure a cand will run against a weak link. ppl can be told to sabatoge opposition
more votes than everyone else, not majority. required in most states
what is used in states that require a majority if a majority is not reached?
a run-off primary
run-off primary
second primary between 2 cands withmost votes
person announces candidacy and files petitions that a certain number of people signed. after doing these two things, they are placed on the ballot.
who selects a ticket?
candidate for president or vp
1800-1824 history of presidential nomination
leaders from party met secretly and chose ticket
1824 history of presidential nomination
andrew jackson revolted against "King Caucus"
1831 history of presidential nomination
Anti-Masons held first nominating convention. AMs were a minor political party
1916 history of presidential nomination
1/2 states were choosing convention delegates in presidential primary elections
1970s history of presidential nomination
more democracy= included women, minorities, and young people
1988 history of presidential nomination
presidential primary in 38 states and part of selection process for 3/4 delegates to 2 national conventions
1970 representation
proportional, no longer winner takes all. delegates represent cands in proportion to number of votes received. makes selection extremely complex.
"beauty contests"
preference polls on cand nominee, caucuses choose delegate later. used in 1/2 states
critcisms of presidential primaries
- 1. take too long, costly, exhausting, uninteresting
- 2. image is more stressed than issues
- 3. few ppl vote in primaries= majority may not be as obvious as indicated
- 4.losing candidates have a difficult time getting mones and are often forced to drop out b4 nominee is picked
Super Tuesday
occured in 1988, 14 states created democratic presidential regional primary- major debating day. over in 1992- not enough supporting states
where are conventions held most often?
in a state with a lot of electoral votes or a state where party success is doubtful in order to win that state
process of assembling convention
- 1. roll call of states and welcoming speeches
- 2. natl party chair has deles approve temp officers
- 3.keynote speech made
- 4. deles approve 4 standing comms- rules and order of business, credentials, perm org, and platform and resolutions
keynotee speech
address by important party member to unite party
rules comm
tells how con is run: proposes rules for procedure and order of business. deles must approve rule changes: usually accepted, when not= conflict where outcome is vital for the candidate
credentials comm
approves delegations from each state. can cause disputes and challenges= cred deterenimes which delegations will be seated. report usually accepted, when not= bigger conflict than rules comm : 1964 and 1968 Dem african americans from Miss felt discluded, cred seated some, then replaced entire delegation with integrated rivals.
Permanent Organization comm
selects permanent chair and other perm officials for convention. after roport, deles elect permanent con officials for day to day control
Platform comm
writes partys platform. all contenders want their views expressed... platforms can divide the party
statement of principles, beliefs, and positions of vital issues and how party will deal with the vital issues. must try to appeal to all factions
individual parts of a platform, can divide cands and make it hard to pass platforms
nominating candidates process
once comms reports are accepted party pres cand is selected: nominating and seconding speeches made, then balloting-roll call of states and delegation calls out votes.
majority and no majority
- majority=partys nominee
- no majority= further roll calls
- usually first ballot= from 1900 to 1992, republicans first ballot =20/24 times, democrats= 19/24 times
why might vps be chosen
to balance out president to appeal to more people: 1960 JFK and LBJ catholic fron mass and protestant from texas,1984 mn walter f mondale and geraldine ferraro= 1st girl vp cand, 1988 george bush and dan quayle= 64 moderate and 41 conservative
acceptance speeches to bring party together, attack opponent, theme for campaign, appeal to TV audience. Then adjourn and get ready for general election.