physics test 4.3

  1. Compared to a neutron bouncing off a carbon nucleus, a neutron bouncing off a hydrogen nucleus loses...
    more speed.
  2. Which shape uses the smallest amount of material when creating a critical mass...
  3. Compared to the energy produced by fissioning a gram of uranium, the energy produced by fusing a gram of deuterium is....
  4. Reactions that take place in a breeder reactor change...
    elements into different elements.
  5. In which of these processes is an element of matter changed into a completly different element...
    nuclear fission and fusion.
  6. the most abundant element in the universe is...
  7. Present day research in nuclear fusion uses...
    laser beams and ultra hot plasmas.
  8. Energy released by the sun results from the process where in atomic nuclei...
  9. Between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, radioactive by products are more characteristic of nuclear...
  10. When two light atoms fuse together, mass...
    is converted to kinetic energy of neutrons.
  11. A nucleon has the least mass in the nucleus of...
  12. The nucleus with the greatest mass is...
  13. A nucleon has more mass when it is...
    outside the nuecleus.
  14. When uranium 238 absorbs a neutron, it...
    becomes a beta emitter.
  15. The function of graphite in the first atomic reactor was to....
    absorb fast neutrons.
  16. Which will leak more neutrons, two separate lumps of uranium or the same two lumps stuck together?
    two seperate lumps.
  17. A chain reaction grows when the average number of liberated neutrons that go on to cause further fissions is...
    greater than one.
  18. compared to the mass of a uranium nucleus before splitting, the pieces it splits into have...
    less mass.
  19. Uranium 235, 238 and 239 are different...
Card Set
physics test 4.3
Fission and fusion