biology notes part 1: the science of bio

  1. what does biology mean?
    • bios=life
    • logos=study
    • biology=life-study
  2. how many characteristics of life are there?
  3. What are the characteristics of life?
    • made of cells
    • they grow
    • development
    • reproduction
    • irritability
    • require energy
    • metabolism
    • homeostasis
    • all living things change through time
  4. What is the name for an organism that contains only one cell; for an organism with multiple cells?
    unicellular, multicellular
  5. What is the final stage of development in an organism called?
  6. What are the two kinds of reproduction and what are their differences?
    • asexual-one parent
    • sexual-two parents
  7. What is homeostasis?
    the balanced internal conditions in a cell.
  8. What happens when a species changes through time?
  9. What is the process when a population changes and the weak die out?
    natural selection
  10. What is a major theme in biology, __________ and __________ in life?
    unity, diversity
  11. What is "the genetic code?"
  12. What does the tree of life show?
    That all organisms are descended from a common ancestor.
  13. What are the three parts of the tree of life?
    • Archea, specific bacteria, special conditions
    • Bacteria
    • Eukarya
  14. What is ecology?
    • Interdependance of organisms-
    • dependent on each other
    • dependent on physical environment
  15. What two things that organisms are dependent on?
    each other and the physical environment
  16. What does natural selection determine?
    Which traits are favorable.
  17. What does natural selection lead to?
    survival and reproduction
  18. What explains the diversity of life?
    adaptations to the environment.
  19. What does pure science ask?
    • How?
    • Why?
  20. What does applied science explain?
    the effect on humans
  21. What does applied science need?
    ethics and morality
  22. Is science a process?
  23. How many steps are there in the scientific process?
  24. What are the steps in the scientific process?
    • 1.make observations
    • 2.make a prediction
    • 3.hypothesis
    • 4.experimentation
    • 5.collect data
    • 6.conclusion
    • 7.peer review and publication
    • 8.made into a theory
  25. Explain the step: make observation
    observe, leads to questions
  26. Explain the step: make a prediction
    predict the outcome of your experiment before begin
  27. Explain the step: hypothesis
    • a hypothesis is a scientific eplanation for observations
    • an educated guess on the outcome of an experiment
  28. Explain the step: collect data
    • data is numerical facts
    • tables and/or graphs
  29. Explain the step: conclusion
    it either supports or rejects the hypothesis.
  30. Explain the step: peer review and publication
    send your results to other scientists and have them review it. If their results are the same, publish your work
  31. Explain the step: theory
    after your work is published, if the work is sucessful over and over again, it is regarded as theory untill it is disproven
  32. What is biased?
    basing idea on personal belief rather than science.
  33. ______ peer review is necessary.
  34. How many lenses does a microscope have?
  35. What are the lenses called?
    the objective and ocular lenses.
  36. How is total magnification calculated?
    ocular lens times objective lens. Ocular is 10x and objective is normaly 10/20/40
  37. What kind of microscope has two lenses?
    compound light microscope
  38. In the 1600s who made the first compound light microscope?
    Anton van Leewenhoek
  39. What is resolution?
    The ability to distiguish between two objects clearly. magnification up, resolution down.
  40. Besides a compound light microscope, what is the only other kind?
    Electron microscope
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biology notes part 1: the science of bio
review questions and vocabulary for the first chapter of notes in honors biology