DRUGS ibhs 525 #3 exam

  1. context: endocrine system: growth (Nickola)
    • Growth Hormone antagonist
    • Use: patients with: gigantism but not as well as it is for acromegaly which works better for
  2. context: endocrine system: growth (Nickola)
    • oxytocin-like
    • labor induction, placental delivery
  3. context: endocrine system: pineal gland (Nickola)
    melatonin supplements
    • melatonin (1) inhibits reproductive functions, are (2) free radical scavengers, and (3) establishes circadian rhythms
    • Use: for patients with: insomnia and jet lag
  4. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: alpha-1
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: antagonist
  5. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: alpha-1
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: antagonist
  6. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: alpha-1
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: antagonist
  7. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: alpha-2
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: agonist
  8. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: alpha-2
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: agonist
  9. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: beta-1
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: antagonist
  10. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: beta-1
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: antagonist
  11. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: beta-1
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: antagonist
  12. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: beta-1, beta-2
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: antagonist
  13. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: beta-2
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: agonist
  14. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: beta-2
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: agonist
  15. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: alpha/beta
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: agonist
  16. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • adrenergic receptor: alpha/beta
    • endogenous agonist: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
    • function: antagonist
  17. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    Cortisol (hydrocortisone)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: <1.5 hours
    • potency: 1x
    • Top 200 listing: -
  18. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: 2-5 hours
    • potency: 4x
    • Top 200 listing: generic
  19. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: 2-5 hours
    • potency: 4x
    • Top 200 listing: -
  20. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: 2-5 hours
    • potency: 5x
    • Top 200 listing: generic
  21. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: >5 hours
    • potency: 5x
    • Top 200 listing: generic, Nasacort AQ™
  22. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: >5 hours
    • potency: 20-50x
    • Top 200 listing: Tobradex™ (2 agents)
  23. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: >5 hours
    • potency: 20-50x
    • Top 200 listing: generic (2 agents)
  24. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: -
    • potency: ?
    • Top 200 listing: Flonase™, Flovent™
  25. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: -
    • potency: ?
    • Top 200 listing: Nasonex™
  26. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    Budesonide (that rebel)
    • synthetic glucocorticosteroid
    • half-life: -
    • potency: ?
    • Top 200 listing: Rhinocort AQ™
  27. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    ACE inhibitors
    • diuretic:
    • 1. increase fluid loss
    • 2. to lower blood pressure
    • 3. to decrease heart's effort
  28. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    angiotensin II receptor antagonists
    • diuretic:
    • 1. increase fluid loss
    • 2. to lower blood pressure
    • 3. to decrease heart's effort
  29. context: endocrine system: stress (Richard)
    aldosterone receptor antagonists
    • diuretic:
    • 1. increase fluid loss
    • 2. to lower blood pressure
    • 3. to decrease heart's effort
  30. context: hyperthyroidism treatment (Munson)
    Perchlorate (ClO4-)
    competes with I- for uptake by Na+/I- symporter
  31. context: hyperthyroidism treatment (Munson)
    inhibits thyroid peroxidase and 5'-deiodinase
  32. context: hyperthyroidism treatment (Munson)
    destroys follicle cells
  33. context: hyperthyroidism treatment (Munson)
    • beta-1, beta-2 adrenergic receptor antagonists (beta blockers)
    • treats symptoms:
    • tachycardia, arrhythmias, agitation
  34. context: hypothyroidism (Munson)
    drug induced cause for primary hypothyroidism
  35. context: hypothyroidism treatment (Munson)
    • if iodine levels are low
    • -may lead to transient hyperthyroidism until it goes to equilibrium
  36. context: hypothyroidism treatment (Munson)
    synthetic T4
    • aka levothyroxine sodium
    • long half life - spread out dosing
    • converted to T3 in the tissues
    • negative feedback on TRH/TSH production - decrease in goiter size
  37. context: hypothyroidism treatment (Munson)
    synthetic T3
    • aka liothyronine sodium
    • for emergency use only
    • short half life - quick/ "now" dosing
    • fast acting
  38. context: hypoparathyroidism (Munson)
    Thiazide diuretics
    drug induced cause for secondary hypoparathyroidism
  39. context: hypoparathyroidism (Munson)
    drug induced cause for secondary hypoparathyroidism
  40. context: hypoparathyroidism (Munson)
    Al/Mg antacids
    drug induced cause for secondary hypoparathyroidism
  41. context: hypoparathyroidism/hyperparathyroidism treatment (Munson)
    PTH supplementation
    • treat hypocalcemia (1º hypoparathyroidism/2º hyperparathyroidism)
    • increase Ca2+
    • low supply, expensive
  42. context: Type 1 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Humulin (isophane or regular)
    • top 200 insulins
    • recombinant human insulin
    • first commerical use of recombinant DNA technology
    • works within 30 minutes, peaks in 3 hours
  43. context: Type 1 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Humalog (lispro)
    • top 200 insulins
    • recombinant human insulin
    • works within 5-15 minutes, peaks in 1 hour
    • clumps less than Humulin, so more bioavailable
  44. context: Type 1 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Lantus (glargine)
    • top 200 insulins
    • recombinant human insulin
    • works within 1-2 hours, remains steadily active for 24 hours
    • slow release from injected tissue site
  45. context: Type 1 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Levemir (detemir)
    • top 200 insulin
    • recombinant human insulin
    • works within 1-2 hours, remains steadily active for 24 hours
    • binds to albumin in circulation, slow release
  46. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    • top 200 Biguanides
    • oral Rx
    • antihyperglycemic drugs (dec. gluconeogenesis in liver)
  47. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    • top 200 Sulfonylureas
    • oral Rx
    • hypoglycemic drugs (inc. insulin secretion)
  48. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    • top 200 Sulfonylureas
    • oral Rx
    • hypoglycemic drugs (inc. insulin secretion)
  49. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    • top 200 Sulfonylureas
    • oral Rx
    • hypoglycemic drugs (inc. insulin secretion)
  50. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Rosiglitazone (Avandia)
    • not top 200 Thiazolidinediones, Glitazones
    • oral Rx
    • antihyperglycemic drugs (inc. insulin sensitivity)
  51. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Pioglitazone (Actos)
    • top 200 Thiazolidinediones, Glitazones
    • oral Rx
    • antihyperglycemic drugs (inc. insulin sensitivity)
  52. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    non-oral Rx
  53. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Byetta (Exenatide)
    • top 200 - 2005
    • synthetic version of exendin-4
    • binds and activates glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor
    • resistant to breakdown by dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4)
    • s.c. injection 60 minutes before a meal
    • *Oct. 16th 2007: FDA warns of possible link between diabetes drug and acute pancreatitis
  54. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Januvia (sitagliptin)
    • top 200 - 2006
    • oral drug, once a day
    • dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor
    • decreased breakdown of incretins --> increased incretin levels --> a) increased insulin production, b) decreased glucose from the liver
  55. context: Type 2 DM treatments (Bryant)
    Kombiglyze XR (saxagliptin and metformin)
    • 2010 - approved November 5th
    • first and only once-a-day metformin extended-release (XR) plus dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor combination tablet
    • intended to treat 3 main problems of DM type 2:
    • 1. increases insulin secretion in a glucose-dependent manner
    • 2. suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis
    • 3. improves insulin sensitivity
  56. context: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) treatments- depends on symptoms (Bryant)
    birth control pill
    for those who need contraception; acne
  57. context: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) treatments- depends on symptoms (Bryant)
    • top 200
    • for acne, hirsutism, hypertension
  58. context: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) treatments- depends on symptoms (Bryant)
    Clomiphene (CLOMID)
    for infertiliy
  59. context: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) treatments- depends on symptoms (Bryant)
    • top 200
    • for insulin insensitivity, diabetes mellitus type 2, infertility (combined with clomiphene)
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DRUGS ibhs 525 #3 exam
they say you should know these drugs. you should. simple enough? i like to cause trouble ;)