gram negative

  1. neisseria gonorrhoeae
    1. morphology
    2. virulence
    • 1. gram -
    • cocci
    • special note
    • no vaccine possible
    • can get it over and over
    • condoms may help to prevent this one.
    • 2. the fimbrar and the capsules
    • protease that breaks down IgA
    • endotoxins
  2. neisseria gonorrhoeae
    1. pathology
    2. diseases
    • 1. sexually transmitted (not from formites
    • -only takes a 100 cells
    • - attach to the epithelial cells and endothelial cells
    • =attach with fimbrae
    • =induce pathogen
    • =get inside of cells to reproduce
    • =causes acute inflammation
    • -phagocytized by WBC
    • =not digested
    • =carried throughout body
    • -mainly starts as infection of the genitals
    • 2. men
    • -symptomatic in a week
    • -discharge and pain when they pee
    • women
    • -usually asymptomatic
    • -there can be a discharge
    • -can go to fallopian tubes by getting a ride on sperm
    • - causes PID
    • babies
    • -get while coming down the birth canal
    • -infects eyes and lungs
    • -opthalmia neonatotum
  3. neisseria meningitidis
    1. morphology
    2. virulence
    3. pathology
    • 1. gram -
    • cocci
    • 2. fimbrae
    • capsule
    • lipid A
    • 3. in the upper respiratory
    • -spread on respiratory droplets
    • -has polysaccaride capsule
    • keeps it fron being digested by phagocytes
    • -is carried throughout body by WBC
    • lipid A
    • -causes most of the damage when released
    • -fever
    • -vasodilatation
    • -inflammation
    • -shock
  4. family enterbacteriacae
    • all small gram -
    • all have lipid A
    • can grow on simple media
  5. escherichia coli (family enterbacteriacae)
    1. virulence
    2. pathology
    • 1.different strains can have different virulence factors
    • -antiphagocytic capsule
    • -pili
    • -enterotoxins
    • all have endotoxins (lipid A)
    • 2. acquired by the oral fecal route
    • - watery diarrhea to bloody diarrhea
    • causes urinary tract infections
    • - normal flora in the wrong place
  6. escherichia coli (family enterbacteriacae)
    1. strains
    = what strains cause
    • 1. enterotoxigenic = water diarrhea
    • enterpathogenic = comes together on mucosa due to pili and forms abscesses.
    • enteroinvasive = invades your intestinal cells like Shigella
    • enterohemorrhagic = causes bloody diarrhea
    • very dangerous for infants
    • causes hemolytic uremic syndrome
    • - can shut down a babies kidneys
  7. klebsiella pneumoniae
    1. virulence
    2. pathology
    3. disease
    • 1. large capsule
    • 2. part of normal flora
    • usually causes a disease in AIDS patients and alcoholics
    • 3. usually pneumonia with bloody sputum
  8. salmonella typhi
    1. pathology
    2. disease
    • 1. get from oral fecal route
    • gets into intestines
    • goes systemic and all over
    • back to the gall bladder
    • back to intestines
    • eats holes in intestines
    • 2. causes peritonotis after it eats hole in intestines then death
  9. salmonella typhimarium
    1. virulence
    2. pathology
    3. disease
    • 1. salmonella toxin
    • 2.found in eggs and poultry
    • gets into small intestines
    • induces phagocytosis
    • gets in cells
    • kills the cells
    • 3. killing of the cells causes a loss of water and the diarrhea
    • remember it starts out green and will have mucus
  10. yersinia pestis
    1. pathology
    2. disease
    • 1. carried by rats, squirrels and chipmunks.
    • spread by fleas
    • bacteria travel to the lymph nodes
    • forms a bubo
    • can cause bllod to coagulate and then gas gangrene can happen
    • 2. bubonic plague because it causes bubo
    • also called the black death because of the gangrene
    • can also go to the lungs and cause pneumonic plague.
    • can also be spread from someone with pneumonic plague.
  11. proteus mirabillis
    1. virulence
    2. pathology
    3. disease
    • 1. the fact that it is very motile
    • very drug resistance
    • 2. swims up catheters clear to the kidneys
    • lives off the urea, creates ammonia and raises the pH
    • 3. causes kidneys stones
  12. shigella (they are several different species)
    1. virulence
    2. pathology
    3. disease
    • 1. they have enterotoxins
    • 2. oral fecal route
    • can be spread by the feet of flies
    • gets into large intestines
    • induces phagocytosis
    • when inside cell it uses the actin fibers to go from cell to cell
    • 3. diarrhea with strings
  13. the spirochetes
    • gram -
    • helical bacteria
  14. treponema pallidum pallidum
    1. disease
    2. phases
    • 1. syphilis (an STD)
    • 2. primary syphilis
    • - get a chancre
    • - painless and small sore that goes away
    • secondary syphilis
    • -rash all over
    • -concentrated on hands and feet
    • -does not itch or hurt
    • -goes away then goes into latency
    • tertiary
    • -comes back years later
    • -immune system is attacking your own tissue
    • -forms gummas all over the body
  15. borrellia burgdorferi
    1. disease
    2. phase
    • 1. lymes disease
    • 2. phase one
    • spread by deer tick in the spring
    • causes a bulls eye rash
    • phase two
    • neurological symptoms
    • meningitis
    • cardiac problems
    • phase three
    • severe arthritis (caused by the patients own immune system)
    • can last for years
Card Set
gram negative
gram negative bacteria