A&P Class, Exam #5, Online Questions

  1. The _______ of a neuron carries the impulse towards the nucleus.
  2. Which part of a neuron is directly involved with protein sythesis?
    • Nissl body
    • (cytoplasmic substances/inclusions)
  3. Which part of neuron comes in close proximity to another neuron at the synapse?
    synaptic knob
  4. The PNS is comprised of cranial nerves and ______.
    spinal nerves
  5. The cells that conduct messages towards the brain are the ________.
    sensory neurons
  6. A morphine-like pain suppressing brain substance is _______.
  7. Collaterals are fibers arising from the ______ of neurons.
  8. Nerves that carry impulses from the heart to the brain could be classed as ______ fibers.
    visceral afferent
  9. The following could be grouped together except which one?
    - association
    - motor
    - internuncial
    - interneuron
  10. Branched nerve fibers that convey local potential changes toward the cell body of a neuron are called ________.
  11. Which term does not belong with the others?
    - brain
    - spinal cord
    - CNS
    - spinal nerve
    spinal nerve
  12. True or False: An effector is usually a muscle or motor nerve.
    • False
    • - an effector is usually a muscle or gland
  13. True or False: Nervous tissue includes areas of connective tissue.
    • True
    • - there are connective tissue fibers that surround nerve fibers
  14. True or False: Somatic afferent fibers would carry sensor impulses away from the brain, towards areas such as the eye.
    • False
    • - impulses are carried in these somatic afferent fibers, away from the eye
  15. True or False: A damaged CNS nerve could not regenerate as easily as a PNS fiber.
    • True
    • - PNS fibers are surrounded with Schwann cells that enable regeneration
  16. True or False: A damaged phrenic nerve would heal more slowly than a severed spinal nerve.
    • False
    • -the phrenic nerve is a PNS nerve with a Schwann cell neurolemma and would heal fast than CNS spinal cord fiber without one
  17. True or False: The nucleus of a neuron is always located within the cell body region.
    • True
    • - the major features of the cell body are the nucleas and Nissl bodies
  18. True or False: All neurons have at least one dendrite but one or more axons.
    • False
    • - neurons have one axon, and one or more dendrites
  19. True or False: Only axons are capable of conducting action potentials.
    • True
    • - because only axon have voltage gated channels, only they can have action potentials
  20. The CNS is comprised of the brain and _________.
    spinal cord
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A&P Class, Exam #5, Online Questions
Questions for taking the test