
  1. white blood cells aka
  2. t/f red blood cells have a neuclei
    false-no nuclei
  3. what is it called when there are too many white blood cells
  4. why don't the red blood cells have a nucleus
    they don't need it to reproduce.
  5. what is another name for a neutrophil
    polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN)
  6. what is a PMN?
  7. what is the most common WBC
    neutrophil or PMN- 60-70%
  8. what are the white blood cells eaters?
    • neutrophils aka PMN
    • NK cells
    • monocytes
    • eosinophil
    • basophils
  9. what are the first WBC to appear at an injury site
    neutrophils aka PMN
  10. what are neutrophils (PMN) seen as?
  11. neutrophils (PMN) are ______ _____ and active in phagocytosis
    lysosomal enzymes
  12. what is the second most common wbc
    lymphocytes 20-25%
  13. what wbc makes up 60-70%
    neutrophils (PMN)
  14. what wbc accounts for 20-25%
  15. what are the three types of lymphocytes
    • NK cells
    • T cells
    • B cells
  16. what cells are know as the natural killer cells
    NK cells
  17. where do NK cells mature
    bone marrow
  18. what is the first line of defense against tumors or virally infected cells
    NK cells
  19. what cells are know for just killing everything (dumb)
    NK cells
  20. what cells mature in the thymus
    T cells
  21. what cells activate and direct other immune cells
    t cells
  22. t cells ____ and _____ other immune cells
    activate and direct
  23. what does AIDS cause?
    decrease in T cells
  24. t/f aids kills and stops T cells and without them no order and the immune system falls apart
  25. what cells are the generals of the lymphocytes
    t cells
  26. where do the B cells mature?
    bone marrow and lymph nodes (bean)
  27. what is the bean?
    lymph node
  28. what do b cells differentiate into?
    plasma cells
  29. what cells differentiate into plasma cells
    b cells
  30. what are the antibodies?
  31. each plasma cell can produce ____ of _____ immunoglobulins
    one of five
  32. what are the five immnoglobulins
    • IgA
    • IgE
    • IgD
    • IgG
    • IgM
  33. ____ fight microorganisms in body fluids
  34. ____ is an allergy hypersensitivity because the release of histamine
  35. ____ activates B cell lymphocytes
  36. ____ are major antibody can pass through the placental barrier
  37. ____ activates b cell lymphocytes
  38. what immunoglobulin can pass through the placental barrier
  39. which immunoglobulin has everything to do with allergies
  40. immunoglobulins bind to certain _____ to form an immune complex
  41. what is the antigen
  42. the ____ is the antibody and the ___ is the antigen
    • immunoglobulins
    • immunogen
  43. why does the immunoglobulin bind to the immunogen
    to disable the immunogen
  44. a monocyte becomes a ____
  45. the ____ is located in the bloodstream and the ____ is in the tissue
    • monocyte
    • macrophage
  46. where is the monocyte located
    in the blood stream
  47. where is the macrophage located
    in the tissue
  48. what leukocyte is an allergy induced immune response
  49. an eosinophil eats _____ _____
    immune complexes
  50. a basophil is in the ____ and the mast cell is in the ____
    • blood
    • tissue
  51. basophil is an _____ response
  52. which leukocyte produces hisiamine and heparin
  53. what cell starts in the bone marrow but matures in the thymus
    t cell
  54. b cells take orders from who?
    t cells
  55. where do the wbc aka leukocytes come from
    bone marrow
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head and neck