N110 final

  1. arteri/o
  2. axill/o
    axilla (armpit)
  3. Bronch/o
  4. Brady
  5. cholecyst/o
  6. colon/o
  7. cry/o
    extreme cold
  8. derm/o
  9. gastr/o
  10. glyc/o
    sugar, glucose
  11. hemat/o , hem/o
  12. hepat/o
  13. hydr/o
    water, fluid
  14. lip/o
    lipid, fat
  15. lith/o
    stone, calculus
  16. megaly
  17. nephr/o
  18. ocul/o
  19. pneum/o
    air, lung
  20. tachy
  21. vas/o
    vas deferens, vessel
  22. hyper
    excessive, above
  23. hypo
    deficient, below, under, decreased
  24. peri
    around, surrounding
  25. pre
    before, in front of
  26. post
    after, behind
  27. sub
    under, below
  28. - algia
  29. - emia
    blood condition
  30. - itis
  31. plegia
  32. - rrhage
    bursting forth
  33. - scope
    instrument to view3
  34. Acute
    • sharp, sever
    • **having rapid onset, severe symptoms, and a short course; not chronic
  35. Anemia
    a reduction in the mass of circulating RBCs
  36. Aneurysm
    localized abnormal dilatation of a blood vessel, usually an artery, due to a congenital defect of weakness in the wall of the vessel.
  37. Analgesic
    • relieving pain
    • ** a drug that relieves pain (aspirin)
  38. Benign
    Not recurrent or progressive; nonmalignant
  39. Bilateral
    Pertaining to. affecting, or relating to two sides.
  40. Biopsy
    • a tissue sample removed from the body for microscopic examination, usually to establish a diagnosis
    • ** can be obtained surgically or by aspiration
  41. calculus/calculi
    • a Stone
    • **it is usually composed of mineral salts
    • **Stones can occur in the gallbladder, kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra
  42. cardiologist
    a physician specializing in treatment of heart disease
  43. Cerebrospinal fluid
    • the sodium-rich, potassium-poor tissue fluid of the brain and spinal cord, which supplies nutrients and removes waste products;
    • **also a watery cushion that absorbs mechanical shock to the central nervous system
  44. cholecystectomy
    removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopic or abdominal surgery.
  45. Cirrhosis
    A chronic liver disease characterized pathologically by liver scarring with loss of normal hepatic architecture and areas of ineffective regeneration
  46. Conjunctivitis
    inflammation of the conjunctiva. Treatment is directed against the specific cause
  47. craniotomy
    incision through the cranium to gain access to the brain during neurosurgical procedures
  48. Cryotherapy
    the removal of heat (ex. use of ice compresses) from a body part to decrease cellular metabolism, improve cellular survival, decrease inflammation, decrease pain and muscle spasm, and promote vasoconstriction
  49. Cystoscope
    • An instrument for interior examination of bladder and ureter
    • **it is introduced through the urethra into the bladder
  50. Diuretic
    • An agent that increases urine output.
    • **used to treat hypertension, congestive heart failure, and edema
  51. dyspnea
    difficulty breathing
  52. dysuria
    difficulty and painful urinating
  53. edema
  54. embolus
    a mass of undissolved matter present in a blood or lymphatic vessel and brought there by the blood or lymph.
  55. endocrinology
    the scientific study of hormones and of the glands that secrete them
  56. Enteritis
    inflammation of the intestines, particularly of the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine
  57. Exacerbation
    Aggravation of symptoms or increase in the severity of a disease
  58. Family medicine
    area of medical specialization concerned with providing or supervising the medical care of all members of the family
  59. Feces
    Body waste
  60. Fistula
    An abnormal tubelike passage from a normal cavity or tube to a free surface or to another cavity
  61. Fracture
    • an injury upon assessment that is painful, swollen and deformed
    • ** a break of a bone
  62. Gastroscope
    • A rigid endoscope for inspecting the stomach's interior.
    • ** flexible, fiberoptic endoscopes
  63. Geriatrics
    The branch of health care concerned with the care of the aged, including physiological, pathological, psychological, economic, and sociological problems
  64. Hemoglobin
    the iron-containing pigment of red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues
  65. Hemorrhage
    Blood loss
  66. Hypertension
    BP is higher than 140mmHg systolic and higher than 90 mm Hg diastolic
  67. Hypotension
    a decrease in systolic and diastolic BP below normal
  68. Incision
    A cut made with a knife, electrosurgical unit. or laser for surgical purposes
  69. Insulin
    • A hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas that controls the metabolism and cellular uptake of sugars, proteins, and fats
    • ** controls diabetes melitus
  70. ischemia
    a temporary deficiency of blood flow to an organ or tissue
  71. jaundice
    a yellowing of the skin
  72. lymphatic system
    the system that includes all the lymph vessels that collect tissue fluid and return it to the blood, lymph nodes, and nodules, the spleen and the thymus
  73. malignant
    growing worse; resisting treatment, said of cancerous growths
  74. mammary
    pertaining to the breast
  75. meninges
    • membranes
    • ** three membranes covering the spinal cord and brain.
  76. menses
    the monthly flow of bloody fluid from the endometrium
  77. Metastases
    • movement of bacteria or body cells from one part of the body to another.
    • ** change in location of a disease or of its manifestations or transfers from one organ or part to another not directly connected
  78. Muscular
    pertaining to muscles
  79. Nausea
    an unpleasant queasy or wavelike sensation in the back of the throat, epigastrium, or abdomen that may or may no lead to the urge or need to vomit
  80. Nectotic
    relating to or descriptive of death of a portion of tissue
  81. ocular
    • concerning the eye or vision
    • ** or the eyepiece of a microscope
  82. oncology
    the branch of medicine dealing with tumors
  83. paralysis
    • loss of sensation
    • **loss of purposeful movement usually as a result of neurological disease, strokes, spinal cord injuries, drugs or toxins
  84. Pediatrics
    the care of children and the treatment of their diseases
  85. phlebitis
    inflammation of the vein
  86. platelet
    a round or oval disk, 2 to 4 um in diameter found in the blood of vertebrates
  87. Postpartum
    occurring after childbirth
  88. Psychiatrist
    a physician who specializes in the study, treatment, and prevention of mental and behavioral disorders
  89. Remission
    • a lessening in severity or an abatement of symptoms.
    • **the period during which symptoms abate
    • **the period when no evidence of underlying disease exists
  90. Resection
    Partial excision of a bone or other structure
  91. sacral
    relating to the sacrum
  92. Shock
    A clinical syndrome marked by inadequate perfusion and oxygenation of cells, tissues, and organs, usually as a result of marginal or markedly lowered BP
  93. Tachypnea
    Abnormally rapid respiration
  94. Unilateral
    Affecting or occurring on only one side
  95. Vasodilator
    • Causing relaxation of blood vessels.
    • ** a nerve or drug that dilates blood vessels
  96. Visceral
    pertaining to viscera
  97. Wound
    a break in the continuity of body structures caused by violence, trauma, or surgery to tissues
Card Set
N110 final
word parts and terms