Primary Questions:
- Where is this happening?
- When did this happen?
- What is happening?
- RP name & #/relationship to call/location
- Officer Safety: Wpns/Drgs/Alc
Follow up Questions for MIP:
- Establishing Probable Cause:
- -What makes you think they are underage?
- -What makes you think they have drugs?
- -What makes you think they have alcohol?
- -What did it look like/what type of alcohol
- - How many are there? Descriptions.
- - Did you see a sale/drop take place
- (Code 1)
- Stall.
- Why? Tell me what happened.
- You understand you will be dead?
- How are you going to do it?
- When are you going to do it?
- (Code 3, stage medical)
- # of cars involved.
- DOT .
- How far from the intersection.
- Blocking? Which lane.
- Air bag deployment?
- Fluids/HAZMAT
- (code 3 for unknown if injury)
Hit and Run:
- Did the driver acknowledge the incident.
- DOT, Cymbals
- Damage to vehicles.
- Description of driver.
- ATL (code varies)
- Where are you in the house? (hot)
- Can you see or hear anything?(hot/cold)
- Descriptions.
- Is it safe to stay on the phone?(hot)
- What is happening now? (hot)
- When did you discover this? (cold)
- What is missing (cold)
- Point/method of entry (cold)
- Was there a use or threat of force? (hot/cold)
- What merchandise was taken.
Welfare Check:
- Description. Medical HX.
- Change of patterns?
- Last contact?
- Reason you cannot check?
- (code varies)
- Establish PC/What makes you think they are intox?
- # of passengers
- Cymbals/description
- Updates (code 3 for wreckless endangerment)
- How many?
- Descriptions.
- Where in the house? (Kitchen/room)
- Where on the street? (DOT/MOT/X ST)
- Where in the store? (What isle)
- Update. what is happening now
- (code 3 for violence stage medical)
- Verbal or physical?
- M v F? M v M ? F v F?
- Descriptions.
- Where in the house? (Kitchen/room)
- Where on the street? (DOT/MOT/X ST)
- Where in the store? (What isle)
- HX? What is the dispute about?
- Update, what is happening now
- Is a child present (Code varies)
Apartment Information:
- Which floor/how many stories
- Which entrance/elevator
- Building #
- Unit #
- What did the person say verbatim?
- What method did they use to say it?
- Has the person done this before?
- Does the person have a means to carry out a threat?
- Description.
- (Code varies)
Suspicious Vehicle:
- what is suspicious about the vehicle?
- Cymbals.
- How long has the person been there?
- Parked or driving?
- Description of driver.
- (code varies)
Stolen Vehicle :
- (cold)
- Cymbals.
- Full tank of gas?
- Current on payments?
- Spouse/roomates access to keys?
- Where was it parked?
Code 99
Person is unconscious, not breathing. (code 3)
Code Zero
Shots fired officer down. (Code 3)
Chest Pains/ Heart
- Does the person have pain in their jaw arm or chest?
- Do the person have shortness of breath?
- Description.
- Is the person conscious ? (Code 3)
Alarm/Noise complaint:
- How long has it been audible?
- Which direction is the sound coming from?
- Do you see anything?
- (Code 1)
Fall Patient
- Where did the person fall from?
- How is the person positioned?
- Where are the injuries?
- Description.
- (Code 1, 3 for trauma only)
- Is the person breathing?
- When were they last concious?
- Medical HX?
- Description.
- (Code 3)
Car VS Ped
- Where was the person struck?
- Is the person concsious?
- Visible injuries?
- Description.
- (Code 3)
- It always is unless it isn't.
- All crimes are not equal.
- More serious crimes stay hotter longer.
- Get the monkey off your back.
Rape Victim:
- Is the suspect still there?
- Description.
- When did this begin/end. Tell me what happened.
- Is there anyone we can notify?
- Do not bathe or wash your clothes.
Criminal Mischief/Trespass
- See or hear any suspects?
- Description.
- Damage to property?
- Where on the property?
- How long ago?
- HX?
- (Cold)