What is the treatment of brief psychotic disorder?
Antipsychotics, although the condition is self limited. May need to admit to hospital.
What are the 3 subtypes of brief psychotic disorder>?
- 1. With marked stressors (formerly brief reactive psychosis)
- 2. without marked stressors
- 3. Postpartum-typically develop symptoms 1-2 weeks post-delivery that resolve in 2-3 months.
How long do the psychotic symptoms last in brief psychotic disorder?
A least 1 day, but no more than 1 month, followed by eventual return to premorbid functioning.
What disoders are brief psychotic disorder associated with?
- borderline personality disorder
- Schizotypal personality disorder
What is brief psychotic disorder?
A full psychotic episode that is short-lived. It can be temporally related to some stressor or occur postpartum, but is also seen w/o an apparent antecedant
What is the treatment of delusional disorder?
Antipsychotics are appropriate but often ineffective so primary tx is psychotherapy, taking care to neither support nor refute the delusion but maintain an alliance with the patient.
How long must the delusions be present for one to be diagnosed with delusional disorder?
At least 1 month.
Unspecified type of delusional disorder
A person is so diagnosed when a single delusional theme cannot be determined or when the predominant delusional theme does not match subtype criteria
Mixed type of delusional disorder
a person is so diagnosed when no single delusional theme predominates
Somatic type of delusional disorder
A person becomes falsely convinced that he or she has a bodily function disorder, for example, organ dysfunction, body odor, or parasite infection
Persecutory type of delusional disorder?
A person becomes falsely convinced that others are out to harm him or her and that he or she is being conspired against in general
Jealous type of delusional disorder?
A person becomes falsely convinced that his or her lover is unfaithful
Grandiose type of delusional disorder?
A person becomes falsely convinced that he or she has special abilities or is in other ways much more important than reality indicates.
Erotomatic subtype of delusional disorder?
A person becomes falsely convinced that another person is in love with him or her
What are the subtypes of delusional disorder?
- Erotomatic
- Grandiose
- Jealous
- Persecutory
- Somatic
- Mixed
- Unspecified
What characteristic do patients who develop delusional disorder often have before they develop the illness?
Many of them have a paranoid character
What is the epidemiology of delusional disorder?
It is rare (<0.05%), generally onset is in middle to late life. Affects women more than men.
What is the treatment of schizophreniform disorder
similar to that for the acute treatment of psychosis in schizophrenia
What is delusional disorder?
It is characterized by non-bizarre delusions w/o other psychotic symptoms.
What are the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder?
All the symptoms of schizophrenia including: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, or negative symptoms. The dx changes to schizophrenia once symptoms extend past 6 months, even if only residual symptoms are left.
What is schizophreniform disorder?
essentially, schizophrenia that fails to last for 6 months and does not involve social withdrawal.
Which has a better prognosis, schizoaffective disorder or schizophrenia?
Schizoaffective disorder has a better prognosis, but its prognosis is worse than that of bipolar or major depressive disorder
How is schizoaffective disorder managed?
Typically a combo of antipsychotic medication and a mood stabilizer. An antidepressant or electroconvulsive therapy may be needed for an acute depressive episode. Psychosocial treatments.
What is an important feature of schizophrenia that must be differentiated from schizoaffective disorder?
The prominent negative symptoms of the patient with schizophrenia must be differentiated from the lack of energy (anhedonia) in the depressed patient with schizoaffective disorder.
What are the 2 subtypes of schizoaffectivce disorder?
Age of onset of schizoaffective disorder?
Late teens to early 20's
What is schizoaffective disorder?
Patients have psychotic episodes that resemble schizophrenia with prominent mood disturbances. Their psychotic symptoms, however, must persist for some time in the absence of any mood syndrome.