
  1. ganar
    to earn, win
  2. herir
    to injure
  3. hervir
    to boil
  4. huir
    to flee
  5. imponer
    to impose
  6. imprimir
    to print (using a printer)
  7. incluir
    to include
  8. indicar
    to indicate
  9. inferir
    to infer
  10. influir
    to influence
  11. insistir
    to insist
  12. instruir
    to instruct
  13. interceder
    to intercede
  14. interferir
    to interfere
  15. interrumpir
    to interrupt
  16. inventar
    to invent
  17. ladrar
    to bark
  18. lavar
    to wash
  19. llenar
    to fill
  20. llevar
    to bring
  21. llover
    to rain
  22. lograr
    to acheive
  23. luchar
    to fight
  24. mandar
    to send
  25. manejar
    to drive, manage
  26. matar
    to kill
  27. mejorar
    to improve
  28. merecer
    to deserve
  29. meter
    to insert
  30. mezclar
    to mix
  31. mimar
    to spoil (a child)
  32. mostrar
    to show
  33. mugir
    to moo (like a cow)
  34. nacer
    to be born
  35. nevar
    to snow
  36. nombrar
    to name
  37. notar
    to note, notice
  38. obedecer
    to obey
  39. observar
    to observe
  40. obtener
    to obtain
  41. ocurrir
    to occur, happen
  42. odiar
    to hate
  43. orar
    to pray
  44. parar
    to stop
  45. parpadear
    to blink
  46. participar
    to participate
  47. pasar
    to pass (by), happen
  48. pasear
    to stroll
  49. patinar
    to skate
  50. pecar
    to sin
  51. pegar
    to hit, glue
  52. perder
    to lose
  53. perdonar
    to forgive
  54. pesar
    to weigh
  55. pescar
    to fish
  56. picar
    to prick, sting, itch, be spicy (food)
  57. pintar
    to paint
  58. planchar
    to iron
  59. planear
    to plan
  60. plantar
    to plant
  61. preparar
    to prepare
  62. presentar
    to introduce
  63. preservar
    to protect, preserve
  64. producir
    to produce
  65. prometer
    to promise
  66. proteger
    to protect
  67. quedar
    to be left
  68. quedarse
    to stay
  69. rayar
    to scratch
  70. razonar
    to reason
  71. realizar
    to acheive
  72. rechazar
    to reject
  73. recoger
    to gather, pick up things
  74. recomendar
    to recommend
  75. reconocer
    to recognize
  76. redactar
    to edit
  77. redimir
    to redeem
  78. redistribuir
    to redistribute
  79. regalar
    to give (a gift)
  80. regañar
    to scold
  81. regar
    to irrigate, water
  82. regresar
    to return (to a place)
  83. reñir
    to quarrell
  84. reparar
    to repair
  85. repartir
    to redistribute
  86. repasar
    to review
  87. repetir
    to repeat
  88. reproducir
    to reproduce
  89. requerir
    to require
  90. rescatar
    to rescue
  91. resistir
    to resist
  92. resolver
    to resolve
  93. resonar
    to resound
  94. resplandecer
    to gleam
  95. rogar
    to beg
  96. roncar
    to snore
Card Set
1st Semester Verbs g-r