religion chapter two review questions

  1. define incarnation
    the dogma that God's eternal Son assumed a human nature and became man in Jesus Christ to save us from our sins.
  2. list four reasons God became man
    • to save us from sin, death, and eternal seperation from God
    • "so that we might know God's love"
    • to be our model of holiness
    • to make us sharers in his divine nature
  3. What does the name Jesus mean? Why is it appropriate that he was given this mame?
    • comes from the name Yehoshua which means "God saves," "God is salvation," or "Savior."
    • It is appropriate that he got this name because He is the Savior of the world
  4. Discuss the meaning of these titles of Jesus:
    Son of God
    Son of Man
    Suffering Servant
    • Christ: translates the Hebrew title Messiah. Jesus is the rightful ruler of the universe
    • Son of God: Jesus is the Son of God
    • Lord: His divinity, he proved he was God during his ministry
    • Son of Man: Jesus is the son of man because he is descended from David.
    • Suffering Servant: He sufferend and died for us
  5. What is our primary source of knowledge of Jesus Christ?
    the gospels
  6. What kinds of writing appear in the New Testament? Give examples of each kind.
    • the Gospels: the Gospel according to John
    • Acts of the Apostles: written by Luke
    • The New Testament Letters: Corinthians I
    • The Catholic Letters: Peter II
    • The revelation to John: aka the apocalypse
  7. Name the three stages of gosple formation.
    • Stage 1: the historical Jesus
    • Stage 2: Oral tradition (three parts)
    • (1)Kerygma (preaching to unbelievers)
    • (2)Didache ("teaching")
    • (3)Liturgy ("participation in the work of God")
    • Stage 3: The New Testament Writings
  8. What are two religious lessons about Jesus learned from his birth and infancy?
    • Jesus was born in poverty and allowed the lowly see him first.
    • was born in a humble manger
    • (unsure about this one)
  9. Did Jesus have blood brothers and sisters?
    no, there was no word in Hebrew for cousins so they were refered to as brothers and sisters
  10. Why did Jesus submit to the baptism of John?
    • by doing this he accepted an launched his mission to be God's Suffering Servant.
    • At his Baptism Jesus:
    • 1:showed perfect submission to the fathers will
    • 2:foreshadowed the baptism of his death for teh remission of our sins
    • 3:served asthe model for our own baptism
  11. What is meant by the term gospel?
    "good news."
  12. What did Jesus teach was the meaning of the "kingdom of God?"
    The kingdom of God is God's power and active presence, his saving activity in the entire universe, in heaven and on earth
  13. Name and explain two of Jesus' key teachings.
    • God's kingdom is here-it is God's presence and saving activity
    • God is a loving father-he loves us all, enough to send his only son to die for us
  14. Why did Jesus perform miracles?
    to accompany his words, they prove taht he is the Messiah, the Son of God.
  15. Define salvation.
    God's forgiveness of sins, accomplished through the mercy of Jesus Christ, resulting in the restoration of friendship with God.
  16. Who is responsible for the death of Jesus?
    everybody, he died for everyone's sins
  17. Why is belief in the resurrection essential for Christians?
    He died and rose again to save us from our sins. It is essential because to fulfill the scriptures he had to die and rise again
  18. Define Pashcal Mystery.
    the saving love of God most fully revealed in the life and especially the passion, death, resurrection, death, resurrection, and glorious ascension of his Son Jesus Christ
  19. What is the Parousia? What should we do to prepare for it?
    The second coming of Christ when the Lord will judge the living and the dead. We should do good and live the way Jesus told us to.
  20. List and discuss several Church doctrines that counteract the heresies of Docetism and Arianism.
    they were counteracted with councils. One thing that counteracted them was the Nicene Creed which was created at the Council of Nicea
  21. what is the distinctive sign of Christian faith?
    Belief in the true incarnation
  22. why didn't the Jews believe Jesus was the Messiah, what were they expecting?
    they thought that the Messiah would through off the yoke of the Romans and restore Israel to glory
  23. What does the alpha and omega symbolize?
    that Jesus is the begining and the end because alpha and omega were the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.
  24. What does INRI stand for?
    • I-Jesus
    • N-of Nazareth
    • R-king
    • I-of the Jews
  25. what is the chiro and what does it stand for?
    it is a monogram of the first two letters, Chi (X) and Rho (P), of the Greek word for Christ.
  26. why were each of the gospels different yet still all true
    the different gospel writers were each writing for a different audience.
  27. everything about Jesus' life on earth reveals ______
    the Father
  28. When did Jesus begin to preach the good news of God's kingdom?
    when he returned from the desert.
  29. what was the heart of Jesus' message?
    that the kingdom was coming in Jesus' very own person.
  30. Why did Jesus perform miracles?
    to accompany his words. They revealed that God's kingdom was present in his very person and they prove that he is the Messiah
  31. How many categories of miracles did Jesus perform?
  32. What were the four categories of miracles that Jesus performed?
    healings, exorcisms, nature miracles,raisings from the dead
  33. when did Jesus reveal his divine glory before Peter, James, and John?
    during the transfiguration
  34. Who appeared with Jesus during the transfiguration?
    Moses and Elijah
  35. Who was Jesus' death for?
    all people in all ages
  36. whaen did teh most important event in salvation history take place and what was it?
    it took place on the third day after Jesus' death, it was the resurrection of Jesus
  37. What did Jesus conquer at the resurrection?
    death and sin
  38. The resurrection is proof of what?
    Jesus' divinity
  39. What is Pentecost?
    the day on which the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and gave them the power to preach with conviction the message that Jesus is risen and is Lord of the universe. The feast of Pentecost is often known as "the birthday of the Church."
  40. what is gnostic docetism
    the heresy that God could not have taken on human flesh and only appeared to be human.
  41. what was the heresy promoted by Arius?
    it denied the true divinity of Jesus
  42. What events were held to combat the heresies?
    ecumenical councils
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religion chapter two review questions
review questions for religion chapter two