ch 11 embryo

  1. WBC's come from ________ ________
    bone marrow
  2. what is another name for WBC's?
  3. red blood cells have no _________
    NUCLEUS! (all it needs to do is carry oxygen, it doesn't need a fancy nucleus to tell it what to do)
  4. neutrophil is aka _____
  5. PMN stands for:
    POLY(multiple)MORPHO(mishaped)NUCLEAR (leukocyte)
  6. what are the five WBCs?
    • neutrophils
    • lymphocytes
    • monocytes
    • eosinophils
    • basophils
  7. _________ is the MOST common WBC at ____ to ____%
    • neutrophil
    • 60-70%
  8. what is the first cell to appear at an injury site?
    neutrophil (phil to the rescue!)
  9. what cell is seen as pus?
  10. lysosomal enzymes are active in _________
  11. leukemia = too many ______
    WBC's (all of them) it is a malignant disease of the bone marrow
  12. what are the SECOND most common WBC's? at what percentage range?
    • lymphocytes ("lymphs" onto the site after "phil" had most of his crew there)
    • 20-25%
  13. what are the three types of lymphocytes?
    • NK Cells (natural killer cells)
    • T-cells
    • B-cells
    • immunoglobulins
  14. T/F NK cells do not diffentiate
    true! they eat whatever they want
  15. nk cells MATURE in the ______ _______
    bone marrow
  16. what is the first line of defense against tumors or virally infected cells?
    natural killer cells!!
  17. what just kills everything?
    Natural Killer Cells!
  18. T-cells are very _____!
  19. what cells tell others what to do?
    the T cells! (T is for Teacher! T is for Tell!)
  20. T cells MATURE in the ________
  21. what cells activate and direct other immune cells?
    T cells
  22. T cells send _________ and _________ when acting to a response
    • chemical
    • WBC's
  23. _______ causes a decrease in T cells (kills them)
  24. B cells take orders from who?
    T cells (T is for Teacher! T is for Tell!)
  25. B cells MATURE in the ________ _________ and "______"
    • "B"one marrow
    • "B"ean aka lymph node
  26. B cells differentiate into _____ _____
    plasma cells
  27. each plasma cell can produce on of five __________
  28. immunoglobulins are ________
  29. what are the five B cells?
    • IgA
    • IgE
    • IgD
    • IgG
    • IgM
    • (A,E,D,G,M)
  30. the B cells that fight microorganisms in body fluids are:
    IgA ("A" attack)
  31. what B cells are allergy hypersensitive because they cause the release of histamine?
    IgE (also "E"osinophil)
  32. what B cells activate B cell lymphocytes? (2)
    • IgD
    • IgM
    • (the "MD" medical doctor, more cells!)
  33. which B cell major antibody can pass through the placental barrier?
    IgG ("G" great! passed immunity to the baby)
  34. Immunoglobulins bind to certain _________ (antigens) to form an immune complex that disables the immunogen
  35. what is an immunogen?
    a marker, to let the WBC's know what to destroy
  36. soon to be a macrophage is:
  37. monocyte is in the __________ and macrophage is in the ________. the name changes when the location changes
    • bloodstream
    • tissue
  38. what two components fall under the monocyte category?
    • phagocytosis
    • lysosomal enzymes
  39. an ________ is an allergy induced immune response
  40. eosinophils eat ______ ______
    immune complexes
  41. Basophils are in the _________ and mast cells are in the _________. changes names with location
    • blood
    • tissue
  42. a basophil is a _________ and herapin producer
  43. basophils release histamine, for an _______ response
  44. which cells EAT? (5)
    • neutrophils
    • NK cells
    • monocytes
    • eosinophils
    • basophils
  45. T/F lymphocytes eat
    FALSE! not all of them, just their NK cells
Card Set
ch 11 embryo
ch 11 cells