Ch. 33 bio 4

  1. New world monkeys are?
    arboreal; long prehensile tail
  2. Old world monkeys are?
    arboreal and terrestrial; no prehensile tail
  3. 6 million years ago lineage split?
    • · Chimpanzee
    • · Hominid
  4. What percentage of Anthropoids are monkeys?
  5. What are some characteristics of Anthropoids?
    • ü Most diurnal
    • ü Larger size
    • ü Binocular vision
    • ü Color vision
  6. Anthropoids means?
  7. Examples of Anthropoids are?
    Gibbons, Gorillas, Humans, Chimpanzees, Bonobos
  8. What are some characteristics of Prosimians?
    • ü Most arboreal and nocturnal
    • ü Superior sense of smell
  9. Examples of Prosimians are?
    Lemurs, Lorises
  10. Prosimians mean?
    (“pre monkey”)
  11. Two major primate groups are?
    • Prosimians
    • Anthropoids
  12. Primates?
    • o Hands adapted for grasping (most have opposable thumbs)
    • o Large brain; forward-looking eyes
    • o Flat nails on digits
    • o Skin ridges on fingers
  13. Example of Proboscidea?
  14. Example of Sirenia?
  15. Examples of Carnivora?
    wolves, cats, dogs, seals, pandas and other bears
  16. Examples of Perissodactyla?
    zebras, horses, rhinos
  17. Perissodactyla?
    odd-toed hoofed mammals
  18. Examples of Cetartiodactyla?
    cows, pigs, hippopotamus, sheep and goats, Blue whale- largest mammal (whale, dolphins)
  19. Cetartiodactyla?
    even-toed hoofed mammals and cetaceans
  20. Examples of Chiroptera?
    tent-making bat, long-nosed bat, vampire bat
  21. Chiroptera?
  22. Examples of Rodentia?
    rats and mice, beavers, squirrels, beavers, cabybara
  23. Rodentia?
    gnawing mammals
  24. What are some orders of eutherians?
    • Rodentia
    • Chiroptera
    • Cetartiodactyla
    • Perissodactyla
    • Carnivora
    • Sirenia
    • Proboscidea
    • Primates
  25. How many orders of eutherians are there?
    20 orders
  26. What are some characteristics of Eutherians (placental therians)?
    • · Vivparous
    • · Nourish young via a placenta
    • · Lengthy gesetational period:
    • ü Rabbit – 31 days
    • ü Human – 266 days
    • ü Elephant – 624 days
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Ch. 33 bio 4
Ch. 33 bio 4