eas chapter 11

  1. the central nucleus of commercial land uses in the city
    Central Business District(CBD)
  2. area of mixed commercial and residential land uses surrounding the CBD
    zone in transition
  3. nodal concentrations of shopping and office space that are situated on the outer fringes of metropolitan areas. typically near major highway intersections
    edge cities
  4. the movement into older , centrally located working class neighbourhoods by higher0income households seeking the character and connivence of less expensive and well located residences
  5. the territorial and residential clustering of specific groups or subgroups of people
  6. population subgroups that are seen or that see themselves as somehow different from the general population
    minority groups
  7. the spatial separation of specific population subgroups within a wider population
  8. a hypothetical, uniform plane-flat and with no variations in its physical attributes
    isotropic surface
  9. a process of neighbourhood change whereby one social or ethnic group succeeds another
    invasion and succession
  10. an attempt to remake cities in ways that would reflect the higher values of society, using neo-classical architecture, grandiose street plans, parks and inspirational monuments and statues
    City Beautiful Movement
  11. an attempt to plan cities in ways that combine the benefits of urban living with the spaciousness and environmental quality of rural life.
    Garden City Movement
  12. a style of urban design that sought to combine the best elements of all the classic architectural styles
    Beaux Arts
  13. the idea that buildings and cities should be designed and run as machines are
    modern movement
  14. a style characterized by a diversity of architectural styles and elements often combine in the same building or project
    postmodern urban design
  15. the juxtaposition in geographical space of the formal and informal sectors of the economy
  16. transmission of poverty and deprivation from one generation to another through a combination of domestic circumstances and local neighbourhood conditions
    cycle of poverty
  17. a subset of the poor isolated from mainstream values and the formal labour market
  18. an effect resulting from the absorption and radiation of thermal energy by buildings and roads, together with the heat generated by urban living, which causes the average city to be warmer than its surrounding countryside
    urban heat island
  19. the state of working less than full time, even though the people concerned would prefer to work more hours
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eas chapter 11
chapter 11 vocab