Ortho Lab Tests

  1. Dawbarn Test
    Positive: Decrease pain and/or tenderness

    Indicates: Subacromial bursitis
  2. Dugas Test
    Positive: Inability to touch the opposite shoulder and/or inability of the elbow to touch the chest

    Indicates: Acute dislocation of the glenohumeral Joint
  3. Anterior Apprehension Test
    Positive: pt will have a noticeable look of apprehension or alarm on their face with possible pain

    Indicates: Chronic anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint
  4. Posterior Apprehension test
    Positive: pt will have a noticeable look of apprehension or alarm on their face with possible pain

    Indicates: Chronic posterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint
  5. Drop arm aka Codman drop arm test
    Positive: pt will not be able to lower the arm slowly or the arm drops suddenly

    Indicates: Rotator cuff tear, usually supraspinatus
  6. Yergason Test
    Positive: 1) Localized pain and/or tenderness at the bicipital groove. 2) Audible click or the biceps tendon subluxes or dislocates

    Indicates: 1) Bicipital tendenitis 2) Instability of the biceps tendon possibly associated with a torn transverse humeral ligament.
  7. Abbott-Saunders Test
    Positive: Palpable and/or audible click

    Indicates: Subluxation or dislocation of the biceps tendon (Rupture of the transverse ligament or tendon subluxation beneath subscapularis muscle belly)
  8. Speed Test
    Positive: Pain and/or tenderness in the bicipital groove

    Indicates Bicipital tendinitis
  9. Apley Test
    Positive: Exacerbation of pain

    Indicates Degenerative tendinitis of rotator cuff tendons usually supraspinatus.
  10. Impingement Sign
    Positive: Pain in the shoulder

    Indicates: Overuse injury to the supraspinatus and possibly biceps tendon
  11. Shoulder ROM
    • Flexion: 180
    • Extension: 60
    • Abduction: 180
    • Adduction: 50
    • External rotation: 90
    • Internal Rotation: 70
    • Scapular retraction
    • Scapular protraction
    • Scapular elevation
  12. Elbow ROM
    • Flexion: 150
    • Extension: 0
    • Supination: 80
    • Pronation: 80
  13. Medial Collateral Ligament Test
    Positive: Excessive gapping and pain

    Indicates: Medial collateral ligament instability
  14. Lateral Collateral Ligament test
    Positive: Excessive gapping and pain

    Indicates: Lateral collateral ligament instability
  15. Tinel Elbow Sign
    Positive: Pain and/or tenderness at the site being tapped and paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution area ( fingers 4,5)

    Indicates: Neuroma of the ulnar nerve
  16. Cozen Test
    Positive: Pain over the lateral epicondyle

    Indicates: Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
  17. Mills Test
    Positive: Pain over the lateral epicondyle

    Indicates: Lateral epicondylitis ( Tennis Elbow)
  18. Golfer Elbow Test
    Positive:Pain over the medial epicondyle

    Indicates: Medial Epicondylitis
  19. Wrist and Hand ROM
    • Wrist Flexion: 80
    • Wrist Extension: 70
    • Wrist ulnar deviation: 30
    • Wrist radial deviation: 20
    • Finger abduction
    • Finger adduction
    • Thumb flexion
    • Thumb extension
    • Finger flexion
    • finger extension
    • Finger opposition
  20. Tinel Wrist sign
    Positive: Reproduction of pain, tenderness and/or paresthesia in the median nerve distribution area ( Thumb, 2nd, 3rd, and lateral half or the 4th digit)

    Indicates: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  21. Phalen Sign
    Positive: Reproduction of pain, tenderness and/or paresthesia in the median nerve distribution area ( Thumb, 2nd, 3rd, and lateral half or the 4th digit)

    Indicates: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  22. Reverse Phalen Sign AKA Prayer Sign
    Positive: Reproduction of pain, tenderness and/or paresthesia in the median nerve distribution area ( Thumb, 2nd, 3rd, and lateral half or the 4th digit)

    Indicates: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  23. Finkelstein Test
    Positive: Pain distal to the radial styloid process

    Indicates: Stenosing tenosynovitis of the adductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons (DeQuervain's Disease)
  24. Bunnel-Littler Test
    Positive: 1) Flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint cannot be achieved. 2) Flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint is achieved.

    Indicates: 1) Joint capsule contracture. 2) Tight intrinsic muscles
  25. Retinacular Test
    Positive: 1) Flexion of the distal interphalangeal joint cannot be achieved. 2) Flexion of the distal interphalangeal joint is achieved

    Indicates: 1) Joint capsule contracture. 2) Tight retinacular ligament
  26. Allen Test
    Positive: A delay of more than 10 seconds in returning a reddish color to the hand

    Indicates: Radial or ulnar artery insufficiency. The Artery being held is not the one being tested.

    A negative Allen's Test must be obtained before using the radial artery in the neurovascular compression test
  27. Cervical spine ROM
    • Flexion: 60
    • Extension: 75
    • Lateral flexion: 45
    • Left and right rotation: 80
  28. Foraminal Compression Test
    Positive: 1) Exacerbation of localized cervical pain. 2) Exacerbation of cervical pain with a radicular component.

    Indicates: 1) Foraminal encroachment or facet pathology without nerve root compression. 2) Foraminal encroachment with nerve root compression or facet pathology ( then evaluate the myotome, reflex and dermatome of the nerve root involved.)
  29. Cervical Distraction Test
    Positive: 1) Diminished or absence of pain. 2) Increase of cervical pain

    Indicates: 1) Foraminal encroachment (local pain diminishes), nerve root compression (Radicular pain diminishes). 2) Muscular strain, ligamentous sprain, myospasm, facet capsulitis
  30. Spinal Percussion Test
    Positive: 1) local pain. 2) Radiating pain

    Indicates: 1) Possible fractured vertebrae, ligamentous involvement (spinous pain), muscular involvement ( muscular pain). 2) Possible disc pathology
  31. Shoulder Depression test
    Positive: 1) Localized pain on the side being tested. 2) Radicular pain on either side.

    Indicates: 1) Localized Pain- Dural sleeve adhesions, and muscular adhesions/contracture, or spasm, or ligamentous injury. 2) Radicular Pain- On the side being tested neurovascular bundle compression, dural sleeve adhesions, or thoracic outlet syndrome. On the opposite side being tested foraminal encroachment with nerve root compression.
  32. Valsalva Maneuver
    Positive: localized or radiating pain from site of lesion

    Indicates: Space occupying lesion
  33. Swallowing Test
    Positive: Difficulty with swallowing

    Indicates: Space occuopying lesion at anterior portion of the cervical spine. Possibly esophageal or pharyngeal injury, anterior disc defect, muscle spasm or osteophytes
  34. Soto Hall Sign
    Positive: Generalized pain in the cervical region, which may extend down to the level of T2

    Indicates: Non-specific test for structural integrity of the cervical region
  35. Kernig Sign
    Positive: Inability to fully extend the leg and/or pain (usually in the neck region)

    Indicates: Meningeal irritation/meningitis
  36. O'Donoghue Maneuver
    Positive: 1) Pain during passive ROM. 2) Pain during resisted ROM.

    Indicates: 1) Ligamentous sprain (Passive ROM stresses ligaments). 2) Muscle/tendon strain (Active ROM stresses muscles and tendons
  37. Nerve Root C5
    • Disc level: C4
    • Muscle tests: Shoulder abduction- deltoid (axillary)
    • Forearm flexion- biceps (musculocutaneous)
    • Reflex: Biceps
  38. Nerve Root C6
    • Disc Level: C5
    • Muscle tests: Wrist extension- extensor carpi radialia longus and brevis, and extensor carpi ulnaris (radial)
    • Reflex: Brachioradialis
  39. Nerve Root C7
    • Disc level: C6
    • Muscle tests: Elbow extension- Triceps ( radial)
    • Wrist flexion- flexor carpi radialis (Median), Flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar). Finger extension- extensor digitorum communis, extensor indicis profundus, extensor digiti minimi (Radial)
    • Reflex: Triceps
  40. Nerve Root C8
    • Disc level: C7
    • Muscle test: Finger flexion- flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, lumbricals (median and ulnar)
    • Reflex: none
  41. Nerve Root T1
    • Disc level: T1
    • Muscle tests: Finger abduction- dorsal interossei (ulnar). Finger adduction- palmar interossei (ulnar)
    • Reflex: None
  42. Lumbar ROM
    • Flexion: 25
    • Extension: 30
    • Lateral flexion: 25
    • Rotation: 30
  43. Hoover Sign
    Positive: lack of counter-pressure on the healthy side

    Indicates: Lack of organic basis for paralysis (Malingering/hysteria). With organic hemiplegia, the pt will still exert downward pressure when attempting to raise paralyzed leg.
  44. Straight leg Raiser (SLR)
    Positive: Radiating pain and/or dull posterior thigh pain.

    Indicates: Sciatic radiculopathy or tight hamstrings. Positive between 35-70 degrees = possible discogenic sciatic radiculopathy
  45. Goldwait Sign
    Positive: Localized pain, low back or radiating pain down the leg

    Indicates: lumbosacral or sacroiliac pathology. Pain occuring after the lumbar spinouses move = possible lumbosacral problem. Pain occuring before the lumbars move = possible sacroiliac problem
  46. Bragard Sign
    Positive: Radiating pain in the posterior thigh

    Indicates: Sciatic radiculopathy
  47. Buckling Sign
    Positive: Pain in the posterior thigh with sudden knee flexion

    Indicates: Sciatic radiculopathy
  48. Bowstring Sign
    Positive: Pain in the lumbar region or radiculopathy

    Indicates: Sciatic nerve root compression, helps rule out tight hamstrings
  49. Lasegue Test
    Positive: Reproduction of sciatic pain before 60 degrees

    Indicates: Sciatica
  50. Milgram Test
    Positive: Inability to perform test and/or low back pain

    Indicates: Weak abdominal muscles or space occupying lesion
  51. Bechterew Test
    Positive: Reproduction of radicular pain or inability to perform correctly due to tripod sign.

    Indicates: Sciatic radiculopathy
  52. Neri Bowing Test
    Positive: Positive with a variety of low back pathologies. Hamstring tension on the pelvis may trigger the response
  53. Anterior Innominate Test AKA Mazion Pelvic Maneuver (Advancement Sign)
    • Positive: The inability to bend at the waist more than 45 degrees because of either/or
    • 1) radiating pain along the sciatic nerve, either unilateral or bilateral. 2) low back pain (lumbar or pelvic regions)

    Indicates: 1) Sciatic neuralgia or radiculopathy, possibly due to lumbar disc pathology. 2) anterior (rotational) displacement of the ilium relative to the sacrum.
  54. Lewin Standing Test
    Positive: Radiating pain down the leg causing flexion of the pt's knee or knees.

    Indicates: Gluteal, lumbosacral or sacroiliac pathologies
  55. Heel Walk
    Positive: Inability to perform test

    Indicates: L4-L5 disc problem (L5 nerve root)
  56. Toe Walk
    Positive: Inability to perform test

    Indicates: L5-S1 disc problem (S1 nerve root)
  57. Ely Heel to Buttock Test
    Positive: 1) Inability to raise the thigh. 2) Pain in the anterior thigh. 3) Pain in the lumbar region.

    Indicates: 1) Iliopsoas. 2) Inflammation of lumbar nerve roots. 3) Lumbar nerve root adhesions
  58. Nerve Root L4
    • Disc level: L3
    • Muscle test: Foot dorsiflexion and inversion- tibialis anterior (deep peroneal nerve)
    • Reflex: Patella Tendon
  59. Nerve Root L5
    • Disc Level: L4
    • Muscle Test: Foot dorsiflexion- name two muscles (multi nerve). Big toe dorsiflexion- extensor hallucis longus (deep peroneal nerve). Toes 2,3,4 dorsiflexion- extensor digitorum longus and brevis (deep peroneal nerve). Hip and pelvis abduction- gluteus medius and minimus (superior gluteal nerve)
    • Reflex: none
  60. Nerve Root S1
    • Disc Level: L5
    • Muscle Tests: Foot Plantarflexion- Gastrocnemius and Soleus (Tibial). Foot plantar flexion and eversion- peroneus longus and brevis (Superficial peroneal). Hip extension- gluteus maximus (inferior gluteal)
    • Reflex: Achilles
  61. Hibb Test
    Positive: 1) Pain in the hip region. 2) Pain in the buttock/pelvic region.

    Indicates: 1) Hip joint pathology. 2) Sacroiliac joint lesion
  62. Ober Test
    Positive: Affected thigh remains in abduction (normal biomechanics, the thigh/hip will adduct.)

    Indicates: Contraction of the iliotibial band or tensor fascia lata, (usually secondary to synovitis of the hip, secondary to trauma of the gluteus medius and maximus)
  63. Pelvic Rock test AKA Iliac Compression Test
    Positive: Pain in either sacroiliac joint

    Indicates: Sacroiliac joint lesion
  64. Nachlas Test
    Positive: Pain in the buttock and/or pain in the lumbar region

    Indicates: Sacroiliac Joint lesion, or lumbar pathology
  65. Yeoman Test
    Positive: Pain deep in the SI joint

    Indicates: Strain/sprain of the anterior sacroiliac ligaments
  66. Ely Sign
    Positive: hip on side being tested will flex causing the buttock to raise off the table

    Indicates: Rectus femoris or hip flexor contracture
  67. Trendelenburg Test
    Positive: high iliac crest on the supported side and low crest on the side of elevation

    Indicates: Weak gluteus medius muscles on the supported side
  68. Hip and Pelvis ROM
    • Flexion: 120
    • Extension: 30
    • Abduction: 45
    • Adduction: 45
    • Internal rotation: 45
    • External rotation: 45
    • Flexion and adduction
    • Flexion, Abduction and External rotation
  69. Leg Length discrepancy
    Positive: Different Measurements

    Indicates: True = bony abnormality above or below level of trochanter difference (anatomical short leg). Apparent = pelvic obliquity (Tilted pelvis)
  70. Allis Sign
    Positive: Difference in height and anteriority of the knees

    Indicates: 1) If 1 knee is lower = ipsilateral congenital hip dislocation or tibial discrepancy (anatomical short leg). 2) If 1 knee is anterior = ipsilateral congenital hip dislocation or femoral discrepancy (contralateral anatomical short leg)
  71. Thomas Test
    Positive: Lumbar spine maintains lordosis (should flatten) and opposite hip does not straighten

    Indicates: Contracture of the hip flexors (iliosoas)
  72. Anvil Test
    Positive: Localized pain in the long bone or in the hip joint

    Indicates: Possible fracture of long bones, or hip joint pathology
  73. Patrick Test AKA Fabere
    Positive: Pain in the hip region

    Indicates: Hip joint pathology
  74. Laguerre Test
    Positive: 1) Pain in the hip region. 2) Pain in the sacroiliac joint

    Indicates: 1) Hip joint pathology. 2) Mechanical problem of the sacroiliac joint
  75. Gaenslen Test
    Positive: Pain on the affected SI joint stressed into extension

    Indicates: General sacroiliac joint lesion, anterior sacroiliac ligament sprain, or inflammation of the SI joint
  76. Lewin-Gaenslen Test
    Positive: Pain on the side of extension

    Indicates: General sacroiliac joint lesion, anterior sacroiliac ligament sprain, or inflammation of the SI joint
  77. Knee ROM
    • Flexion: 135
    • Extension: 0
    • Internal rotation
    • External rotation
  78. McMurry Sign
    Positive: Clicking sound or pain by knee joint

    Indicates: Tear of medial meniscus if positive on external rotation. Tear of lateral meniscus if positive on internal rotation. The higher the leg is raised when positive is elicited, the more posterior the meniscal injury.
  79. Medial Collateral Ligament Test AKA Abduction Stress Test AKA Valgus Stress Test
    Positive: Gapping and/or elicited pain above/at/or below joint line

    Indicates: Torn medial collateral ligament
  80. Lateral Collateral Ligament Test AKA Adduction Stress Test AKA Varus Stress Test
    Positive: Gapping and/or elicited pain above/at/or below joint line

    Indicates: Torn Lateral collateral ligament
  81. Bounce Home Test
    Positive: Knee does not go into full extension (slight flexion remains)

    Indicates: Diffuse swelling of the knee, accumulation of fluid, due to possible torn meniscuc
  82. Drawer Test
    Positive: 1) Gapping > 6mm (tibia moves posterior) when the leg is pushed. 2) Gapping > 6mm (tibia moves anterior) when the leg is pulled.

    Indicates: 1) Torn posterior cruciate ligament. 2) Torn anterior cruciate ligament.
  83. Lachman Test
    Positive: Gapping with the tibia moving away from the femur

    Indicates: Anterior cruciate ligament or posterior oblique ligament instability
  84. Apprehension Test for the Patella
    Positive: Apprehension, distress of facial expression, contraction of quadriceps to bring patella back in line

    Indicates: Chronic patella dislocation or pre-disposition to dislocation.
  85. Patella Femoral Grinding Test AKA Clarke Sign
    Positive: Retropatellar pain and the patient is unable to hold the quadriceps contraction.

    Indicates: Degenerative changes of the patellar facets and/or within the trochlear groove (chondromalacia patella)
  86. Patella Ballottment Test
    Positive: A floating sensation of the patella is a positive finding

    Indicates: A large amount of swelling in the knee
  87. Apley Compression Test
    Positive: Patient points to side of pain

    Indicates: Pain on medial side is medial meniscus tear. Pain on the lateral side indicates lateral meniscus tear.
  88. Apley Distraction Test
    Positive: Patient will point to the side of pain

    Indicates: Pain on the medial side indicates medial collateral ligament tear. Pain on the lateral side indicates lateral collateral ligament tear.
  89. Foot and Ankle ROM
    • Ankle Dorsiflexion: 20
    • Ankle Plantarflexion: 50
    • Subtalar Inversion: 5
    • Subtalar Eversion: 5
    • 1st MTP Joint Flexion
    • 1st MTP Joint Extension
  90. Drawer Sign (anterior Drawer sign of the ankle)
    Positive: Translation with the talus moving away from or toward the tibia

    Indicates: 1) With tibia pushed/foot pulled; a tear/instability of the anterior talofibular ligament. 2) with tibia pulled/foot pushed; a tear/instability of posterior talofibular ligament.
  91. Ankle Dorsiflexion Test
    Positive: 1) the foot cannot dorsiflex with knee extended, but is able to with knee flexed. 2) the foot cannot dorsiflex in either knee position

    Indicates: 1) contracture of the gastrocnemius muscle. 2) contracture of the soleus muscle.
  92. Rigid or Supple Flat Feet Test
    Positive: 1) Absence of medial longitudinal arch in both positions. 2) Presence of medial longitudinal arch while seated with a loss of medial longitudinal arch while standing.

    Indicates: 1) Rigid flat feet. 2) Supple Flat feet.
  93. Homans Sign
    Positive: Deep pain in the calf

    Indicates: Deep vein thrombophlebitis.
  94. Thompson Test
    Positive: Absence of foot plantarflexion

    Indicates: Achilles tendon rupture
  95. Morton Test
    Positive: Sharp pain in the forefoot

    Indicates: Metatarsalgia or neuroma (usually at the 3rd and 4th metatarsal interspace)
  96. Shoulder Exam Bony Palpation
    • 1) Sternoclavicular articulation
    • 2) Clavicle
    • 3) Coracoid process
    • 4) Acromioclavicular articulation
    • 5) Acromion
    • 6) Greater tuberosity
    • 7) Bicipital groove
    • 8) Lesser tuberosity
    • 9) Spine of the scapula
    • 10) Body of scapula
    • 11) Scapulothoracic articulation
  97. Shoulder Exam Soft Tissue Palpation
    • 1) Rotator cuff muscles
    • - Supraspinatus
    • - Infraspinatus
    • - Teres minor
    • - Subscapularis
    • 2) Subacromial bursa
    • 3) Subdeltoid bursa
    • 4) Axillary borders
    • - Pectoralis major
    • - Serratus anterior
    • - Axillary lymph nodes
    • - Latissimus dorsi
    • - Bicipital tendon
    • 5) Prominent muscles or region
    • - Sternocleidomastoid
    • - Biceps
    • - Deltoid (ant, middle,post)
    • - Trapezius
    • - Rhomboid (major,minor)
  98. Elbow Exam Bony Palpation
    • 1) Medial epicondyle
    • 2) Medial supracondylar line of the humerus
    • 3) Groove of the ulnar nerve
    • 4) Trochlea
    • 5) Olecranon
    • 6) Olecranon fossa
    • 7) Lateral epicondyle
    • 8) Lateral supracondylar line of the humerus
    • 9) Radial head
  99. Elbow Exam Soft Tissue Palpation
    • 1) Ulnar nerve
    • 2) Wrist flexors
    • - Pronator teres
    • - Flexor carpi radialis
    • - Palmaris Longus
    • - Flexor carpi ulnaris
    • 3) Medial collateral ligament
    • 4) Supracondylar lymph nodes
    • 5) Brachial Artery
    • 6) Triceps
    • 7) Lateral collateral ligament
    • 8) Biceps
    • 9) Olecranon bursa
    • 10) Elbow Flexors
    • - Brachioradialis
    • - Extensor carpi radialis longus
    • - Extensor carpi radialis brevis
  100. Wrist and Hand Bony Palpation
    • 1) Radial styloid process
    • 2) Scaphoid
    • 3) Lunate
    • 4) Lister's tubercle
    • 5) Triqutrium
    • 6 ) Pisiform
    • 7) Trapezium
    • 8) Trapezoid
    • 9) Capitate
    • 10) Hook of hamate
    • 11) Metacarpals
    • 12) Phalanges
  101. Wrist and Hand Soft Tissue Palpation
    • 1) Ulnar artery
    • 2) Radial artery
    • 3) Palmaris longus tendon
    • 4) Carpal tunnel region
    • 5) Thenar eminence
    • 6) Hypothenar eminence
    • 7) palmar aponeurosis
    • 8) Tissues surrounding PIP joints
    • 9) Tissues surrounding DIP joints
    • 10) Distal tufts of fingers
  102. Cervical Spine Bony Palpation
    • Anterior
    • 1) Hyoid
    • 2) Thyroid cartilage
    • 3) First cricoid ring
    • 4) Mandible
    • Posterior
    • 1) Occiput
    • 2) Inion
    • 3) Superior nuchal line
    • 4) Mastoid process
    • 5) Spinous processes of cervical vertebrae
    • 6) Facet joints
  103. Cervical Spine Soft Tissue Palpation
    • 1) Sternocleidomastoid
    • 2) Anterior lymph node chain
    • 3) Posterior lymph node chain
    • 4) Thyroid gland
    • 5) Carotid pulse
    • 6) Supraclavicular fossa
    • 7) Traps
    • 8) Greater occipital nerves
    • 9) Superior nuchal ligament
  104. Lumbar Spine Bony Palpation
    • 1) Lumbar spinous processes
    • 2) Sacral tubercles
    • 3) iliac crest
    • 4) PSIS
  105. Lumbar Spine Soft Tissue Palpation
    • 1) Paraspinal muscles
    • - Spinalis
    • - Longissimus
    • - Iliocostalis
    • 2) Sciatic nerve
    • 3) Gluteus maximus
    • 4) Gluteus minimus
    • 5) Hamstrings
    • - Biceps femoris
    • - Semitendinosus
    • - Semimembranosus
    • 6) Anterior abdominal muscles
  106. Hip and Pelvis Bony Palpation
    • Anterior
    • 1) ASIS
    • 2) Iliac crest
    • 3) Iliac tubercle
    • 4) Greater trochanter
    • Posterior
    • 1) PSIS
    • 2) Ischial tuberosity
    • 3) Coccyx
  107. Hip and Pelvis Soft Tissue Palpation
    • 1) Femoral Triangle borders
    • - Sartorius
    • - Adductor longus
    • - Inguinal ligament
    • 2) Quadriceps muscles
    • - Vastus lateralis
    • - Vastud medialis
    • - Vastus intermedius
    • - Rectus Femoris
    • 3) Greater trochanteric bursa
    • 4) Gluteus medius
    • 5) Gluteus maximus
    • 6) Sciatic nerve
    • 7) Cluneal nervers
    • 8) Hamstrings
    • - Biceps femoris
    • - Semitendinosus
    • - Semimembranosus
  108. Knee Bony Palpation
    • 1) Patella
    • 2) Medial tibial plateau
    • 3) Tibial tubercle
    • 4) Medial femoral condyle
    • 5) Lateral tibial plateau
    • 6) Lateral femoral condyle
    • 7) Fibula head
  109. Knee Soft Tissue Palpation
    • 1) Quadriceps
    • - Vastus Lateralis
    • - Vastud medialis
    • - Vastus intermedius
    • - Rectus femoris
    • 2) Infrapatellar tendon
    • 3) Bursae
    • - Prepatellar
    • - Superficial infrapatellar
    • 4) Medial meniscus
    • 5) Lateral meniscus
    • 6) Pes anserine area
    • - Sartorius
    • - Gracilis
    • - Semitendinosus
    • 7) Popliteal fossa
    • 8) Lateral collateral ligament
    • 9) Medial collateral ligament
    • 10) Gastrocnemius
  110. Foot and Ankle Bony Palpation
    • 1) Calcaneus
    • 2) Sustentaculum tali
    • 3) Medial malleolus
    • 4) Lateral malleolus
    • 5) Talus
    • 6) Navicular
    • 7) Cuboid
    • 8) 3 cuneiforms
    • 9) 5 metatarsals
    • 10) Metatarsophalangeal joints
  111. Foot and Ankle Soft Tissue Palpation
    • 1) Tibialis posterior tendon
    • 2) Spring ligament
    • 3) Tibialis anterior tendon
    • 4) Deltoid ligament
    • 5) Peroneus brevis
    • 6) Achilles tendon
    • 7) Plantar aponeurosis
    • 8) Anterior talofibular ligament
    • 9) Posterior tibial artery
    • 10) Dorsal pedal artery
Card Set
Ortho Lab Tests
Ortho Lab Tests 5th quarter for Life University. Positives and Indicators