
  1. what is the structure that produces a chemical secretion?
  2. a _______ gland has a duct that allows specific drainage
  3. what is an example of an exocrine gland?
    salivary glands
  4. a ______ gland is ductless
    eNdOcrine-NO ducts
  5. what kind of gland cannot control where it goes to (no ducts)
  6. where does an endocrine gland drain?
    into the surrounding tissues or the bloodstream so it can be used anywhere in the body
  7. a salivary gland functions to ______ and ______ the mouth, enzymes in saliva to _____ _____ food, _____ against acidic foods and cariogenic bacteria and _____ tooth stuctures
    • lubricates and cleanses
    • break down
    • buffer
    • remineralizes
  8. how does the salivary gland function as a buffer?
    against acidic foods and cariogenic bacteria (evens out the acid of the plaque poop)
  9. epithelial cells line the gland and produce what?
  10. what surrounds and protects the gland?
    connective tissue
  11. where are the nerves and vessels?
    in the connective tissue
  12. a ______ surrounds the whole gland (around the lobules)
  13. what divides the gland into larger lobes and smaller lobules
  14. a septum divides the gland into larger _____ and smaller _____
    • lobes
    • lobules
  15. what is a group of secretory cells called?
  16. what is the collection pipe for all the secretions in an acini
  17. what type of cells group together around a lumen
    single layer (simple cubodial)
  18. the _____ produce saliva and it collects in the _____ and travels down the _____
    • acini
    • lobules (lumen)
    • ducts
  19. what is the acini called if it only has mucous secreting cells?
    mucous acini
  20. a mucous acini only has _____ secreting cells
  21. what is the acini called that only has serous secreting cells
    serous acini
  22. serous acini only has ____ secreting cells
  23. what type of acini produces both mucous and serous
    mucoserous acini
  24. the parotid gland produce ____% of total saliva
  25. the ____ gland produces 25% of total saliva
    parotid gland
  26. what type of secretory cells does the parotid gland have?
  27. what duct does the parotid gland drain from?
    stenson's duct
  28. the stenson's duct exits out of what papilla?
    parotid papilla
  29. the ______ gland has 25% total saliva, with _____ secretory cells and it travels through the ______ duct and exits out the ____ _____
    • parotid gland
    • serous
    • stenson's duct
    • parotid papilla
  30. where does the saliva from the parotid gland enter the mouth
    parotid papilla
  31. the submandibular gland accounts for ___% of the total saliva
  32. what gland accounts for 65% of total saliva?
    submandibular gland
  33. what type of secretory cells does the submandibular gland have?
    mixed (both mucous and serous)
  34. what is the duct that is associated with the submandibular gland?
    wharton's duct
  35. where does the submandibular saliva enter the mouth?
    sublingual caruncles
  36. the _______ gland accounts for 65% of the total saliva and it has ____ secretory glands, it travels through the _____ duct and exits out at the _____ ______
    • submandibular gland
    • mixed (both mucous and serous)
    • wharton's duct
    • sublingual caruncles
  37. the sublingual accounts for ___% of total saliva
  38. what gland accounts for 10% of the total saliva
  39. what type of secretory cells does the sublingual gland have?
    mixed (both mucous and serous)
  40. what gland/s has serous secretory cells?
    parotid gland
  41. what duct does the sublingual gland use?
    bartholin's duct
  42. where does the sublingual saliva exit into the mouth?
    sublingual caruncles
  43. the _____ gland accounts for 10% of the total saliva and has ____ acini, uses the ____ duct and exits into the mouth through the ____ ____
    • sublingual
    • mucoserous
    • bartholin's duct
    • sublingual caruncles
  44. what gland uses the bartholin's duct?
    sublingual gland
  45. what gland uses the warton's duct?
  46. what gland is associated with the sublingual caruncles
    sublingual gland
  47. what gland/s has mucoserous acini
    submandibular and sublingual
  48. what are the major salivary glands?
    • parotid gland
    • submandibular gland
    • sublingual gland
  49. where are the minor salivary glands located?
    throughout the mouth in the oral mucosa
  50. _____ glands are located throughout the mouth in the ____ ____
    • minor
    • oral mucosa
  51. most minor salivary glands prouduce what type of saliva?
  52. what is the only minor salivary gland that secretes serous?
    von ebners
  53. minor salivary glands are ____ glands (small direct ducts)
    exocrine glands
  54. most minor salivary glands have mucous acini except which gland and what do they produce
    von ebners-serous
  55. what is dry mouth?
  56. what is Xerostomia?
    dry mouth
  57. what is the #1 cause of xerostomia
  58. what are two causes of xerostomia
    medications and injury
  59. how do can you injury your salivary glands?
    radiation of the head and neck
  60. with xerostomia there is an increase in _____ because there is no ____ to ____ the mouth
    • caries
    • saliva
    • rinse
  61. what is recommened for treatment of xerostomia
    sipping water
  62. t/f listerine will help with xerostomia
    false-high alcohol content will dry out the mouth more
  63. what is a blocked salivary gland by trauma or a calcified stone
  64. what is a siaolith
    calcified stone
  65. what is the treatment for a mucocele
    remove blockage
  66. what is a mucocele called when it occurs in the submandibular salivary gland
  67. a mucocele in the _____ salivary gland is called a ranula
  68. how does alcohol kill bacteria
    it dries them out
  69. what is it called when the heat of smoking opens the ducts of minor salivary glands on the palate
    nicotine stomatitis
  70. what is a disease that causes swelling of the salivary glands
Card Set
chapter 11 head and neck structures