Sandhill Crane (nearly 4 feet) - Gray plumage with red on crown & lores. Indistinct whitish chin, cheek & upper throat. Note tawny young chick
Whooping Crane - adult (5 feet) White overall with red facial skin. Black primaries show in flight.
Whooping Crane -juvenile. Head & neck are often the last to turn white
Cattle Egret - winter (20 inches) All white plumage & short yellow bill, black legs & feet. In breeding season, buff plumes on crown, back & foreneck plus bill, lores & legs turn orange/red
Great Blue Heron (4 feet) Black stripe runs above eye & white foreneck is streaked with black. In breeding season, ornate plumes on head, neck & back - bill is a brighter yellow.
Great Egret - breeding (3+ ft) Note the yellow bill, black legs. In winter, lores turn yellow and the plumes disappear
Green Heron (18 inches) Small stocky heron with a green-black crown, chestnut face & neck. The back & wings are blue-gray with iridiscent green. The short legs are yellow, but turn orange during breeding season.
American Bittern (sexes alike) 2 ft. Stocky heron with brown streaking from chin through breast & a short stout bill. Brown above, lighter below. Legs & feet are yellow
Tri-colored Heron -winter (3 ft) aka Louisiana Heron. White belly & foreneck. Upperparts dark blue. Bill is long, slender & straight. In breeding season, beige plumes on back and lower neck.
Snowy Egret - winter (2 ft) All white plumage with slender black bill & legs, Yellow eyes & Bright yellow feet). In breeding season, head, neck & back have graceful plumes
Roseate Spoonbill - winter (30 inches) During courtship, the head may change from greenish to buffy.
White faced Ibis -breeding (2 ft) white face & red legs disappear in winter and plumage changes to dusty brown with hints of glossy color in the wings
American White Ibis -winter (2 ft) The white plumage and pink facial skin are distinctive. In breeding season, facial skin, bill & legs turn scarlet red
Reddish Egret -dark morph (2+ ft) Breeding adult has rufous head & neck covered with shaggy plumes.
Reddish Egret -white morph(2+ ft) Breeding adult has shaggy plumes on head & neck. Note bi-colored bill to distinguish from small white egrets
Least Bittern-female (1 ft.) has characteristic buffy inner wing patches. In female, back & wings are brown - in male more black
Least Bittern -male (1 ft) has characteristic buffy inner wing patches. In male, back & wings are black - in female more brownish
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron -winter (2 ft) Crown is only yellow in breeding plumage. Rename Harlequin Night Heron
Black-Crowned Night-Heron (2 ft) Note long thin white plumes at neck = breeding plumage
Little Blue Heron - Adult (2 ft) In Breeding season, head & neck have long shaggy reddish purple feathers/plumes
Little Blue Heron (Juveniles are all white) 2 ft
White Pelican - winter (5 ft long from bill to tail) Bill & bare parts bright in breeding season
White pelican in flight (5 ft long from bill to tail) Note black primary feathers & outer secondaries - otherwise all white
Brown pelican -winter (4 ft long from bill to tail) They are brown Only in spring & only on the hind neck. Rename "Diving Pelican"
Lesser Yellowlegs - winter (10 inches) Note streaking on neck. vs. Greater all black bill that is about 1 head width long
Greater Yellowlegs - winter (14 inches) Note streaking on neck. vs. Lesser bi-colored bill that is distinctly longer than 1 head width
Black necked Stilt -male (1 ft) Legs are long and bright (pink, orange, red) Female has a browner back.
Black necked Stilt -female (1 ft) Legs are long and bright (pink, orange, red) Male has a darker back.
American Avocet -breeding (18 inches) Long slim up-turned black bill. Black wings with large patches (white or peach)
American Avocet - winter (18 inches) Long slim upturned black bill. Black wings with large white patches.
Long billed Curlew (2 ft) has a very long down-curved bill. vs Whimbrel - note bill is over 3 x head width & all black
Marbled Godwit - winter (18 inches) Note bi-colored bill. Barring more extensive in breeding plumage
Willet (15 inches) Eye catching black & white wing pattern seen in flight
Willet -winter (15 inches) This wader is dull gray above, light below with gray legs, straight black bill. The name Willet comes from their call.
Whimbrel (18 inches) Note head stripes & bi colored bill is medium sized - about 3 head widths long