Texas Waterfowl 2

  1. Sandhill Crane (nearly 4 feet) - Gray plumage with red on crown & lores. Indistinct whitish chin, cheek & upper throat. Note tawny young chick
  2. Whooping Crane - adult (5 feet) White overall with red facial skin. Black primaries show in flight.
  3. Whooping Crane -juvenile. Head & neck are often the last to turn white
  4. Cattle Egret - winter (20 inches) All white plumage & short yellow bill, black legs & feet. In breeding season, buff plumes on crown, back & foreneck plus bill, lores & legs turn orange/red
  5. Great Blue Heron (4 feet) Black stripe runs above eye & white foreneck is streaked with black. In breeding season, ornate plumes on head, neck & back - bill is a brighter yellow.
  6. Great Egret - breeding (3+ ft) Note the yellow bill, black legs. In winter, lores turn yellow and the plumes disappear
  7. Green Heron (18 inches) Small stocky heron with a green-black crown, chestnut face & neck. The back & wings are blue-gray with iridiscent green. The short legs are yellow, but turn orange during breeding season.
  8. American Bittern (sexes alike) 2 ft. Stocky heron with brown streaking from chin through breast & a short stout bill. Brown above, lighter below. Legs & feet are yellow
  9. Tri-colored Heron -winter (3 ft) aka Louisiana Heron. White belly & foreneck. Upperparts dark blue. Bill is long, slender & straight. In breeding season, beige plumes on back and lower neck.
  10. Snowy Egret - winter (2 ft) All white plumage with slender black bill & legs, Yellow eyes & Bright yellow feet). In breeding season, head, neck & back have graceful plumes
  11. Roseate Spoonbill - winter (30 inches) During courtship, the head may change from greenish to buffy.
  12. White faced Ibis -breeding (2 ft) white face & red legs disappear in winter and plumage changes to dusty brown with hints of glossy color in the wings
  13. American White Ibis -winter (2 ft) The white plumage and pink facial skin are distinctive. In breeding season, facial skin, bill & legs turn scarlet red
  14. Reddish Egret -dark morph (2+ ft) Breeding adult has rufous head & neck covered with shaggy plumes.
  15. Reddish Egret -white morph(2+ ft) Breeding adult has shaggy plumes on head & neck. Note bi-colored bill to distinguish from small white egrets
  16. Least Bittern-female (1 ft.) has characteristic buffy inner wing patches. In female, back & wings are brown - in male more black
  17. Least Bittern -male (1 ft) has characteristic buffy inner wing patches. In male, back & wings are black - in female more brownish
  18. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron -winter (2 ft) Crown is only yellow in breeding plumage. Rename Harlequin Night Heron
  19. Black-Crowned Night-Heron (2 ft) Note long thin white plumes at neck = breeding plumage
  20. Little Blue Heron - Adult (2 ft) In Breeding season, head & neck have long shaggy reddish purple feathers/plumes
  21. Little Blue Heron (Juveniles are all white) 2 ft
  22. White Pelican - winter (5 ft long from bill to tail) Bill & bare parts bright in breeding season
  23. White pelican in flight (5 ft long from bill to tail) Note black primary feathers & outer secondaries - otherwise all white
  24. Brown pelican -winter (4 ft long from bill to tail) They are brown Only in spring & only on the hind neck. Rename "Diving Pelican"
  25. Lesser Yellowlegs - winter (10 inches) Note streaking on neck. vs. Greater all black bill that is about 1 head width long
  26. Greater Yellowlegs - winter (14 inches) Note streaking on neck. vs. Lesser bi-colored bill that is distinctly longer than 1 head width
  27. Black necked Stilt -male (1 ft) Legs are long and bright (pink, orange, red) Female has a browner back.
  28. Black necked Stilt -female (1 ft) Legs are long and bright (pink, orange, red) Male has a darker back.
  29. American Avocet -breeding (18 inches) Long slim up-turned black bill. Black wings with large patches (white or peach)
  30. American Avocet - winter (18 inches) Long slim upturned black bill. Black wings with large white patches.
  31. Long billed Curlew (2 ft) has a very long down-curved bill. vs Whimbrel - note bill is over 3 x head width & all black
  32. Marbled Godwit - winter (18 inches) Note bi-colored bill. Barring more extensive in breeding plumage
  33. Willet (15 inches) Eye catching black & white wing pattern seen in flight
  34. Willet -winter (15 inches) This wader is dull gray above, light below with gray legs, straight black bill. The name Willet comes from their call.
  35. Whimbrel (18 inches) Note head stripes & bi colored bill is medium sized - about 3 head widths long
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Texas Waterfowl 2
Water Birds found in Texas