
  1. Why would a patient need supplements?
    low lab values, symptoms of deficiency, treatment of disorders
  2. What is the brand name for Potassium Chloride? What is it used to treat?
    KlorCon; treatment of hypokalemia
  3. What is some patient information associated with potassium chloride?
    take with food, take with 8 ounces of water, do not crush or chew
  4. What are some of the side effects associated with KCL?
    abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, flatulence
  5. Folic acid is a form of what vitamin?
    Vitamin B9
  6. What foods are high in folic acid?
    leaf vegetables, dried beans and peas, fortified cereal products, sunflower seeds, liver
  7. Folic acid can protect against neural tube defects which can result in:
    spina bifida, malformations of the skull and brain
  8. What are some side effects associated with Folic Acid?
    slight flushing, irritability, difficulty sleeping, rash, GI upset
  9. What is some patient education associated with folic acid?
    take as directed
  10. What is the generic name for Glycolax, what is it used to treat, and what type of medication is it?
    Polyethylene glycol 3350; used to treat occasional constipation; its an osmotic laxative
  11. How does Glycolax work? What are the directions for use?
    it increases water into intestines; mix 17g of powder with 8oz of liquid
  12. What are some of the side effects associated with Glycolax?
    cramps, diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea
  13. What is some of the patient education associated with Glycolax?
    make take 2-4 days for effect, do not use >2 weeks
  14. Vitamin D is used in the treatment of...
    rickets and hypoparathyroidism
  15. What is Vitamin D important in?
    Calcium and phosphorus absorption
  16. What is the name for Vitamin D3? What does it do?
    cholecalciferol; increases vitamin D in the blood and keeps levels raised for a longer time than Vitamin D2 does
  17. What is the recommended dose of Folic Acid for a pregnant woman? A lactating woman?
    • Pregnant- 600 micrograms daily
    • Lactating- 500 micrograms daily
  18. What is the recommended daily dose of folic acid for a child 1-3 years of age? 4-8 years? 9-13 years? Greater than 14 (and not pregnant or lactating)?
    • 1-3 years: 150 micrograms d
    • 4-8 years: 200 micrograms d
    • 9-13 years: 300 micrograms d
    • 14+ years: 400 micrograms d
  19. What is the recommended dose of Vitamin D for persons aged 1-50 years or persons who are breastfeeding or pregnant?
    200IU for all persons mentioned
  20. What is the recommended dosage of Vitamin D for a person aged 51-70 years?
  21. What is the recommended dosage of Vitamin D for persons aged 71+ years?
  22. Does skin exposed to sunshine through a window produce vitamin D?
    No! Only skin directly exposed will make Vitamin D
  23. Do tanning beds cause skin to make Vitamin D?
  24. What is the name for Vitamin D2? What does it do?
    Ergocalciferol; increases vitamin D in the blood
Card Set
Drug Cards