Ch. 32 Bio

  1. Hirudo medicinalis is used to reduce what?
    fluid pressure and prevent blood clotting in damaged tissues
  2. Hirudinea (leeches) characteristics?
    • · Terrestrial or freshwater (most)
    • · No parapodia, setae or tentacles
    • · Have anterior and posterior suckers
    • · Secretes anticoagulant and anesthetic monoecious
  3. Oligochaeta characteristics?
    • · Freshwater and terrestrial (rarely marine)
    • · Poorly developed head
    • · No parapodia or tentacles; reduced setae
    • · Burrows in and ingests soil
    • · Monoecious
  4. Polychaeta (polychaetes) characteristics?
    • · Mostly marine; live in tubes, crawl on, or burrow in seafloor
    • · Most have one or more pairs of tentacles
    • · Mostly dioecious
    • · Most segments have a pair of fleshy parapodia (parapodia function in gas exchange and locomotion; have stiff bristles called setae)
  5. What are three classes of annelids?
    • Polychaeta (polychaetes)
    • Oligochaeta
    • Hirudinea (leeches)
  6. Annelida (segmented worms) characteristics?
    • · Coelomate
    • · Segmented body
    • · Digestive tract (most)
    • · Closed circulatory system (most)
  7. Brahciopoda (brachiopods) characteristics?
    • · Coelomate
    • · Have lophophore
    • · Hinged dorso-ventral shell
    • · Sessile
    • · Marine
  8. Phoronida (phoronids) characteristics?
    • · Coelomate
    • · Lophophorate
    • · U-shaped digestive tract
    • · Live inside chitin tubes they secrete
    • · Sessile Marine
  9. Nemertea (ribbon worms) characteristics?
    • · Coelomate
    • · Complete digestive tract
    • · Unique retractable proboscis; housed in rhynchocoel
    • · Marine (most)
  10. Rotifera (rotifers) characteristics?
    • · Pseudocoelomate
    • · Head with crown of cilia (corona)
    • · Complete digestive tract
    • · Freshwater (most)
    • · Dioecious (most); some parthenogenic
  11. Cestoda (tapeworms) characteristics?
    • · Parasites of vertebrates
    • · Head (scolex) has hooks and suckers
    • · Body composed of successive proglottidsMonoecious
  12. Trematoda (flukes) characteristics?
    • · Parasites of mollusks and vertebrates
    • · Inhabit digestive tract and/ or liver
    • · Complex life cycles with intermediate hostsMonoecious (most); some dioecious
  13. Examples of Trematoda (flukes) are?
    • Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)
    • schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke)
  14. Turbellaria (turbellarians) flatworm characteristics?
    • · Free-living carnivores
    • · Marine (most) or freshwater
    • · Move via cilia or undulation
    • · Have ocelli (eyespots)
    • · Monoecious (One individual can produce both egg and sperm)
  15. The three classes of flatworms are?
    • Turbellaria (turbellarians)
    • Trematoda (flukes)
    • Cestoda (tapeworms)
  16. Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms) characteristics?
    • · Acoelomate
    • · Unsegmented
    • · Dorsoventrally flattened body
    • · Gastrovascular cavity or no digestive tractSome free-living; most parasitic
  17. Phylum Ectoprota (bryozoans) characteristics?
    • · Coelomate
    • · Have lophophore
    • · Marine (most)
    • · Colonial
    • · Reproduce sexually and asexually
  18. What are the phylum's of lophotrochozoans?
    • Phylum Ectoprota (bryozoans)
    • Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
    • Rotifera (rotifers)
    • Nemertea (ribbon worms)
    • Phoronida (phoronids)
    • Brahciopoda (brachiopods)
    • Annelida (segmented worms)
    • Mollusks
  19. Ecdoysozoans?
    have an exoskeleton (chitin) or a cuticle; must undergo ecdysis to grow.
  20. Lophotrochozoans?
    possess a lophophore or have a tropchophore larval stage.
  21. What are the two major protostomes clades?
    Lophotrochozoans and Ecdoysozoans
  22. Protostomes?
    • · Triploblastic (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm)
    • · Bilateral symmetry
    • · Anterior brain
    • · Ventral nervous system with paired or fused longitudinal nerves
    • · Embryonic blastopore becomes mouth (most)Exhibit spiral cleavage (most)
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Ch. 32 Bio
Ch. 32 Bio