what innervates the olfactory epithelium of nasal cavity
olfactory (I)
is I sensory or motor?
olfactory - sensory
retina (rods and cones)
optic (II)
is II sensory or motor?
superior, medial and inferior rectus, inferior oblique and leavator palpebrae superior mm.
oculomotor (III)
sphincter pupillae and ciliary mm
occulomotor (III)
is III sensory or motor?
oculomotor - motor
superior oblique m
trochlear IV
is IV sensory or motor?
trochlear motor
skin and mucosae of face and head via ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular divisions
trigeminal V
mm of mastification, tensors tympani and veli palatini, mylohyoid and anterior digastric mm
trigeminal V
is V sensory or motor?
trigeminal - both
facial exp mm, stapedius, stylohyoid and posterior digastric mm
facial VII
lacrimal, sublingual and submandibular glands; other minor glands and mucosa
facial VII
taste buds of anterior 2/3 of tongue
facial VII
external ear
facial VII, glossopharyngeal IX, vagus X
lateral rectus m
facial VII
IS VII motor or sensory?
facial - both
ampullae of semicircular ducts and maculae of saccule and utricle
vestibulocochlear VIII
hair cells of cochlear duct
vestibulocochlear (VIII)
is VIII sensory or motor?
sensory - vestibulocochlear
parotid gland
glossopharyngeal IX
pharynx (gag reflex), carotid sinus, posterior 1/3 tongue, auditory tube, and middle ear
glossopharyngeal IX
stylopharyngeus m
glossopharyngeal IX
taste buds of posterior 13 of tongue
glossopharyngeal (IX)
is IX sensory or motor?
smooth and cardiac mm. and glands of thoracic and abdominal organs through transverse colon
vagus (X)
is X sensory or motor?
carotid and aortic bodies
vagus X
mm of soft palate, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus
vagus X
mm of pharynx and larynx
accessory XI (via X)
is X sensory or motor?
motor- accessory
sternocleidomastoid and trapezius mm
XI accessory
extrinsic and intrinsic mm of tongue
hypoglossal XII
Is XII sensory or motor?
motor- hypoglossal