Verbos regulares -AR

  1. bailar
    to dance
  2. buscar
    to look for
  3. caminar
    to walk
  4. cantar
    to sing
  5. cenar
    to have diner
  6. comprar
    to buy
  7. contestar
    to answer
  8. conversar
    to converse
  9. desayunar
    to have breakfast
  10. descansar
    to rest
  11. desear + inf
    to wish/ to desire
  12. enseñar
    to teach
  13. escuchar
    to listen to
  14. esperar + inf
    to wait for/ to hope
  15. estudiar
    to study
  16. explicar
    to explain
  17. hablar
    to speak/ to talk
  18. llegar
    to arrive
  19. llevar
    to carry/ to wear
  20. mirar
    to watch
  21. nadar
    to swim
  22. necesitar + inf
    to need
  23. platicar
    to chat
  24. practicar
    to practice
  25. preguntar
    to ask
  26. preparar
    to prepare
  27. regresar
    to return
  28. terminar
    to finish
  29. tomar
    to take/ to drink
  30. trabajar
    to work
  31. viajar
    to travel
Card Set
Verbos regulares -AR
Verbos regulares -AR